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Lets Go Over Today's Paycheck

If he is like many of us DOWNGRADED PART TIMERS, the 25 hours a week he is talking about might be just normal hours. Some of us are at 20 scheduled a week. That doesnt necessarily mean that each week you only work the scheduled hours. Many weeks you pick up shifts if available or take ot if its offered (which right now isnt very often). You cant assume that the total YTD earnings is based totally on a 25 hour work week.
As to the question why do some of us continue to work here on a part time basis. The answer for me is I still like my job and one day hope to be back to full time. In the meantime, we pick up what hours we can and many of us have second jobs to make up the difference. I know of agents who are working at Kinkos, UHaul storage and Bank of America full time. There are also agents who work at an apartment leasing office, working for Cayman Airways and then I'm personally working in a doctors office.
I really dont understand the desire or thought process of certain posters who are happy to tell those who like their job and WANT to try to make it here to just quit and get another one. :down:
For a little perspective, you are making more per year by working part time than a first officer at PSA makes working full time.
tadjr said:
The answer for me is I still like my job and one day hope to be back to full time. In the meantime, we pick up what hours we can and many of us have second jobs to make up the difference.......
.........I really dont understand the desire or thought process of certain posters who are happy to tell those who like their job and WANT to try to make it here to just quit and get another one. :down:

Thank you, Tad; well said. I happen to still like my job as well and don't really want to find another one unless I have to. What does puzzle me are the posters who say that they dread going to work every day. It's one thing to endure pay/benefit cuts in a job you like. Something else if you don't like the job.
Lets take a look at my pay stub that I received today. Keep in mind , this is the current pay before the 35% proposed pay reduction that management wants to give all CWA members.
Keep in mind that I have 27 years seniority with the company. Allegheny guy here.

Year to Date Earnings Gross 20,300
Take home net pay for the last 2 weeks $758.00
401K deduction $44.00
Take home pay per week is $379.00 , have to work 25 hrs to get this much.

Are you kidding me? You should be ashamed of even posting this, considering where some of your brothers and sisters are on the pay scale (and where they're going).

Math 101:
$20,300 year-to-date gross @ 17 bi-weekly pay periods so far = $1194 per bi-weekly pay period. Or, approx. $2388/month(4 weeks). Or, approx. $31044/year (assuming no time off). That works out to about $23.88/hour.

That's nowhere near poverty, even for 25 hrs/week. If it WERE full time, it would work out to $47760 for 50 weeks per year (assuming 2 weeks unpaid vacay). That doesn't factor in holidays, which you may or may not work at standard or time 1/2 wages. So, please tell me...what's the problem?

35% cut would take your part time pay to a more reasonable $18K/year. I say more reasonable, because YOU'RE ONLY WORKING 25 HOURS/WEEK!
Just to throw in my 2 cents…..Most of us all work weekends and holidays get up at 2:30am and are so tired most of the time ,from sleep deprivation that driving home gets dangerous, Do I complain much about that maybe yes but I will tell you that it is worth it for a fair wage and if you think at 40+ you can finish raising your children on 13 or even 16 dollars an hour your wrong USAirays is doing away with customer service just like every store you go into home depot has kiosk your local grocery store has them now you can even rent a movie from one… we deal with inadequate equipment poor management that have no vision. Just think if customers were led to a happy agent instead of a box that they don’t even want to use… we spend money on these even today they are in Boston putting in new printers upgrades if you will the old ones were fine..
where does this money come from ????? we pay programmers who know what to keep it all running and trouble shooters…

..We try to imitate the little guy instead of showing them why they made a better choice to fly a major airline………..These are sad time for the working class of America…………………………….

Just my 2 cents…….
Oh and I almost forgot …..
If you are referring to 500.00 week full time take home yes it’s not bad but remember we have mortgages and or rent that is easily 1300 to 1800 a month throw in heat water phone food I guess I should feed my children oh and clothe them.

Now remember this person has no pension after 20-30 years of service can’t put in any decent 401k amount can’t save he needs it all what is to become of him at retirement…..

Rico said:
Yeah, Cobra coverage for health (no dental) for me, wife and kid worked out to 550$ a mo. :blink:

Do not forget, it takes up to four weeks for the first unemployment check to arrive from when you file. Ohhh, added fun, do not forget you get taxed on the UC checks too, neat eh...?

