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Local 514 President

Who would you vote for in the upcoming Local 514 President

  • Randy McDonald

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dennis Burchette

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rick Mullings

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jim Cook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steve Luis

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
twuer said:
I don't normally let things get to me on these boards but Bob, you are really stepping over the line on this one. What the hell gives you the right to make any suggestions as how to run our local here in Tulsa and to try to attempt to sabotage an important vote?????? It makes me sick to think that you would use this forum to push such unethical behavior. It looks to be by your own admission that you are just really pissed off that you got caught at being the ass that you are and got booted from your union position. You are a has-been that is looking to make a name for himself, while in the meantime don't care who it is you are affecting to get there. This is exactly what you complain about others doing. LOOK IN THE MIRROR BOB!!! Oh but I forgot, Bob Owens can do no wrong!!!

I have tried to keep some respect for you as a union man as well as a decent person but you are no union man and as far as being a decent person, I think you have just proved us wrong!!!. You are an arrogant, selfish, know-it-all who thinks this world revolves around him. Keep your worthless schemes along with your worthless ass up there in NY. And stay out of the events that affect our lives here in Tulsa!!
My my, touchy arent you?

Stepping over the line? Draw another one an if I choose I will step over that one too. Who made you the line drawer?

I have just as much business commenting on the election in Tulsa as you do.

This is a discussion board open to everyone. Its not like I'm hiding behind an alias pretending to be from Tulsa making these recommendations, everyone is free to come to their own conclusions, and thats what pisses you off so. How do we even know that you are in Tulsa? For all we know you could be right "up here in NY" posting from International HQ.

"You need to keep you sorry ass out of our business, the business that affects more that just you and your wannabes."

Exactly, thats why I wont stay out.

What is unethical about what I said?

Sabotage your vote? Did you read what I wrote?

What admission did I make?

How dare you try to take a stance that affects my family and many other families.

You mean like the stance that you took that affected our families when you voted to slash our pay, take away our holidays, vacation, sick time and roll back system protection so the company could lay off thousands more workers? Guess what pal, we have families "up here in NY" and SAPOS like you have made things harder for us for years.
Oh Bob, this is not a case of being "touchy". You're more of and ass then I gave you credit for Bob. Looks like you have proven yourself once again.

And as far as the vote affecting those in NY, I think I did more good with my YES vote then the harm you would have done with your NO vote had the vote gone your way. With your vote the cuts would have been 100% for a hell of lot more then there was.

Your radical ways are pathetic and it becomes clearer with each post you make.

Help ruin the lives of families because you are pissed off at TUL for their help in getting you kicked out of your paid position. That's ethical!!!!!!

"So, are you in agreement with Bob's "sentiments"???????"

I think that many people are in agreement with Bob's statement.

Why is someone in Tulsa running for office with the slogan of "The concession stand is closed."?

Why is burchette running again? Is he not tired of selling out his profession by doing what the international wants him to do?

The election in Tulsa does effect those of our craft "up there in NY" and down here in SAN". Hell, it effects our entire craft INDUSTRY WIDE! It was the twu's ability to allow srp/osm and taking work done by one work group and giving it to another that forced the other airlines to start outsourcing.

The really funny thing is that we get to watch the runners in Tulsa try to one up each other only to see AMFA come in and real leaders take office.

I do not think that twu supporters in Tulsa would write in Chuck Schalks name on the ballot because they have no desire for a leader that will FIGHT for the membership instead of AGAINST the membership. Besides, having little as the head of the ATD twu supporters probably would not recognize the leadership Chuck offers.
So, getting somone in office who is not qualified or will not look out for the membership's (amfa and twu supporters) best interest is a good idea to you wannabes??????

Well, if you do manage to get the "amfa choice" in office (and we all know who they are) then let me thank you in advance for messing with the life and welfare of my family, and to all of the other unsuspecting members of the TWU's families as well. You know them (the unsuspecting TWU members) right, the ones you are trying to split from??? The ones you need only when they benefit your cause????

