10-4 good buddyITRADE said:Truth is sometimes a ####, ain't it?
10-4 good buddyITRADE said:Truth is sometimes a ####, ain't it?
tadjr said:The answer for me is I still like my job and one day hope to be back to full time. In the meantime, we pick up what hours we can and many of us have second jobs to make up the difference.......
.........I really dont understand the desire or thought process of certain posters who are happy to tell those who like their job and WANT to try to make it here to just quit and get another one. :down:
Lets take a look at my pay stub that I received today. Keep in mind , this is the current pay before the 35% proposed pay reduction that management wants to give all CWA members.
Keep in mind that I have 27 years seniority with the company. Allegheny guy here.
Year to Date Earnings Gross 20,300
Take home net pay for the last 2 weeks $758.00
401K deduction $44.00
Take home pay per week is $379.00 , have to work 25 hrs to get this much.
Rico said:Yeah, Cobra coverage for health (no dental) for me, wife and kid worked out to 550$ a mo. :blink:
Do not forget, it takes up to four weeks for the first unemployment check to arrive from when you file. Ohhh, added fun, do not forget you get taxed on the UC checks too, neat eh...?
Full pay til the last day for a short time, or Some pay and benifits until you leave for somethng else... Hey man, it is your choice. <_<
robbedagain said:actually you have a choice if you want the taxes taken off of the UC checks. that was what i was told when my city went down hill to the expressed mainline.
Doc said:Oh and I almost forgot …..
If you are referring to 500.00 week full time take home yes it’s not bad but remember we have mortgages and or rent that is easily 1300 to 1800 a month throw in heat water phone food I guess I should feed my children oh and clothe them.
Now remember this person has no pension after 20-30 years of service can’t put in any decent 401k amount can’t save he needs it all what is to become of him at retirement…..
Lets take a look at my pay stub that I received today. Keep in mind , this is the current pay before the 35% proposed pay reduction that management wants to give all CWA members.
Keep in mind that I have 27 years seniority with the company. Allegheny guy here.
Year to Date Earnings Gross 20,300
Take home net pay for the last 2 weeks $758.00
401K deduction $44.00
Take home pay per week is $379.00 , have to work 25 hrs to get this much.
Let's see, If I take a 35% pay cut, that Lakefield says I must do to let the company survive, that brings my bring home pay down to $246 a week. That boils down to $12,810.20 a year to live on.
Looks like a NOOOOOOOOOOOO Vote here bud.
Unemployment pays $405.00 a week for a full year.
Who needs to NON rev anyway. It's not pretty now, and won't be pretty later.
N628AU said:Employment is a rather simple equation. You get paid a wage for hours worked. It is an exchange of one value (time) for another (money). No pension? Most of America has no pension. Heard a guy at the Kerry speech in CLT today that complained he worked somewhere for 30 years, then the plant shutdown and moved to Mexico and he got 3 months severance and no pension. Kerry responded that after putting in 30 years we can do better. I ask, why? The company compensated him for his time. It was an even exchange. What has this guy done for 30 years? How many vacations did he take, cars did he buy? How far into debt did he let himself go for these pleasures? What has he saved?
The lesson here is that each and every one of us is responsible for ourselves and our families. Count on no one but yourself. You owe the company nothing and it owes you nothing. Thinking anything else is an entitlement mentality which has gotten much of America into the bind it is today.
PineyBob said:[post="170975"][/post]
PineyBob said:I aspire to be the screwor instead of the screwee.
Have I been a huge success financially? Nope.