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Law enforcement returns to America

Show me where he is bestowing special rights.

Try to follow along...try hard....you can do it.

"The President's pledge for a new beginning between the United States and the Muslim community takes root here in the Justice Department where we are committed to using criminal and civil rights laws to protect Muslim Americans.

A top priority of this Justice Department is a return to robust civil rights enforcement and outreach in defending religious freedoms and other fundamental rights of all of our fellow citizens in the workplace, in the housing market, in our schools and in the voting booth.

Return to civil rights enforcement? Like it was absent before?
Commitment to use criminal and civil rights laws to protect Muslims? Like there was none prior to this?
Why is the word "Muslim" even in a discussion regarding civil liberties?

The job of the AG and the US Government is to protect ALL citizens regardless of race or religion.

Why is the word "Muslim" even in a discussion regarding civil liberties?

The job of the AG and the US Government is to protect ALL citizens regardless of race or religion.
I agree with you.

His quote was in reference to a speech to the Muslim world.

I have confidence in AG Holder.

I have not heard any complaints about his action taken in the Alaska political situation.

Holder Asks That Jailed Alaska Lawmakers Be Freed

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. asked a court to release two imprisoned former Alaska state lawmakers after the Justice Department found that prosecutors had improperly handled evidence in their trials on corruption charges. The move is the second embarrassing retreat for department prosecutors since the conviction of former Senator Ted Stevens, Republican of Alaska, was tossed out in April. Mr. Holder is asking a federal appeals court to send the cases of the former Alaska House speaker, Peter Kott, and former State Representative Victor Kohring back to the trial judge. Mr. Holder made the request after finding that prosecutors had failed to turn over evidence to the defense. The Justice Department said it was also asking the appeals court to release the two men on their own recognizance. In 2007, Mr. Kohring was convicted of bribery and extortion-related charges and sentenced to three and one-half years in prison. Mr. Kott was also convicted in 2007 and sentenced to six years in prison. Both are Republicans.

Of course I will now be accused of hijacking a thread if I bring up something that like that...
Actually, if that is the standard of terrorism then there were two attacks. You forgot the terrorist who killed Dr Tillman. I guess not all terrorists are Muslim after all.

Let me see if I can explain the difference in laymans terms, to you Garf !

The doctor was murdered by a citizen because of a domestic dispute................abortion !

The soldier was murdered by a converted "MUSLIM" whom the FBI, had been following for awhile, but I'm sure was told to back off by the Nobama administration !

One was serving our country, which I'm sure the majority of people would agree with , while the other commited over 60,000 murders, which probably half of americans agree with !

I not saying that the killing of this doctor was right , but what I am saying is please DO NOT compare his murder with the murder of one of our troops, ON AMERICAN SOIL by a MUSLIM Terrorist !
I agree with you.

His quote was in reference to a speech to the Muslim world.

I have confidence in AG Holder.

I have not heard any complaints about his action taken in the Alaska political situation.

Of course I will now be accused of hijacking a thread if I bring up something that like that...
Yes you are trying to hijack so quit it (again), one has nothing to do with the other.
Yes you are trying to hijack so quit it (again), one has nothing to do with the other.
Yes it does.

Should I remind you of the title of your thread?

It would seem that you are being selective (again) in your criticism of all things related to the Obama administration.

(Now go and report me to the mods if it makes you feel better. Better yet, make yourself feel better by starting another thread so you can see your name in lights)
In a statement released on Thursday, Attorney General Eric Holder explained what President Obama's Cairo speech means for Americans here at home:

"A return to robust civil rights enforcement"--got that? Sure, we all remember the Bush era, when every day was a virtual Kristallnacht of violence against Muslims, and law enforcement stood by and did nothing. :blink:

These people are absolutely shameless. Wheres the protection for US soldiers against Muslim extremism on our own soil? He just gave a free pass on whats to come next. Another 9/11.

while i don't think muslims were being dragged into the streets and beaten in our country ... for a time alot of us were highly suspicious of mulsim americans in our country ... we have at least oh say 1 million muslims in this country ? and it was what , oh 9 forigine born terrorists who caused the rest of the 299 million of us to always feel that maybe that muslim looking person sitting in the plane seat behind us COULD BE A TERRORIST !

it's sort of the whole unspoken discmination thing going on for american muslims ..
Let me see if I can explain the difference in laymans terms, to you Garf !

The doctor was murdered by a citizen because of a domestic dispute................abortion !

The soldier was murdered by a converted "MUSLIM" whom the FBI, had been following for awhile, but I'm sure was told to back off by the Nobama administration !

One was serving our country, which I'm sure the majority of people would agree with , while the other commited over 60,000 murders, which probably half of americans agree with !

I not saying that the killing of this doctor was right , but what I am saying is please DO NOT compare his murder with the murder of one of our troops, ON AMERICAN SOIL by a MUSLIM Terrorist !

Nah, not quite. The doctor was murdered by a religious terrorist and the soldier was murdered by a religious terrorist. In that regard they are identical. What either of them did for a living has nothing to do with the fact that they were murdered in cold blood. The fact that the FBI was not aware of this nut job has nothing to do with the issue either. I suspect there are quite a few nut jobs out there that the FBI is not aware of. Neither of the religious terrorists were operating under the guise of any larger group (at not that I have read) so trying to link the Williams killer to Islam would be like trying to link Tillmans killer to Christianity. Neither are representative of the true core of either faith.

The fact that you seem to have a strong dislike for Tillman and border on believing that "he got what he had coming" does not change the fact that both murderers were religious nut jobs who twisted the beliefs of their professed religion to justify slaughtering someone in cold blood.
Just bear in mind when forming as opinion on an Eric Holder led DOJ, that Mr Holder was the Number 3 guy in the Reno Justice Department. A DOJ that was responsible for Waco & Ruby Ridge.

When one factors that information into the mix coupled with recent statements posted here and elsewhere that a Holder led DOJ may very well be racially based against whites and biased against fundamentalist Christians.

I'd be very careful and concerned about the path the DOJ will embark upon under Mr Holder.

Ruby Ridge occured in 1992, before Janet Reno became Attorney General. Also Eric Holder did not take the Deputy Attorney General spot until 1997, four years after Waco.
Yup...right on cue. :down:

Days after statement, DOJ files suit against NJ county on behalf of Muslim

NEWARK, N.J. - The U.S. Justice Department has sued Essex County over its firing of a corrections officer for wearing religious headwear.

The suit was filed in federal court in Newark on Monday on behalf of Yvette Beshier.

It claims Beshier was first suspended and then fired by the county for wearing a khimar, or Muslim head scarf.

The suit seeks monetary damages and also to require Essex County to adopt a policy that accommodates the religious observances and practices of employees.

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin or religion.

According to FBI crime statistics from 2007, the last data set available, it’s not Muslims who are most in need of favored status and protection from the DOJ:
Bias motivation Total victims
Religion (total):.........................1,750........1,628
Anti-Other Religion.....................147...........148
Anti-Multiple Religions, Group.......92.............66

*Source: FBI Uniform Crime Statistics
According to FBI crime statistics from 2007, the last data set available, it’s not Muslims who are most in need of favored status and protection from the DOJ:
Bias motivation Total victims
Religion (total):.........................1,750........1,628
Anti-Other Religion.....................147...........148
Anti-Multiple Religions, Group.......92.............66

*Source: FBI Uniform Crime Statistics

Agreed; though the statistic would be more enlightening if they presented the stats as a percentage of each group.

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