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Lambert's hub status is threatened, analysts say

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Local news station KSDK channel 5 is reporting that AA officials will be in St. Louis tomorrow for a press conference. City representatives including Mayor Slay will be part of the news conference. There is supposed to be a major announcement concerning the future of St. Louis as a hub. According to one anonymous airport source the news will be very positive.
[H1 class=storyhead]American, Lambert to reveal plans for St. Louis hub[/H1][BR][BR]American Airlines and Lambert St. Louis International Airport plan to make an announcement Wednesday regarding the airline's future plans for the St. Louis hub.
[P class=storyhead]St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay, Airport Director Col. Leonard Griggs and American Airlines Hub Vice President Bob Cordes plan to make the announcement at 11 a.m. at American's ticket counter at Lambert. [BR][BR][A href=http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/stories/2002/09/16/daily32.html]http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/stories/2002/09/16/daily32.html[/A][BR][BR][BR][BR][/P]

Sean, thanks for getting back to the subject. FA Mikey, do you have any other keys on your keyboard other than s...e...n...o...i...r...i...t...y.
We are all tired of hearing you bad mouth, belittle, and one up your fellow employees.

Stay Strong
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