Full pay til the last day for a short time, or Some pay and benifits until you leave for somethng else... Hey man, it is your choice. <_<

actually you have a choice if you want the taxes taken off of the UC checks. that was what i was told when my city went down hill to the expressed mainline.
robbedagain said:
actually you have a choice if you want the taxes taken off of the UC checks. that was what i was told when my city went down hill to the expressed mainline.

ummm...hate to say it but you have got a little surprise waiting for you come april 15th if you haven't had anything taken out of the UC checks. Just b/c you don't take anything out doesn't mean you won't owe it.
Doc said:
Oh and I almost forgot …..
If you are referring to 500.00 week full time take home yes it’s not bad but remember we have mortgages and or rent that is easily 1300 to 1800 a month throw in heat water phone food I guess I should feed my children oh and clothe them.

Now remember this person has no pension after 20-30 years of service can’t put in any decent 401k amount can’t save he needs it all what is to become of him at retirement…..


Employment is a rather simple equation. You get paid a wage for hours worked. It is an exchange of one value (time) for another (money). No pension? Most of America has no pension. Heard a guy at the Kerry speech in CLT today that complained he worked somewhere for 30 years, then the plant shutdown and moved to Mexico and he got 3 months severance and no pension. Kerry responded that after putting in 30 years we can do better. I ask, why? The company compensated him for his time. It was an even exchange. What has this guy done for 30 years? How many vacations did he take, cars did he buy? How far into debt did he let himself go for these pleasures? What has he saved?

The lesson here is that each and every one of us is responsible for ourselves and our families. Count on no one but yourself. You owe the company nothing and it owes you nothing. Thinking anything else is an entitlement mentality which has gotten much of America into the bind it is today.
Lets take a look at my pay stub that I received today. Keep in mind , this is the current pay before the 35% proposed pay reduction that management wants to give all CWA members.
Keep in mind that I have 27 years seniority with the company. Allegheny guy here.

Year to Date Earnings Gross 20,300
Take home net pay for the last 2 weeks $758.00
401K deduction $44.00
Take home pay per week is $379.00 , have to work 25 hrs to get this much.

Let's see, If I take a 35% pay cut, that Lakefield says I must do to let the company survive, that brings my bring home pay down to $246 a week. That boils down to $12,810.20 a year to live on.

Looks like a NOOOOOOOOOOOO Vote here bud.
Unemployment pays $405.00 a week for a full year.
Who needs to NON rev anyway. It's not pretty now, and won't be pretty later.

Sign me up!! Full time pay at 1/2 time work! And just think...if only I went out and worked the remaining 1/2 of the time, I would be sitting pretty. Especially since I'm sure at those wages I could jump some tax brackets and take advantage of the tax breaks for the wealthy.

I do feel your pain...really, I do. 🙄
N628AU said:
Employment is a rather simple equation. You get paid a wage for hours worked. It is an exchange of one value (time) for another (money). No pension? Most of America has no pension. Heard a guy at the Kerry speech in CLT today that complained he worked somewhere for 30 years, then the plant shutdown and moved to Mexico and he got 3 months severance and no pension. Kerry responded that after putting in 30 years we can do better. I ask, why? The company compensated him for his time. It was an even exchange. What has this guy done for 30 years? How many vacations did he take, cars did he buy? How far into debt did he let himself go for these pleasures? What has he saved?

The lesson here is that each and every one of us is responsible for ourselves and our families. Count on no one but yourself. You owe the company nothing and it owes you nothing. Thinking anything else is an entitlement mentality which has gotten much of America into the bind it is today.

That’s bull and you know it if I had employees working for me I would be grateful for many years of service not cast them away like old garbage that is what is wrong with this country like you they it hold no value in the human spirit a hard days work and reward for years of dedication what do you think our top executives get and the end a watch and a hand shake.
PineyBob said:

You remind me of my grand father :_)

Don’t try to better your self don’t invest because nobody owes you anything…..They will can you in a NY minute……No one has any responsibility any more…..just punch the clock make me some money and when I’m through with you out you go …..sad sad sad You must me in management.

Treat others as you would have them treat you……
OK, I will agree with you on one point . Even thou I have put in 27 years with Usairways, The company owes me nothing, and I owe the company nothing. Thats why I am voting NO, and so is every person in my station, (that I have talked to so far).
PineyBob said:
I aspire to be the screwor instead of the screwee.

Have I been a huge success financially? Nope.

What a noble goal, bobby. And what a predictable outcome.

But then, you can wear a cockroach pin for another month and feel special. Ultimately this company will screw you out of all your FF perks too, and you're just another screwee.

Good luck on 'Bama Air.

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