Lets Go Over Today's Paycheck

628 and Piney,
The reality is clearly not that USAirways’ employees will be reduced to poverty wages but that they once had a reasonably good livelihood that has been taken away from them. There are very few businesses that have imposed the kinds of changes that US employees are being asked to endure and survive.

Clearly the legacy airlines that survive will do so only if the employees who were once well compensated leave the company. And it is the company that is responsible for devising plans that are suitable enough to encourage people to leave. Slowly taking away people’s salary in an effort to get them to leave will not be successful, regardless of where they started.
After twenty years of loyal service to Usairways I hope that I am still valued by the company and I expect to be fairly compensated. If not, than I will do everything in my power to ensure a suitable replacement job. If that requires me to work toward ensuring that only companies who share my values exist in my profession and location then I will do what I must do.
PineyBob said:
NOOOOOO! I'll punch YOUR time clock, leverage EVERY benefit you provide and after you've given me my tuition reimbursement and I've got a degree and any industry specific training, BLEEP You MR COMPANY! I've done it to you BEFORE you've done it to me. I saved, I've got a nice stash of FU money and I don't NEED your company BS. Different mindset Doc. that's all.

I aspire to be the screwor instead of the screwee. You operate on the idea that someone someplace owes you something. THEY DON'T. You get what you negotiate. If you're a bad negotiator how is that my fault or make me "Management"? Have I been a huge success financially? Nope. but my fate is in my hands by keeping myself marketable.

Look I’m not saying the company should go under paying me. What I am saying is this company doesn’t hold any value for me I am liability not an asset…When employees start becoming liabilities it’s over. This and most airlines to date do not have any respect for what is done on a day to day basis. I am gum on the bottom of their shoe….I will vote no and let this IDIOT David shut it down.

Can you believe his statement this week about Bamma airlines that was a statement of the century caused the stock to go down 28% ……If I was a shareholder he would be gone… no question wall street should have some questions for him….What if he was selling short and makes a statement like that……They and all the ones like him will do fine…start from the top then come talk to me until then……. NO WAY SHOULD THE CWA EVEN BE IN THE SAME ROOM!
N628AU said:
The lesson here is that each and every one of us is responsible for ourselves and our families. Count on no one but yourself. You owe the company nothing and it owes you nothing. Thinking anything else is an entitlement mentality which has gotten much of America into the bind it is today.

I believe that benefits usually come when a company wants your loyalty and experience to stay put for a while. The company has some investment in training and such. To allow people to leave who are trained results in an inexperienced workforce of people who could care less if customers are happy or if care is taken when working around a $50 million aircraft. :huh:
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Not for nothing but why should the CWA take a 35% pay cut , when the company is only asking the pilots for 16%????????????? Can someone explain?????

I don't trust anyone with my retirement dollars except for me. I'm with Piney in that I make contributions above and beyond every month to the 401k and take full advantage of the company match. That's in addition to a separate IRA.

One of the easiest ways to save your ass in retirement is to set up an IRA and buy one zero-coupon bond every month. Buy the first one so that it matures to $1,000 (or more if you can swing it) on the month of your 65th birthday. Then buy the same bond each month going forward so that every month once you retire, you have a bond maturing for the $1,000. It's easy to do and you will avoid the temptation to skip contributions to a mutual fund or other investment. From an investment standpoint you can probably do better over time with other investments but look at this way as your gravy. Combined with a $1500 Social Security check you'll be able to toss a few steaks on the grill during retirement instead of looking for dented cans of chili & beans in the discount aisle.

For someone to complain that they worked for the same company for 30 years and only got three months severance when the plant shut down is stupidity. Think of where they would be today if they'd tossed $50/month into a retirement account?
I ask, why? The company compensated him for his time. It was an even exchange. What has this guy done for 30 years? How many vacations did he take, cars did he buy? How far into debt did he let himself go for these pleasures? What has he saved?

True, up to a point. But the company offered the pension - nobody put a gun to their head. Moreover, the funds put into the pension are deferred wages - it stands to reason if there had been no pension, wages would have been higher. Also, the plan was overfunded for much of its' life, until the company liberated the excess. Legal, but unethical.
PHL said:
Are you kidding me? You should be ashamed of even posting this, considering where some of your brothers and sisters are on the pay scale (and where they're going).

Math 101:
$20,300 year-to-date gross @ 17 bi-weekly pay periods so far = $1194 per bi-weekly pay period. Or, approx. $2388/month(4 weeks). Or, approx. $31044/year (assuming no time off). That works out to about $23.88/hour.

