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Let's Take A Look At The Military Records

Politically inconvenient? Last time I checked I wasn't on the ballot. My question abut the medals stems from a concern for the guys who fought and were injured in the war who came home, and those who didn't, without a chunk of metal with a ribbon attached to it to show for their efforts and probably deserved one. But I guess I should let them fight their own battles. And in keeping with my own train of thought, I wasn't there, so maybe I should just shut the hell up. Hey, I like that. Maybe others should as well.
NWA/AMT said:
Funny, it certainly seems they have been willing to respond to the attacks against Kerry's record, even though those attacks lack a shred of evidence and the financing of the groups attacking him calls into question their true objectives.



And Kerry has also been far more forthcoming with his military records than Bush:




But perhaps the reason they have not allowed it to become THE issue of the campaign is that they know there are far more important issues facing this nation than what happened in the Mekong Delta 35 years ago or what didn't happen in the Alabama National Guard 33 years ago.

I think there is some room here for their records. I had serious doubts about someone taking over the presidency with this war going on and I had little confidence in Kerry until I learned of his war experience.
I knew we have to get rid of Bush, because of the things he has done to put our country so far in the hole and his arrogance about how proud he is of his life long record of being incompetant.
Bush probably cannot remember his service record.with his drinking problem he had back then.
Bush Sr. was saying how upset Barbrba is about how Kerry is slamming her son.
It is funny about perception, but I see Bush doing most of it through his campagne cronies who of course he cannot control. It must be a mother thing.

I am voting for Kerry and am glad I am in a state that could make a difference.
Let's hope Kerry wins. Bush had a chance to make the world better and he failed miserably. He might go down in history as the worst ever. Now that is something he can be proud of. Judging how he looks at himself.
I know I am slamming but I need the outlet. Grrrrrrrrr
I think there is some room here for their records. I had serious doubts about someone taking over the presidency with this war going on and I had little confidence in Kerry until I learned of his war experience.
I knew we have to get rid of Bush, because of the things he has done to put our country so far in the hole and his arrogance about how proud he is of his life long record of being incompetant.
Bush probably cannot remember his service record.with his drinking problem he had back then.
Bush Sr. was saying how upset Barbrba is about how Kerry is slamming her son.
It is funny about perception, but I see Bush doing most of it through his campagne cronies who of course he cannot control. It must be a mother thing.

I am voting for Kerry and am glad I am in a state that could make a difference.
Let's hope Kerry wins. Bush had a chance to make the world better and he failed miserably. He might go down in history as the worst ever. Now that is something he can be proud of. Judging how he looks at himself.
I know I am slamming but I need the outlet. Grrrrrrrrr

Atabuy -

In the future, when you want to write notes to your partisan friends, try considering a PM. I know it may come as a shock to you, but not everyone agrees with your point of view. In fact, almost half of this country disagrees with you completely. I feel George W. Bush may go down as one of the best presidents to ever govern this nation. Either way, we all don't need to read your personal messages.
USAir757 said:
Which one of these links addresses the book he wrote, "The New Soldier"? I couldn't seem to find it on my own.

They don't, nor did I say they did. A book written in 1972 does not hold much interest for me. The fact that John Kerry and many other veterans held certain opinions regarding their service in the war, as is their right, and that for many those opinions have changed with time, is just not that important.
atabuy said:
I think there is some room here for their records. I had serious doubts about someone taking over the presidency with this war going on and I had little confidence in Kerry until I learned of his war experience.
I knew we have to get rid of Bush, because of the things he has done to put our country so far in the hole and his arrogance about how proud he is of his life long record of being incompetant.
Bush probably cannot remember his service record.with his drinking problem he had back then.
Bush Sr. was saying how upset Barbrba is about how Kerry is slamming her son.
It is funny about perception, but I see Bush doing most of it through his campagne cronies who of course he cannot control. It must be a mother thing.

I am voting for Kerry and am glad I am in a state that could make a difference.
Let's hope Kerry wins. Bush had a chance to make the world better and he failed miserably. He might go down in history as the worst ever. Now that is something he can be proud of. Judging how he looks at himself.
I know I am slamming but I need the outlet. Grrrrrrrrr

Unfortunately it has become the nature of politics that the candidates rely on others to do their dirty work for them and for either side to cry 'foul' while availing themselves of every opportunity to do the same is laughable. Negative campaigns do America a serious disservice because we end of voting for who someone is not rather than who they are.

Kerry's war record or Bush's place in history are the least of my concerns as I have tried to judge the candidates on what they will do for us now, not what they were doing thirty years ago. I already voted so it is kind of a moot point for me and I'll just be glad when it is over and we can move on.
USAir757 said:
Atabuy -

In the future, when you want to write notes to your partisan friends, try considering a PM.

"your partisan friends"? How soon we forget...

I know it may come as a shock to you, but not everyone agrees with your point of view. In fact, almost half of this country disagrees with you completely.

November 2nd may answer whether half the country disagrees, but I don't think we'll ever know if it is 'completely', or 'just enough'.

I feel George W. Bush may go down as one of the best presidents to ever govern this nation. Either way, we all don't need to read your personal messages.

You both stated your opinions on the subject but either because you disagree with his opinion, or because he addressed his opinions to me, they are less valid and not permitted? I think they're both valid, regardless of whether I agree with them or who they're addressed to, and since they weren't attacks on other posters, I don't see why they shouldn't have a place here.
USAir757 said:
Atabuy -

In the future, when you want to write notes to your partisan friends, try considering a PM. I know it may come as a shock to you, but not everyone agrees with your point of view. In fact, almost half of this country disagrees with you completely. I feel George W. Bush may go down as one of the best presidents to ever govern this nation. Either way, we all don't need to read your personal messages.

