Lets have a Parade

Gee, KC, I never considered that the increase of women in the workplace was just to make ends meet.

I'd always assumed it had to more to do with the bra-burning during the 1970's, and women being empowered and demonstrating that they had far more to contribute to society than just staying home and popping out babies.....

Thanks for setting us straight. Or cis-gendered.
Liston K.C. I was married in 1970. And even though I worked for a failing Airline for years with stagnant wages, give backs, and raids on our pension fond. But although those were hard times, my wife stayed home and took care of our kids. We bought property in the canyons of L.A. and managed to build our own 2500 sq. ft. home. There is nothing wrong with trying to get ahead in life. And this has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican, but you have to put your ducks in a row as to what your priorities are. That, I feel, is where a lot of people are having a hard time. People like to live beyond their means. And yes, I'm as guilty as any at times. But my priorities is this. I want my kids to do better than I did! I want them to be better educated than I was! And I have gone without to see that that has happened. I told my kids I don't want any thanks for what I've done for them. They can thank me by doing the same for their kids! I'm now retired, living in a nice home with my wife of what? 48 years! Out of the crazy State of California. Kids are grown, and have children of their own. Doing well! I would say I've been blessed!
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Gee, KC, I never considered that the increase of women in the workplace was just to make ends meet.

I'd always assumed it had to more to do with the bra-burning during the 1970's, and women being empowered and demonstrating that they had far more to contribute to society than just staying home and popping out babies.....

Thanks for setting us straight. Or cis-gendered.
Didn't say it was to make ends meet. But somehow, even good conservative families...with a woman who felt that feminists were feminazis...still had the woman going to work. I guess conservatives needed to keep up with the Joneses whose mom was a bra burner. Because in my area, those who tend to blame the feminists are the ones voting republican and who have both parents working. Oh yeah....and they are selling the 4,000 square foot house to buy the 5,000 square foot house.

I grew up in a house with a mom, dad, and 3 siblings. All 6 of us happily surviving in a 1100 square foot house. Mom stayed home. Seems like a lot of those conservatives whining about the loss of the mother in the home still have the mother working outside the home....the "McMansion" that they have grown accustomed to. Seems like they could have mom quit, move to a much smaller house in a much older subdivision and live just as good a life with only dad's income.
Do I sense a little bit of jealousy here K.C. for those that have their 4000 SQ. foot houses? And aren't you painting those that do "conservatives" with a offal wide brush here? What you have to ask yourself is what did they have to do, or give up, to get it. I say, Liberal, or Conservative, more power to them!
Do I sense a little bit of jealousy here K.C. for those that have their 4000 SQ. foot houses? And aren't you painting those that do "conservatives" with a offal wide brush here? What you have to ask yourself is what did they have to do, or give up, to get it. I say, Liberal, or Conservative, more power to them!

Nope. I used to have one...the wife worked too. When I got divorced, I had to go back to what one person could afford. And wouldn't you know, I like it better than the one I had.

What did they have to give up to get it? Mom staying home is one thing they gave up. You know - the PROBLEM that America let the cost of living rise so much that both parents had to work rather than spend time with their children. You know...the stuff that was made up of talking points from the right that was in that meme you posted.

They didn't REALLY have to do that - they "wanted" that lifestyle and liberal bra burners as well as conservative school marms entered the workforce to maintain it.
Gee, KC, I never considered that the increase of women in the workplace was just to make ends meet.

I'd always assumed it had to more to do with the bra-burning during the 1970's, and women being empowered and demonstrating that they had far more to contribute to society than just staying home and popping out babies.....

Thanks for setting us straight. Or cis-gendered.
Listen E, Today's stay at home Mom's, do more than just "pop out babies", My daughter is a stay at home Mom and is home schooling her three children. She could go into the work place with her Masters Degree from Baylor University and make a descent salary, but has put her children's education first. And from what I've learned of the home schooling programs out there, there are more, and more, households doing the same these days because of the problems in our public school systems these days. And no, her and her husband, don't live in a 3,000 sq. ft. home!
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Nope. I used to have one...the wife worked too. When I got divorced, I had to go back to what one person could afford. And wouldn't you know, I like it better than the one I had.

What did they have to give up to get it? Mom staying home is one thing they gave up. You know - the PROBLEM that America let the cost of living rise so much that both parents had to work rather than spend time with their children. You know...the stuff that was made up of talking points from the right that was in that meme you posted.

They didn't REALLY have to do that - they "wanted" that lifestyle and liberal bra burners as well as conservative school marms entered the workforce to maintain it.
So what you are saying is that your-ex-wife was a conservative Republican?
So what you are saying is that your-ex-wife was a conservative Republican?
I'm saying 90% of my county is conservative republicans. They likes their big houses. They also like to post memes like the one you posted and forward it on facebook. They also bemoan God being gone from our schools, but rarely talk about God when they are at home. My dad made it thru the Nixon, Ford and Carter years, where we had a wage and price freeze, rampant inflation and rising interest rates....yet mom didn't get a job outside the home until the last of her kids got out of high school in 1977.

As you said....it's the choices one makes. A lot of people ***** about how "the high cost of living" has forced both parents to work. Maybe so, but they choose to live in the half million dollar McMansion when they could get by just fine in the 3 bedroom ranch for a fraction of those costs. They could drive a Toyota instead of a Beemer. It's choices. The "cost of living" in the manner they chose to live was high. They could have fixed that easily but chose not to. So why doesn't the meme address that?
Living the life you please in this case means spending money on family, experiences, and necessities. Never needed a new house or car. Never will.

