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One or two years of losses does not amount to a sinking ship. AA is not selling of assests to survive. They are not looking for the local STL community to front them money by prepaying for future travel, to make it through the lean months. AA has not gone through two prior bankruptcys. TW did all that and still was bleeding money. After the longest economic expansion in history, TW couldn't make money. When did you think they would?

Would I risk my family, my home or car and stay on a sinking ship.

So you were stapled. Did you expect otherwise? You knew what happened with Reno, You knew IAM signed away the seniority protections you had. Did you think the people here would let you take the seniority they earned over there career?

I would have jumped ship. Maybe one day I will here. Its a long way to get to the point where TW was.You may not be suing us but your old union is. There goal is to further weaken this company and the union representing the flight attendants here. I wonder if there goal is to bankrupt us. Do they really believe that we would be sucker enough to allow them anywhere on property? Guess again IAM.
speaking of Saddam...whatever happened to that bearded guy and the threat he posed to democracy and the free world, the guy we tried to help expats from his country topple by a failed mini invasion of the island, the bearded guy who our government is thinking of lifting the economic sanctions bestowed on it years ago to help curtail his goivernment and hopefully have the people rise up against him? what was his name again...hmmm, Fidel something or other? yeah, whatever happened to the dangers he posed to the USA, did we go into a full-fledge war/invasion of Cuba because of it, even when we actually saw he had weapons of mass destruction pointed at our shores for years?

I really wonder who benefits if we do invade Iraq...the economy and the people OR the powers that be and their friends?
oh and i forgot, what was the whole purpose of the Vietnam War? to stop the spreading of Communism in Asia and protect American interests?

hmmm, yeah that war went really well huh? A lot of American lives lost and still the same number of asian countries as before that are under communist rule today.
On 9/14/2002 3:05:49 PM FibberMcGee wrote:

___I give up___ was addressed to MiAAmi.

The reason I wrote where do we jump to is because almost no one is hiring right now and most of the airlines are in the same shape. I didn't intend to frustrate you with this comment.
On 9/14/2002 5:21:58 PM xsqueezeme wrote:

oh and i forgot, what was the whole purpose of the Vietnam War? to stop the spreading of Communism in Asia and protect American interests?

hmmm, yeah that war went really well huh? A lot of American lives lost and still the same number of asian countries as before that are under communist rule today.

Factually incorrect. Even leaving out all of the Stans that were former Soviet Socialist Republics, there are fewer countries in East Asia that proclaim themselves to be Socialist People's Republics than there were in, say, 1975. Cambodia and Mongolia, for two.
Even most of the countries that still claim to follow the Marxist dogma actually have governments that would have Lenin spinning in his mausoleum (except for North Korea, of course). Vietnam and the P.R.C. are two obvious examples.
Although I certainly agree that this is in no way a result of the war!

Now back to the original topic (I hope)...
You don't want a real discussion...that's obvious. And you would not have jumped ship...No, I didn't follow Reno Air---it did not have anything to do with me---I didn't really much follow AA either---it had nothing to do with me. Did I expect some senority consideration, yes. Did I expect doh, no. Did I think I would not get any seniority, absolutely not. Do you know the difference between TWA making a profit or taking a loss? If TWA did not have the Icahn ticket deal and Boeing had given TWA the same or nearly the same lease deals it gives AA then TWA would have been profitable. Was that the fault of the workers? Was selling off the prized LHR routes the fault of the TWA workers? You won't or can't answer these questions with any truthfulness. I hope you never have to go through what we had to with TWA. And we had people like you at TWA too, never happy, always blaming others and promoting a rift between TWA and OZ people so I'll try to refrain from any further discussion with you. Good luck to us ALL.
If you want to play the what if game. If 9/11 had not happened. If GB's economy hadn't tanked. AA would be making money right now. But like the Ichan ticket deal. It was real and there was one way out of it. TW was going to sink and Ichan was going to ride it, to the end.
On 9/15/2002 4:05:44 AM FibberMcGee wrote:
I hope you never have to go through what we had to with TWA. And we had people like you at TWA too, never happy, always blaming others and promoting a rift between TWA and OZ people so I'll try to refrain from any further discussion with you. Good luck to us ALL.

sad to say but it seems AA inherited the same miserable people from TWA, still never happy, always blaming others and promoting a rift between TWA & AA...case in point : Sherry Cooper.
what's this I hear about a new pending lawsuit brought up by her (with the help of the IAM, her former union) against the APFA because she was asked to leave a meeting while the union discussed the lawsuit SHE brought against them? Is she suing now, so she, the plaintiff, could be in those meeting and discuss startegy with the defense? is she sleeping with William Driscoll (Pres./Gen Chairman of IAM)? does she have a deal going on with the IAM? and why in the world does she have strong ties with the IAM when she is now an APFA base Representative and an active dues-paying member of an organization the IAM is suing? it looks like there is a very strong conflict of interest going on here...
On 9/13/2002 3:13:32 PM FA Mikey wrote:

As for the gulf war TW was also a player to europe only. AA has international markets in Europe, Asia, Central and South America. That will help if the little Bush tries to make another war to spike up his polling numbers. [/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]

I dunno Mikey...

During the Gulf War, we (at UAL) saw ridership evaporate systemwide internationally, even on our Pacific routes. If (or I should say when, hearing the Bushies salivate over it) there is a war in Iraq, if UAL isn't already in bankruptcy it will hasten our filing; and it will also siginificantly impact AA as well.
Members of the Independent Federation of Flight Attendants (IFFA) and its governing executive body filed suit in circuit court in St. Louis Tuesday alleging gross disloyalty amounting to breach of contract,
misappropriation of union assets and tortuous interference with contract by their president, Sherry Cooper, and the International Association of Machinists (IAM). The suit alleges that Cooper, while drawing her salary as IFFA president, secretly worked for months with IAM leaders in
putting together a hostile IAM raid on the FAs' union. IFFA represents Trans World Airlines' 5400 flight attendants; the IAM represents TWA's mechanics, ramp employees and gate agents.

This a blast from the past. There is a good reason why Sherry Cooper shouldn't be in the meeting about the defence of APFA. It clear she is not to be trusted. Her past actions speak very well for her.

Wasn't it interesting how just before the election all the canadates droped out and Ms Cooper maintained her position by default.
If all else fails, there is always the PFAA to fall back on. Judging by the common links I believe they are somewhat affiliated with the AICA and AMFA.
On 9/15/2002 9:05:58 AM FA Mikey wrote:

Members of the Independent Federation of Flight Attendants (IFFA) and its governing executive body filed suit in circuit court in St. Louis Tuesday [/blockquote]

IFFA? Are those two guys still around?

Sherry was elected president of IFFA and the switch to the IAM was carried by about a two to one margin. She has virtually unanimous support among TWA FA's today.

On 9/13/2002 3:40:32 PM Sean wrote:


Don't you remember? Clinton took care of Al-Qeada. He put missiles into that aspirin factory and into their long abandoned training camp.

That was a clever way to dis-arm our military. Fired everything off he could and not one injury or enemy installment damaged!! But the boy that wanted to turn our military over to the UN depleted our weapons.
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif']
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