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King Obama The First?

It was rumored that obama is considering economic sanctions against Israel because of the new construction in east Jerusalem, but his administration denies it! ------ What are your feelings on the subject Tree? Or should I ask, what would be your father's view on the subject? And if Jerusalem is truly Israel's Capitol, why hasn't  the U.S. moved it's Embassy there from Tel Aviv?
My father does not like Obama because he thinks Israel should be get a pass and a blank check.  
I believe Israel has been short changed quite a bit.  I believe they are in a no win situation.  The Arabs will never accept their right to exist.  I do not think building in the west bank and the situation in Gaza is doing Israel any favors.
There are a lot of rumors about Obama.  Hell, there is a rumor of him nt being a citizen and being a Muslim.  Not a big fan of rumors.
But alas, we have at this moment quite a few detention camps all over the country better equipped than those from the internment days.
All you need is blaming a particular group for society's ills and the populace buying into it, just add water.
MCI transplant said:
It was rumored that obama is considering economic sanctions against Israel because of the new construction in east Jerusalem, but his administration denies it! ------ What are your feelings on the subject Tree? Or should I ask, what would be your father's view on the subject? And if Jerusalem is truly Israel's Capitol, why hasn't  the U.S. moved it's Embassy there from Tel Aviv?
How in HELLL could ANYONE EVER take you seriously   MCI, when YOU , (if given the opportunity) would have TRAMPLED women with thier kids while standing in the voting line on election day,.............to RUN IN to vote for the likes of a MIKE HUCKLEBERRY, SARA PALIN, of (uncle) HERMAN CAIN.
Now YOU ANSWER " THAT "  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ms Tree said:
My father does not like Obama because he thinks Israel should be get a pass and a blank check.  
I believe Israel has been short changed quite a bit.  I believe they are in a no win situation.  The Arabs will never accept their right to exist.  I do not think building in the west bank and the situation in Gaza is doing Israel any favors.
There are a lot of rumors about Obama.  Hell, there is a rumor of him nt being a citizen and being a Muslim.  Not a big fan of rumors.
Boehners budget:
There's $3.1 billion in total aid for the country, including $175 million for successful "Iron Dome" missile defense system. Defense aid totals $619.8 million.
delldude said:
Boehners budget:
There's $3.1 billion in total aid for the country, including $175 million for successful "Iron Dome" missile defense system. Defense aid totals $619.8 million.
dell,.......................... G D.......it, I STILL can't...PM you.
FIX....that F'n thing, will ya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
dell,.......................... G D.......it, I STILL can't...PM you.
FIX....that F'n thing, will ya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Send a note to admin telling them you have PM issues.....It happened to me and a  couple others.....they need to reset something.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
How in HELLL could ANYONE EVER take you seriously   MCI, when YOU , (if given the opportunity) would have TRAMPLED women with thier kids while standing in the voting line on election day,.............to RUN IN to vote for the likes of a MIKE HUCKLEBERRY, SARA PALIN, of (uncle) HERMAN CAIN.
Now YOU ANSWER " THAT "  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got to quit smoking those funny cigarets Bears! ------ I really don't know what your talking about! But if your saying that I would vote Republican next time around, you're damn right!
MCI transplant said:
You got to quit smoking those funny cigarets Bears! ------ I really don't know what your talking about! But if your saying that I would vote Republican next time around, you're damn right!
What I'm sayin' MCI is if you where given the chance to vote for the following for POTUS.......HUCKLEBERRY-PALIN or (uncle) HERMAN CAIN over B O, you'd do so....in a NY minute !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
What I'm sayin' MCI is if you where given the chance to vote for the following for POTUS.......HUCKLEBERRY-PALIN or (uncle) HERMAN CAIN over B O, you'd do so....in a NY minute !
Hell, that's a no brainer!--------- But, thank God! That's a choose I won't have to make! I'd vote for Mickey Mouse over :
"B.O."!!!! And believe he'd would make hell'va better POTUS!!! After all that has been proven, I really don't understand how anyone could still believe anything this man says!!! I didn't spend four years of my life in the U.S. Navy, and in Viet Nam, fighting Communism, to have it shoved down my throat by my own Government here at Home!!!!
MCI transplant said:
Hell, that's a no brainer!--------- But, thank God! That's a choose I won't have to make! I'd vote for Mickey Mouse over :
"B.O."!!!! And believe he'd would make hell'va better POTUS!!! After all that has been proven, I really don't understand how anyone could still believe anything this man says!!! I didn't spend four years of my life in the U.S. Navy, and in Viet Nam, fighting Communism, to have it shoved down my throat by my own Government here at Home!!!!
I Too spent 4 years in the U S Navy (vietnam era), and knew every friggin' day, that we had NO BUSINESS over there.
And believe me Brother, half the Ship felt the same way.  The good ol' southern sailors couldn't Believe we felt that way. "ALL communiss' men women and children should be KILT".........they'd say. Not surprising though that those back-swamp MFers thought that way since (to) "KILT"...(KILL) was one of the top ten words in thier micro vocabulary.
As a ships cook, it was a RIOT to see those 'challenged'  ol' boys..DEVOUR the Grits and steamed and or Fried OKRA  though.
After I finished my enlistment, I NEVER again had ANY Doubt why the the Union Army won that 'little difference of opinion ' back in 1862 !
Yeah MCI.
Trust me. I....K N O W where YOU'RE coming from with ...HUCKLEBERRY-PALIN and (uncle) HERMAN CAIN !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I Too spent 4 years in the U S Navy (vietnam era), and knew every friggin' day, that we had NO BUSINESS over there.
And believe me Brother, half the Ship felt the same way.  The good ol' southern sailors couldn't Believe we felt that way. "ALL communiss' men women and children should be KILT".........they'd say. Not surprising though that those back-swamp MFers thought that way since (to) "KILT"...(KILL) was one of the top ten words in thier micro vocabulary.
As a ships cook, it was a RIOT to see those 'challenged'  ol' boys..DEVOUR the Grits and steamed and or Fried OKRA  though.
After I finished my enlistment, I NEVER again had ANY Doubt why the the Union Army won that 'little difference of opinion ' back in 1862 !
Yeah MCI.
Trust me. I....K N O W where YOU'RE coming from with ...HUCKLEBERRY-PALIN and (uncle) HERMAN CAIN !
I just hope you know where I'm coming from with obama,

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