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[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]On 9/13/2002 3:29:45 PM Sean wrote:
[P]The unions and the party that can't even vote correctly can try to spin it whichever way they feel works best for them. However facts prove otherwise. As they usually do. [/P]
[P] [/P]
[P][FONT color=#ff3333]Yes Sean, the facts do prove otherwise. The fact is that the party which can't even vote correctly and it's candidate Gore, recieved over a [STRONG]half million more votes [/STRONG]than the guy sitting in the White House did. [/FONT]
Maybe when AA goes bankrupt, the TWALLCers can ask the government to make them exempt from pay cuts and job losses. After all, they have been through so much!
On 9/13/2002 3:32:19 PM BeenThere wrote:

If Bill clinton had done in the 1993 with the WTC bombing what is being done now, we would have 9 years under the belt in fighting terror.

Don't you remember? Clinton took care of Al-Qeada. He put missiles into that aspirin factory and into their long abandoned training camp.
On 9/13/2002 3:03:41 PM FA Mikey wrote:

On 9/13/2002 1:29:40 PM Wild Onion wrote:

Gun happy?  What is it going to take? A mushroom cloud over Manhattan to change your mind?

Maybe we should just stick our head in the sand and wait for the problem to go away.  It has seemed to work for the last 10 years.  Saddam has done whatever the UN has asked and has completely stopped seeking to build nuclear and biological weapons.

I don't want to go to war any more than the next guy, but sometimes it is the lesser (and necessary) of two evils.



Gun happy YES. George Bush wants war. At any price. He saw what the war with Iraq did to his Daddy approval numbers. He saw what the war on terrorism did to his. He see's this as a self serving opportunity for him, his party, and the defense contractors.[/P]

No mushroom cloud over NY, or any where else for that matter. He had the perfect opportunity to use chemical weapons as thousands of American troops were marching to victory across his country. He didnt. Why should be believe he is now waiting on the border to use them today or tomorrow? Because it serves the purpose of the current administration and its up coming mid term elections.[/P]

War with Iraq will further weaken this countrys economy, and its major industries. Well all but the big defense ones. [/P]

We need to finish what we started with terror. Put our money and energy there. Saddam has gone on fine being a bug for the last 11 + years. Why do we need to squash him right now? I think it really is for the mid term elections and the number it will bring a president and party that killed the economy.[/P]

I agree with you Mikey on your stance about Iraq. We don't need to do it now. It's possible there could be some political motivation to it. Tell me a President who hasn't used the military politicly. You beloved Slick Willie did it when a certain young lady was about to testify. Remember the missiles in the aspirin factory to divert attention?

As to yours and many others comments about this President killing this ecoonomy, that is just not true and you all know it when you post it. Bush inherited the tanking economy. Clinton inherited an economy just as it was taking off again. The country was well out of the `91 recession (was there actually a technical recession?) and the economy was starting it's unprecedented growth spurred by the explosion of the internet and tech industry. Not by any policy of Clintons. Clinton was around just long enough to reap the benefits. Clinton's timing in becoming President couldn't have ever been better. The tech bubble had already burst and the economy was in the toilet well in advance of the Bush presidency. The unions and the party that can't even vote correctly can try to spin it whichever way they feel works best for them. However facts prove otherwise. As they usually do.
Was that information provided to the president from the same CIA and FBI who missed or passed on all the warnings and information prior to 9/11 2002?
On 9/13/2002 4:01:13 PM MrMarky wrote:

On 9/13/2002 3:29:45 PM Sean wrote:


The unions and the party that can't even vote correctly can try to spin it whichever way they feel works best for them. However facts prove otherwise. As they usually do. [/P]


[FONT color=#ff3333]Yes Sean, the facts do prove otherwise. The fact is that the party which "can't even vote correctly" and it's candidate Gore, recieved over a [STRONG]half million more votes [/STRONG]than the guy sitting in the White House did. [/FONT] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif'] [/P][/BLOCKQUOTE][/BLOCKQUOTE]

Hello Marky. I thought you might have a response. [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif']
You're absolutely correct, Gore did have more votes. However, the nation wide popular vote means absolutely nothing.
On 9/13/2002 2:31:03 PM Sean wrote:

Any opinions on the long term viability of AMR stock? Is it in a nose dive toward bankruptcy? Will it eventually gain? I thought it was a bargain around $9. Now it just seems to keep getting worse. The recent downgrades hammered it pretty good. The impending war with Iraq has been mentioned. How far will it drop with the higher oil prices? There were a lot of people who thought TWA was a bargain at $7, then $5, then $3, etc. Same ultimate outcome here?