You amfa wannabes have made some assinine decisions in all of this but this will, by far, be the biggest one ever!!! And to think, some of you have actually made it already!!!! You should be very proud!!
twuer said:
So, getting somone in office who is not qualified or will not look out for the membership's (amfa and twu supporters) best interest is a good idea to you wannabes??????

Well, if you do manage to get the "amfa choice" in office (and we all know who they are) then let me thank you in advance for messing with the life and welfare of my family, and to all of the other unsuspecting members of the TWU's families as well. You know them (the unsuspecting TWU members) right, the ones you are trying to split from??? The ones you need only when they benefit your cause????

You amfa wannabes have made some assinine decisions in all of this but this will, by far, be the biggest one ever!!! And to think, some of you have actually made it already!!!! You should be very proud!!
Well let me just say that I did not take Daves advice and vote for Randy and all female stock clerks as I do not think that is in my best interest, I voted for Jim Cook ( concession stand closed ) and Mike Mcdonald cause he has always worked hard for everyone no matter who they supported, I voted for Kevin Creaser cause I use to work with him and I know he would help me if I needed him also Hammack has a bad rep. with the AMFA supporters and I did not want to vote for someone they would hate as for the rest I did not vote for any incumbents cause I seen what they stand for, and I voted for all A&P Mechanics who I think will look out for A&P Mechanics the best, I would never ingage in a sabotage vote on either side to me that is not logical.
If my wife pissed me off I would not destroy her vacuum cleaner and her pots and pans and her dishes as this would harm me as much as her, I would have a dirty house and no food to eat :shock:
I think one should think before sabotage voting it is like cutting your nose off to spite your face, it is not logical, everyone will lose not just TWU supporters and some people might hold a grudge if we were to all suffer in such a stunt. 🙁

I know everyone is mad but Vote for the best people for the job
Kevin stop pushing your twu cronies there is going to be a complete change and if you had any clue to what is going on AT this base you would shut your trap.
twuer said:
I don't normally let things get to me on these boards but Bob, you are really stepping over the line on this one. What the hell gives you the right to make any suggestions as how to run our local here in Tulsa and to try to attempt to sabotage an important vote?????? You need to keep you sorry ass out of our business, the business that affects more that just you and your wannabes. It makes me sick to think that you would use this forum to push such unethical behavior. It looks to be by your own admission that you are just really pissed off that you got caught at being the ass that you are and got booted from your union position. How dare you try to take a stance that affects my family and many other families. You are a has-been that is looking to make a name for himself, while in the meantime don't care who it is you are affecting to get there. This is exactly what you complain about others doing. LOOK IN THE MIRROR BOB!!! Oh but I forgot, Bob Owens can do no wrong!!!

I have tried to keep some respect for you as a union man as well as a decent person but you are no union man and as far as being a decent person, I think you have just proved us wrong!!!. You are an arrogant, selfish, know-it-all who thinks this world revolves around him. Keep your worthless schemes along with your worthless ass up there in NY. And stay out of the events that affect our lives here in Tulsa!!
twuer, this a union of all members not just here in Tulsa. Oh, wait yep you are right this is the twu. Sorry had a brain fart and for a second I thought we were in a real union!!! If Tulsa did not effect the entire line I might be able to agree with your thinking but, as it is and as much influence as Tulsa has it should probably an entire membership vote!!! At any rate this is still the united States of America and if someone wished to express their thought they are certainly entitled to. Ya think!!!
What makes Twscrewer RD Mullins think voting for Randy is sabotaging the election ? :unsure: Does Randy know you fill this way about him Rick? 😛 He does now. 😛 The fact is Dick If there no vote this year there will be next year and if not next year there's the year after. Bill Clinton couldn’t negotiate a good contract with the division you will create in the membership by trying to stop a vote. So you see until the 9636 mechanics at American Airlines that signed cards get a vote there will be no peace so it does not matter who gets elected. Rick you might want to move your desk out in the 514 parking lot so you can get use to the heat in the boiler room.
twuer said:
So, getting somone in office who is not qualified or will not look out for the membership's (amfa and twu supporters) best interest is a good idea to you wannabes??????