That's nowhere near poverty, even for 25 hrs/week. If it WERE full time, it would work out to $47760 for 50 weeks per year (assuming 2 weeks unpaid vacay). That doesn't factor in holidays, which you may or may not work at standard or time 1/2 wages. So, please tell me...what's the problem?

35% cut would take your part time pay to a more reasonable $18K/year. I say more reasonable, because YOU'RE ONLY WORKING 25 HOURS/WEEK!

I can assure you that no CSA or FSA Agents are earning $23.88 an hour. The wages never were up to that amount even prior to the 2 rounds of concessions.
So you will have to go back and take Math 101 over again.
Take home pay per week is $379.00 , have to work 25 hrs to get this much.

He said to get this much ($379) he had to work 25 hours a week. He didnt say he always/never worked 25 hours a week so we dont really know how many hours hes worked this year to get his $20,000 YTD gross. He isnt working JUST 25 hours a week to get this amount of money (20,000).

I've averaged 28.4 hours a week (including sick and vacation used so far) and am running behind his amount for the year so he has to be working about an average of 30 a week at least unless he is piling on the ot certain weeks. Also not sure of his pass status, but if you have a registered guest or domestic partner, your YTD Gross is going to be adjusted to include their travel value so you havent really MADE that much money. Mine shows about $2000 in added gross value from this alone and we've only taken 2 big trips this year and 1 big carryover from last year.
Back to what I said...Sign me up!!!!

The truth is yes...over the past 30 years, the unions have fought hard to get wages to where they are now. But in doing so, they have inflated the airline industry wages to grossly inflated levels. This really begins to hurt when the economy is in a downturn and due to reductions in other industries, the airlines are so much above the median it is laughable. In the "seeing the forest for the trees" category, please look around you and realize that you get paid a hell of alot for the same labor that most get paid much less for.

Yes...I still say sign me up for full time wages on 1/2 time work schedule.
I remember hearing the same thing said for the US auto industry 10 years ago. Now because of successful, forward thinking, talented management, not only is the industry fighting off foreign competition, the workers are still well paid and the company's are making money. Just shows what a successful company can become without picking the pockets of its workers.
The only thing that the US auto industry has done is purchase the competitors (Mercedes, Mazda, LandRover, etc) but they are still being over-run by Honda, Toyota, and now "newcomers" like Hyundai are eating away.

Take a look at Flint and Detroit and tell me how successful the US auto industry has been. Those employees have and continue to pay.

So when the workers are getting paid ridiculously above what the market can sustain, the options are to shut down entire cities (should we start with Crystal City and then maybe Eagen?) or get cost cuts to continue business. Either way it directly and greatly affects the employees. Just like the auto industry had to decide, do we cut jobs or salaries?
Ch. 12 said:
The only thing that the US auto industry has done is purchase the competitors (Mercedes, Mazda, LandRover, etc) but they are still being over-run by Honda, Toyota, and now "newcomers" like Hyundai are eating away.

Take a look at Flint and Detroit and tell me how successful the US auto industry has been. Those employees have and continue to pay.
So when the workers are getting paid ridiculously above what the market can sustain, the options are to shut down entire cities (should we start with Crystal City and then maybe Eagen?) or get cost cuts to continue business. Either way it directly and greatly affects the employees. Just like the auto industry had to decide, do we cut jobs or salaries?

Ch. 12 - The US Auto industry suffered and continues to suffer mostly because of their own ineptitude. No one is going to buy a product if it is poorly designed and manufactured. GM in Flint was making crummy cars, so to compensate they decided to relocate the plant to Mexico to cheapen costs enough to try to undercut foreign competition. And what happened? Flint was transformed into a ghost city, the GM cars and trucks coming out of Mexico now have bad designs and even worse manufacturing standards. Now, examine a Honda or a Toyota sometime - isn't it strange that while it is mostly a foriegn design, it is made right here in the USA? And it suffers from none of the defects that so called "American" cars do? As I understand it, the employees at the Honda plant make are very good wage and with nice benefits as well. Keep in mind that safety of the drivers is in their hands as well, as one improperly built car CAN kill. :shock:
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The whole point of this post, was to state of fact that if the 35%pay cut goes into effect, then my bring home pay goes down to less than $250.00 a week. Since the company has only one agenda, (to make all employees part-time), even people with 30 years seniority(CWA) will never see full time status again. There is no way that the latest proposal will get a yes vote, or even get to the agents for a vote.

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