I've taken a look at this site off and on and I often try to shed good light on things I see going wrong.
The past couple of months have had a few very significant problems that are much bigger than most of can handle or be happy about. However, we have to get through this and move forward and not let the huge events break us down. I'm disappointed as well at what I've seen recently, but there have been some up sides to things as well, but those have been overshadowed by the recent bad and that is human nature. We love to complain and spread bad news, but don't often talk about good news.
This isn't the first round of frustrating times US Airways has see and it's not the first round of bad for America West as well. Both airlines have had their share of bad press...but which airline hasn't been bashed at one time or another.
The past couple of months have had a few very significant problems that are much bigger than most of can handle or be happy about. However, we have to get through this and move forward and not let the huge events break us down. I'm disappointed as well at what I've seen recently, but there have been some up sides to things as well, but those have been overshadowed by the recent bad and that is human nature. We love to complain and spread bad news, but don't often talk about good news.
This isn't the first round of frustrating times US Airways has see and it's not the first round of bad for America West as well. Both airlines have had their share of bad press...but which airline hasn't been bashed at one time or another.