Well, if you do manage to get the "amfa choice" in office (and we all know who they are) then let me thank you in advance for messing with the life and welfare of my family, and to all of the other unsuspecting members of the TWU's families as well. You know them (the unsuspecting TWU members) right, the ones you are trying to split from??? The ones you need only when they benefit your cause????

You amfa wannabes have made some assinine decisions in all of this but this will, by far, be the biggest one ever!!! And to think, some of you have actually made it already!!!! You should be very proud!!
Please Explain?

For the last year we have heard.

The TWU saved AA from the brink of Bankruptcy.

The TWU saved 12,000 jobs

The TWU saved three maintenance bases from closure.

The TWU saved our pensions.

The TWU fought for and won restrictions on foreign maintenance repair facilities.

The TWU has the lowest outsource percentage in the industry

The TWU passed Vision 2025 and returned the 737 to Tulsa

The TWU brought Eagle Landing Gear in-house for repair.

The TWU "defeated" AMFA.

All this with Randy McDonald as Local President and now you claim that he is NOT QUALIFIED and that re-electing him will "threaten" your livelyhood and this would be "messing" with the life and welfare of your family?

Please explain, I don't quite get this one!

We don't know who you are, but you are obviously a backstabbing SOB snake in the grass. Either that or your TWU informer is the ultimate liar.
twuer said:
So, getting somone in office who is not qualified or will not look out for the membership's (amfa and twu supporters) best interest is a good idea to you wannabes??????

Well, if you do manage to get the "amfa choice" in office (and we all know who they are) then let me thank you in advance for messing with the life and welfare of my family, and to all of the other unsuspecting members of the TWU's families as well. You know them (the unsuspecting TWU members) right, the ones you are trying to split from??? The ones you need only when they benefit your cause????

You amfa wannabes have made some assinine decisions in all of this but this will, by far, be the biggest one ever!!! And to think, some of you have actually made it already!!!! You should be very proud!!
It seems that TWUer thinks he is the only one thats got a family.Well TWUer guess what, we have families too.

One of the reasons why I, and many others stayed with AA was because of the seniority we accumulated. What is that seniority for TWUer? Do you know? Do you know why unions fought so hard to establish seniority systems TWUER? The primary reason was so that things like this do not happen. So companys could not exploit an economic downturn and use it to lower wages and take away benifits.

When times get bad, Junior man hits the streets until things get better. That why unions support unemployment Insurance and other programs. Some employee's lose a good portion of thier income but the company loses all of their labor. Seems rough but when you are junior you are told, dont make any big purchases until you got enough time. I'll admit that its rough, but that the only way unions could keep what they got. The fact is I contacted Little and proposed that instead of a traditional layoff we do it like the trades do, everyone takes a week off without pay-shared sacrifice. The only problem is that the company wanted lower wages, not just less employees. In order to keep their $3.1 million Little had to deliver, and here you are, calling yourself a unionist while devalueing seniority and spouting the same lines, espousing the same logic as union busters.

You see TWUer, all the excuses that you are putting forth are the same ones that have been used by union busters for years. "We are saving your job","Oh you are being selfish" "All for a few extra bucks in your pocket", Be hard headed and radical and see how your family will suffer", "Isnt a little less better than no job at all for the rest of your life" and so on. Keep up the good work TWUER, RTW and the TWU love it.
Decision 2004 said:
Please Explain?

I think these guys are all scrambling for that $140,000, plus an extra $60,000 from AA, job. The only change they are seeking is the kind that jingles in their pockets.
twuer said:
So, getting somone in office who is not qualified or will not look out for the membership's (amfa and twu supporters) best interest is a good idea to you wannabes??????

