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Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act


Oct 29, 2002
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At least someone in Congress understands the Constitution. How many amendments are being violated in his 23 executive actions?

A doctor is interrogating you and providing your answers to the government.

A doctor and the government are violating previously established privacy laws.

Anyone ask the doctors about their new job and how they feel about this?

Most doctor visits are short and to the point. I can just see these doctors looking forward to a fireside chat about how many guns you have and are they stored properly and do you want to kill anyone....

Wonder what our supreme leader will do when the assault weapons ban goes down in flames?

At least none of this is by any means tyrannical.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will propose legislation early next week to “nullify” President Barack Obama’s executive actions on guns, the senator announced on Fox News’ “Hannity” Wednesday.
Paul told host Sean Hannity that Obama’s executive orders are a breach of constitutional separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches.
“Our founding fathers were very concerned about us having separation of powers,” Paul said. “They didn’t want to let the president become a king…In this bill, we will nullify anything the president does that smacks of legislation.”
“There are several of the executive orders that appear as if he is writing new law. That cannot happen…The court struck Clinton down for trying this.”
Paul also said it concerning that Obama seems to be developing some sort of a “king complex.”
Doesn't matter ! Anyone who surrounds themselves with children, during a statement and actors posing as doctors during another, is a coward and a fake !
Obama is playing his hand now and laying the foundation as to how ones mental state can affect possessing a firearm. Some insight along this avenue as to who, what and how are a long time coming. Looking at that, he seems to defer that interpretation over to AG Holder which should make some sit up and take notice. Or having Doctors report on ones mental capacities. Interpretation up to the AG or family Doctor can be a slippery slope with out any doubt. Who is to say an antigun Doctor might not skew the info or even an AG?
No doubt something needs looked into but how far is society willing to go?
You do realize that LaPierre is in favor of a national registry for the mentally ill? If you do not want the doctors input who do you want to make the decision?
You do realize that LaPierre is in favor of a national registry for the mentally ill? If you do not want the doctors input who do you want to make the decision?

I'll guess they want the TEA POTTY.

Even ol' Scalia said AR-15 assault weapons are NOT protected by the 2nd Amend. !

Dell,.................Sean HANNITY/Rand PAUL,.........Jesus, GIVE us a BREAK will ya' !!! RP is in the MINORITY in (Harry Reids) Senate. Paul's bill will go over like ' A FART in CHURCH ' !

La Pierre and the N R A will split and finally DECIMATE the G-D Repug party, once and for all.
Paul should focus on his drama next time he flies with his kid and finds out the boy is on the no-fly list.
I'll guess they want the TEA POTTY.

Even ol' Scalia said AR-15 assault weapons are NOT protected by the 2nd Amend. !

Dell,.................Sean HANNITY/Rand PAUL,.........Jesus, GIVE us a BREAK will ya' !!! RP is in the MINORITY in (Harry Reids) Senate. Paul's bill will go over like ' A FART in CHURCH ' !

La Pierre and the N R A will split and finally DECIMATE the G-D Repug party, once and for all.

That's not what Scalia said.