[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]On 9/13/2002 3:29:45 PM Sean wrote:
[P]The unions and the party that can't even vote correctly can try to spin it whichever way they feel works best for them. However facts prove otherwise. As they usually do. [/P]
[P] [/P]
[P][FONT color=#ff3333]Yes Sean, the facts do prove otherwise. The fact is that the party which can't even vote correctly and it's candidate Gore, recieved over a [STRONG]half million more votes [/STRONG]than the guy sitting in the White House did. [/FONT]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]On 9/13/2002 3:29:45 PM Sean wrote:
[P]The unions and the party that can't even vote correctly can try to spin it whichever way they feel works best for them. However facts prove otherwise. As they usually do. [/P]
[P] [/P]
[P][FONT color=#ff3333]Yes Sean, the facts do prove otherwise. The fact is that the party which can't even vote correctly and it's candidate Gore, recieved over a [STRONG]half million more votes [/STRONG]than the guy sitting in the White House did. [/FONT]