I posted this for all of you because it perains to the thread. You can always ignore me and you will be able to live in your little fanasy land.

That is 50% of the people who vote but only 25% of the people who could vote.In fact republicans could only be 1/4 and democrats 3/4.
I figured about 25% vote with their wallet. The righteous are included. God has been good to them.
Now this makes sense.
NWA/AMT said:
Unfortunately it has become the nature of politics that the candidates rely on others to do their dirty work for them and for either side to cry 'foul' while availing themselves of every opportunity to do the same is laughable. Negative campaigns do America a serious disservice because we end of voting for who someone is not rather than who they are.
I typed this with invisable ink so only my partisan friends can read it.

Bush is a morally bankrupt individual who achieved great status through his dad and powerful friends of his dad. Looking at his failures leads me to believe that some oilmen might have had a bet going that one of them could make DUBYA president of the USA.

Kerry's war record or Bush's place in history are the least of my concerns as I have tried to judge the candidates on what they will do for us now, not what they were doing thirty years ago. I already voted so it is kind of a moot point for me and I'll just be glad when it is over and we can move on.

I hope that oilman loses his bet.
USAir757 said:
Atabuy -

I feel George W. Bush may go down as one of the best presidents to ever govern this nation. Either way, we all don't need to read your personal messages.

I feel that GW Bush will go down in history as one of the most disgraced presidents in our history...whether he ends up out of office in November or gets reelected. He surrounds himself with yes men. Those that offer a differeing opinion are asked to resign. That's not a really good way to look at a problem objectively. And I believe that he will pay the price in history.
* Bill Clinton: Did not serve. Student deferments. Entered draft but received #311.
funny i was under the impression he served in Russia.
i like how they doctor bills service,crack my butt.....wasn't it draft dodgerif i remember correctly??
delldude said:
funny i was under the impression he served in Russia.
i like how they doctor bills service,crack my butt.....wasn't it draft dodgerif i remember correctly??

Why not look at the service record of those who are guiding our "war strategy". Cheney and Rove come to mind. Stay on principle. Never waver. Send young men and women to risk their lives because they aren't yours. Clinton didn't start a war. He could have done something in Iraq I suppose, but those very same war supporters we have today would say that it was all to divert attention from a blowjob. Odd thing is, if Clinton would have started it, they might well have found some WMD's.
KCFlyer said:
Why not look at the service record of those who are guiding our "war strategy". Cheney and Rove come to mind.

What about being in the service makes you any more qualified to be commander in chief than anybody else? :huh:
Seatacus said:
What about being in the service makes you any more qualified to be commander in chief than anybody else? :huh:

YOu tell me...it seemed to be a big issue when Clinton was running.

My point is - we're at war now. The purpose for going into that war can politely be called "questionable". And when faced with a questionable war, I think it might help if SOMEONE advising the president on this matter had at least a little experience in being shot at by the enemy. And it would help if we had a president who, when presented with facts that prove his reasons for waging this war to be wrong, can't admit to even being a little bit responsible for the mess we are in....it goes in one ear and out the other. That makes our president appear to be empty headed.
KCFlyer said:
YOu tell me...it seemed to be a big issue when Clinton was running.

My point is - we're at war now. The purpose for going into that war can politely be called "questionable". And when faced with a questionable war, I think it might help if SOMEONE advising the president on this matter had at least a little experience in being shot at by the enemy. And it would help if we had a president who, when presented with facts that prove his reasons for waging this war to be wrong, can't admit to even being a little bit responsible for the mess we are in....it goes in one ear and out the other. That makes our president appear to be empty headed.
you are right , but my point is in the assassination attempt on all the republicans who didn't serve...first of all they convienently left a whole bunch out to support their agenda and when you get down to "bill" here he filed some assinine form and it looks so good on paper....correct response was " didn't serve"....
gimme a friggin break....
delldude said:
you are right , but my point is in the assassination attempt on all the republicans who didn't serve...first of all they convienently left a whole bunch out to support their agenda and when you get down to "bill" here he filed some assinine form and it looks so good on paper....correct response was " didn't serve"....
gimme a friggin break....

I could care less about the everybody's service record. But....when a US Senator back W all the way, despite the reality that things aren't all blue skies and sunshine over in Iraq, and votes to send troops over their....he should have to think back about why he didn't serve, and ask "what if it were MY kid I was sending over". In World War II I imagine that several senators asked that very question. And they made their decision knowing it was the right thing to do.

Back in WW II, the people were behind our war effort. So much so that they accepted rationing of things like gas and food. Today....we cringe at $2 a gallon for gas, and would have a civil war if gasoline were rationed for the war effort and that meant that the Excursion had to stay parked 4 out of 7 days. We #### about the cost of milk. And....we need a tax cut. Where does the money come from to fund this war?

But I don't like at all that the presidents advisors like Rove, who were not elected to any office, and who have no service record, have a lot of influence on the dictator of this country. Send Rove over to Iraq to serve with a Marine batallion for 6 months. If he comes back and continues to tell Bush that "it's all right and good", I'll shut up. But a snowball has a better chance of surviving in hell than Karl Rove has of every setting foot on a battlefield in Iraq.

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