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"Labor friendly my ARSE", dump the $6mil bonuses and fill these so called key jobs from within!!!!!!

MarkMyWords..So, since you think its OK to step over labor contracts, and use a national tragedy as an opportunity to sidestep agreed upon language,, Then surely you must think it's a great idea to hand out 6 mil. to these deserving ? few. SAY IT AIN'T SO !....Oh, Thank you for your concern about my grip...[😉]
Article 5J states "...the Company may remove employees from the payroll without obligation of pay or severance."

If they had sent us all home - no grievance.

If they had sent us home by seniority - no grievance.

If they had solicited VTO, vacation, etc, - no grievance.

When the company made the decision to operate a reduced schedule, I sat down with my manager and offered to assist with points two and three. Instead, with aforethought and deliberate malice (and considering every station I was in contact with experienced the same thing, he was acting on orders from the Palace), he chose to send senior people home involuntarily and retain junior ones. It didn't save any money, because my junior guys are topped out on the payscale.

Now the company insisted on dropping the force majuere grievance as a part of this deal, but did not offer any credit for doing so towards the bogey number. Considering some of the bizarre things various work groups got credit for, this should have been a fertile field. And the unions have not done themselves or their membership any favor, because now, force majuere is a safe harbor for management.
Thanks Diogenes,, This is one of the major reasons I will be voting NO tomorrow. U will NOT get my vote until they get away from this sort of sleaziness.
I believe the 6 million dollars should go to help with health care costs, not managers who are already well paid.....[:knockout:]