Well, if you do manage to get the "amfa choice" in office (and we all know who they are) then let me thank you in advance for messing with the life and welfare of my family, and to all of the other unsuspecting members of the TWU's families as well. You know them (the unsuspecting TWU members) right, the ones you are trying to split from??? The ones you need only when they benefit your cause????

You amfa wannabes have made some assinine decisions in all of this but this will, by far, be the biggest one ever!!! And to think, some of you have actually made it already!!!! You should be very proud!!
You twu wannabes have made some assinine decisions also, like not signing an election authorization form. Just think, this could all be behind us now and we would be supporting the twu if they would have won the election!!!! Your ills are far from over twuer! We all have had to deal with the twus concessions for the last 20 years. Some people have been able to deal with it, and some have not. We will all have our opinions on what would have happened if the vote would have been no!! One thing is for sure, twu=concessions! Many will always believe the twu could have got a snapback like the pilots negotiated!

Keep the Faith.........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!
Decision 2004 said:
Please Explain?

For the last year we have heard.

The TWU saved AA from the brink of Bankruptcy.

The TWU saved 12,000 jobs

The TWU saved three maintenance bases from closure.

The TWU saved our pensions.

The TWU fought for and won restrictions on foreign maintenance repair facilities.

The TWU has the lowest outsource percentage in the industry

The TWU passed Vision 2025 and returned the 737 to Tulsa

The TWU brought Eagle Landing Gear in-house for repair.

The TWU "defeated" AMFA.

All this with Randy McDonald as Local President and now you claim that he is NOT QUALIFIED and that re-electing him will "threaten" your livelyhood and this would be "messing" with the life and welfare of your family?

Please explain, I don't quite get this one!

We don't know who you are, but you are obviously a backstabbing SOB snake in the grass. Either that or your TWU informer is the ultimate liar.
Dave, you are starting to believe your own rhetoric and lies!!!

You know good and well that Randy McDonald is not much of a union president and that he will more than likely casue more harm than good at Local 514. Like I said before it is nothing against him personally but that's a fact. You choose to reak havoc and vengence on Local 514 because you are too weak to change things the right way. You are making a complete fool of yourself with this vendetta but hey, everyone thinks you're a fool anyway.

Hey, I hear you are the only one in the spot for VP at your lowly amfa local. What happened did you scare and intimidate everyone else??? Get them to step down because you knew if ANYONE else ran against you you would LOSE????? It sure wouldn't surprise me!! Maybe I will give your close buddy D Stewart at the newspaper a call and tell him I smell a rat at Local, what is it, 12? That would make for a good article in the Tulsa World, don't you think???? :up: Headline: The "Intimidator" of Local 12. . .Dave Stewart, AMFA Wannabe Strikes Again. Hey I know Steve Berg from KOTV pretty well, maybe I'll call him, he owes me a favor. Come to think of it I know Diane Kerrigan at KTUL as well. Boy, I smell a hot story cookin'. You've always wanted to be famous haven't you Dave??? You just might get your chance. Sabotaging a union vote at AA could be big news. We have the proof and you have the motive. Don't worry about editing your posts Dave, I've got them tucked away in a nice little file. 🙂

We don't know who you are, but you are obviously a backstabbing SOB snake in the grass. Either that or your TWU informer is the ultimate liar.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!!! 😛

Hey TWU supporters, those who know me, did you just read what Dave called me????? :lol: :lol: :lol: Hurts my widdle feewings! 🙁
That sums it up. Do you really think I care how many of my post you "tuck" away? You intimdator you.....ROFLMALO

Go ahead and call the Tulsa World and Every Local News Channel and tell them "AMFA is still a story" in Tulsa. It has been too quiet, get it going boy.

You still have NOT explained the success stories that the TWU informer and the PR Firm was putting out that happened while Randy has been President. I didn't print that crap and distribute it, I just read them in my work area everyday for the last year.


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