Aloha Sean,

Im very bearish on the whole airline sector. Bush will start his, campaign, against Iraq in the first half of the year. This will bring some airlines to their knees, as if they are not already there. I believe AA stock could drop half of its value of its low today $7.36 or $3.18/ share when the war breaks out. The question today is will Bush offer another bailout or let a few airlines fail? His actions will have great effect on the economy. Not only am I bearish on the airline sector, but the whole stock market. Im holding only cash now and will wait for the next buying time just after the war begins. Just IMHO.

ALOHA, 007
On 9/13/2002 11:57:21 AM FA Mikey wrote:

AA is not near bankruptcy. Plus AA unions have seniority protections....

How many times did you say that TWA employees should have jumped ship when things got dicey or words to that effect? You along with others here and on PlaneBusiness blamed the victims. Well, AA stock is down to $7.36 at close of business today. You say AA is not near bankruptcy...well, I've got news for you; that's how it catches you by suprises. It's called denial. So, future victim, how are you going to feel if - no, when - what happened to TWA happens to YOU and people tell you that you should have moved on before things got to that point????? Shouldn't you leave NOW??? No? What WE 'should' have done isn't going to be what you'll do either and you and others who posted denigrating things about our staying with our ship know it.
Bush wants war at any price

Whatever. If you're that blindly partisan, then any additional dialogue or discussion is worthless.
Suggesting you jump ship when your company is losing money while most all the other carriers were making record profits is a little different than our situation today. All the majors were hiring back then and alot of TWA'ers did jump ship. And alot came to AA. Even if AA were to declare bankruptcy(which is a long way off), I doubt you would see a big sell off. Who is going to buy it?
Thanks to our record profits prior to 1997 AA ownes alot of assests. United on the other hand leases alot more of their equipment than American. American has lots of assests to sell before they would ever have to declare. It won't last forever but if we can start making money sometime in the next year or two AA should be able to make it thru these dark times. Now I thought this thread was about STL
We get it FA Mikey, MiAAmi, Been There, Bagsmasher et al,
You hate TWA people and all they stand for. All of AA's problems are a result of TWA. God get over it already. This is so old...what is the point? Let's work together. And yes I was stapled and no I didn't sue. I am grateful to have a job and I don't want to see anyone laid off. I am thankful that I am working. This industry is like no other. The TWA people have had to put up with a lot for a long time. AA is just now experiencing what we TWAers have had to live with for a long time, its just begining at AA. TWA's woes were NOT caused by its workforce plain and simple. It was a result of decisions made by management-----selling the LHR route authority being the #1 mistake. If it was not for the TWA workforce TWA would have perished long ago.
Let me correct you on one thing. I don't hate anyone. And I never said that TWA was the cause of AA's problems. I welcome TWA'ers. I just have a little problem being sued by them.
Like Miaami said. I dont hate TW people. I am tired of hearing how we owe them. As well as the lawsuits they have filed against AA and APFA.
I am tired of hearing you slam TWA. We had no choice in this and neither did you. Its easy to say the TWA people should have jumped ship years ago. That sounds easy knowing the outcome. But let me ask you, if you had a mortgage and car payments and a family to support and you were making say $17.00 per hour would you have jumped ship to start another career or go with another airline starting with no seniority and making $7-8 an hour just because the analysts say your company could go out of business? And if the answer is truthfully yes, then you should be jumping ship from AA as we speak. See, it ain't as easy as you all seem to make it. Stop stirring the pot and start working together to get as many back to work (FROM ALL SIDES) as possible. Stop the bickering or we could all face the death of another airline. Peace.
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