Once again spin, where did I say that? You voted for outsourcing by voting YES for the contract. By voting YES you will never have the answer to that question. Outworking?Overspeed said:
So you are saying all foreign and non-AA mechanics are inferior? I did not vote for outsourcing at all. Voting no would have stopped outsourcing in BK? How? Did any other airline stop outworking in BK?
Read the report again. The NTSB concluded that the procedure was adopted and not opposed except by DAC who did not even view the procedure end to end. Bob read it. The NTSB stated that the mechanics never said they were opposed to the procedure.
I didt say the NTSB report said that, I said that mechanics I spoke to who did the job said they were opposed to doing it that way.Are you sure that the report said "that the mechanics never said they were opposed to the procedure" or did ithe report not say anything as far as how the mechanics felt about doing it that way? Once again you quote what you what you wanted things to say, not what they actually said. Either way, like I said that's what I was told by Tony Russo who claimed that he was one of those who worked on it. This was back in the 80s.
Concessions are not good. They were forced upon us. The scenario of voting no and waiting for the judge to decide our fate is deeply flawed and has no basis in fact. All other airlines in BK who sought abrogate the contracts ended up with the Company having the upper hand on MX. Overhaul always got screwed.
None of them went in at the bottom of the industry, in fact no other workgroup at AA went in at the bottom. In the BK agreement narrowbody pilots would have been paid Eagle rates, by voting no they kept AA rates and remain well placed among their peers. By holding out they improved their deal, and they weren't at the bottom and didn't come out at the bottom, sure the company moved the numbers around to save face but the fact is they came out with a better deal because they held out, they certainly didn't lose anything.
We showed the company that by eliminating the penalty on the first two days they would save $7million a year, the company ignored that, but insisted on crew chief evaluations which costs them at least $1500 per CC. If every mechanic put in for and interviewed for a CC job at Dallas it could cost them $300,000 to fill each CC position. That concession didn't save them a penny but it diminished the value of seniority and being in a Union.
Perhaps if we had voted No we could have eliminated those two concessions and used the $7million to "buy back' doubletime on the five Holidays we still get, but instead we came out with the worst contract ever.
Our OH did get screwed, the company has the ability to outsource all of it. There isn't the same excess capacity out there to do OH as there was in 2003-06 (other than AA nobody has laid off any mechanics in years) so that's why AA still hasn't approached the 35% spend, when new aircraft come on line OH will continue to shrink. The company admitted that they did not want to get their cost savings from outsourcing because there really wasn't much they would save outside of the widebodies, which they got. they admitted that they would not save money by outsourcing narrowbody because capacity was tight and they would have to pay a premium to outsource that work, so we got to keep it till it goes away, but they get to keep the concessions long after that.
Read the law, the facts are not what you claim they are. The company has to show that the contracts are onerous, 99% of the time its easy to do because companies usually don't go into BK with labor contracts that are at the bottom of the industry, and even with AA it was only the mechanics who were at the bottom. We were the first to agree to concessions when we were already giving AA the lowest average rates among the legacies. The only argument AA could have made was the language keeping work in house, but that argument could have been easily dismissed with the information they themselves gave us, that even if AA had the language to send that work out, with OSMs, all the other concessions and tight capacity they would not realize savings by sending the narrowbody work out.
What was incorrect? I never said that they did their OH in house, I said they have better working conditions and pay than we do.Europe has most of their airframe overhaul done by low wage labor in former Eastern Block countries and the Philippines. If you would read more and educate yourself instead of spouting BS of what you think you know then you would not post incorrect information.
I knew you would be in favor of that. You really hate the profession don't you? Giving the carrier the right to certify mechanics with non-portable certificates makes it a non-starter for me. I say keep it issued by the FAA and portable.Part 66 would have brought the wages you wanted to line mx people who sign the log book. Contact AA's QC staff, the only reason why mechanics are required to have A&P's is because the GPM requires it which is what AA submitted to the FAA for 121 certification. AA used to have non-A&Ps on the line and still could if they want to. You know that.
I asked Bill Obrien at AMT magazine that question years ago, he said that while the FARS do not require it the likelihood that the FAA would approve a maintenance program where non-A&Ps were debriefing Flight crews and reviewing the Log books is extremely remote. If they could, then why don't they? Why doesn't anybody? yes AA had Radio men sign the log book, for items related to maintenance of the radios. AA has a hard enough time staying compliant WITH A7Ps, imagine the oversight they would have without them?
Why a pause, did he not have time to review it? And what follow-up proposal did he submit?Yes I supported Bobby. He asked for a pause and that the unions, not PWA, drive any change in regulations regarding duty time.
But you voted to do away with shift premiums as well.I also support the FAA's step to test pilots and controllers testing for sleep apnea. I would like that extended to mechanics as well.