And never have done an honest days work in their lives. And why does it seem, all of them seem to need hair cuts?
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I'm saying 90% of my county is conservative republicans. They likes their big houses. They also like to post memes like the one you posted and forward it on facebook. They also bemoan God being gone from our schools, but rarely talk about God when they are at home. My dad made it thru the Nixon, Ford and Carter years, where we had a wage and price freeze, rampant inflation and rising interest rates....yet mom didn't get a job outside the home until the last of her kids got out of high school in 1977.

As you said....it's the choices one makes. A lot of people ***** about how "the high cost of living" has forced both parents to work. Maybe so, but they choose to live in the half million dollar McMansion when they could get by just fine in the 3 bedroom ranch for a fraction of those costs. They could drive a Toyota instead of a Beemer. It's choices. The "cost of living" in the manner they chose to live was high. They could have fixed that easily but chose not to. So why doesn't the meme address that?
Why are you avoiding my question? So you say your ex-wife was a conservative Republican? Or what you perceive a conservative Republican to be? Because even if you think she was, it would explain a lot !
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My ex isn't a conservative republican. We chose our lifestyle and it required her to work. We admit that. However, she didn't forward a meme about how "the high cost of living" forced her to do that, and these kinds of memes typically ARE forwarded by conservative republicans.

And while conservative republicans tend to preach "personal responsibility", when it comes to both parents working because they have chosen to live in the nicest neighborhoods and drive the fanciest cars, they are loathe to admit that it was THEIR choice to live that way, but in order to do that, both parents had to work. S0...They share a meme that says that "the high cost of living is so high that both parents are always at work rather than spending time with their children". They make it look like THEIR lifestyle has been caused by somebody else. Meanwhile, a family living in a much smaller house and driving a much smaller car is able to have mom stay home with the kids...despite an income that is a fraction of theirs. The "high cost of living" didn't seem to stop them.

They say they took God out of schools. But out of my siblings that all grew up in the 60's, the only ones who dealt with God at school were my older brother and sister who went to Catholic school. Otherwise, God was discussed at home and at church.

Finally....many of these same folks bemoaning the lack of parents at home, or the lack of someone teaching their kid about God in school...or about how cowardly they are to discipline their own kids and blame "someone" for telling them that they can't discipline their kids are counting on said kids to pay THEIR Social Security when they retire, because DESPITE the trappings of wealth, these same people made the choice for a big house and big car, but didn't start planning all that well for their retirement (which those lazy assed kids are going to have to do) - so they are going to NEED that social security check (which will be funded by the paychecks of those lazy assed kids)

Bottom line -the meme you posted sounds a lot like someone who is reluctant to look in the mirror and realize that THEY played a mighty big role in America going to hell in handbasket.

Or am I wrong and did you find that meme on a lefty site since lefty's seem to have to find someone to blame for problems.?
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My ex isn't a conservative republican. We chose our lifestyle and it required her to work. We admit that. However, she didn't forward a meme about how "the high cost of living" forced her to do that, and these kinds of memes typically ARE forwarded by conservative republicans.

And while conservative republicans tend to preach "personal responsibility", when it comes to both parents working because they have chosen to live in the nicest neighborhoods and drive the fanciest cars, they are loathe to admit that it was THEIR choice to live that way, but in order to do that, both parents had to work. S0...They share a meme that says that "the high cost of living is so high that both parents are always at work rather than spending time with their children". They make it look like THEIR lifestyle has been caused by somebody else. Meanwhile, a family living in a much smaller house and driving a much smaller car is able to have mom stay home with the kids...despite an income that is a fraction of theirs. The "high cost of living" didn't seem to stop them.

They say they took God out of schools. But out of my siblings that all grew up in the 60's, the only ones who dealt with God at school were my older brother and sister who went to Catholic school. Otherwise, God was discussed at home and at church.

Finally....many of these same folks bemoaning the lack of parents at home, or the lack of someone teaching their kid about God in school...or about how cowardly they are to discipline their own kids and blame "someone" for telling them that they can't discipline their kids are counting on said kids to pay THEIR Social Security when they retire, because DESPITE the trappings of wealth, these same people made the choice for a big house and big car, but didn't start planning all that well for their retirement (which those lazy assed kids are going to have to do) - so they are going to NEED that social security check (which will be funded by the paychecks of those lazy assed kids)

Bottom line -the meme you posted sounds a lot like someone who is reluctant to look in the mirror and realize that THEY played a mighty big role in America going to hell in handbasket.

Or am I wrong and did you find that meme on a lefty site since lefty's seem to have to find someone to blame for problems.?
Boy!!! It would seem you are assuming a lot here! First off, I know quit a few "Liberal" couples who are as guilty of all of the above you are accusing "Conservatives" of. And let me say, right here and now, there is nothing wrong with trying to get ahead these days. Yes, the lack of parents in homes today is a major problem. But it's not a "Conservative" or "Liberal" problem! It's an " American" problem!!! And don't get me started on the theft of Social Security funds by both Democrat, and career Republicans, in Congress! By the way, as you know, I consider myself a Conservative, but I'm still driving the same old beat up pickup I did five years ago!
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