On 9/15/2002 4:05:44 AM FibberMcGee wrote:
I hope you never have to go through what we had to with TWA. And we had people like you at TWA too, never happy, always blaming others and promoting a rift between TWA and OZ people so I'll try to refrain from any further discussion with you. Good luck to us ALL.
sad to say but it seems AA inherited the same miserable people from TWA, still never happy, always blaming others and promoting a rift between TWA & AA...case in point : Sherry Cooper.
what's this I hear about a new pending lawsuit brought up by her (with the help of the IAM, her former union) against the APFA because she was asked to leave a meeting while the union discussed the lawsuit SHE brought against them? Is she suing now, so she, the plaintiff, could be in those meeting and discuss startegy with the defense? is she sleeping with William Driscoll (Pres./Gen Chairman of IAM)? does she have a deal going on with the IAM? and why in the world does she have strong ties with the IAM when she is now an APFA base Representative and an active dues-paying member of an organization the IAM is suing? it looks like there is a very strong conflict of interest going on here...