I think there is some room here for their records. I had serious doubts about someone taking over the presidency with this war going on and I had little confidence in Kerry until I learned of his war experience.
I knew we have to get rid of Bush, because of the things he has done to put our country so far in the hole and his arrogance about how proud he is of his life long record of being incompetant.
Bush probably cannot remember his service record.with his drinking problem he had back then.
Bush Sr. was saying how upset Barbrba is about how Kerry is slamming her son.
It is funny about perception, but I see Bush doing most of it through his campagne cronies who of course he cannot control. It must be a mother thing.
I am voting for Kerry and am glad I am in a state that could make a difference.
Let's hope Kerry wins. Bush had a chance to make the world better and he failed miserably. He might go down in history as the worst ever. Now that is something he can be proud of. Judging how he looks at himself.
I know I am slamming but I need the outlet. Grrrrrrrrr