Overspeed said:
And it wasn't AA who started the outsourcing trend to El Salvador...that was SWA sending their B737s there years ago. China? That was started by NWA, UA, and CO. Wonder what's the common denominator...none of those airlines mechanics were represented by the TWU when the work was outsourced.
The issue isn't the union, it's the FARs that allow it. Clear your head Bob and think.
I never said AA started the outsourcing trend, but they started a whole series of other concessions instead, and that left competitors with little choice other than outsourcing to try and get close to AA's maint cost per hour.
You certainly omit a lot of History, and for good cause.
The FARs you speak of have been in place for decades, it was changes in Union Contracts primarily that allowed work to be outsourced, and outsourced overseas. You leave out the fact that back in 1995 we were the only Union to agree to low cost mechanics in OH, that gave AA lower maintenance costs that they were able to put in place with expansion and through attrition, other Unions didn't give that, or deicing , or receive and Dispatch , away until they were in Bankruptcy. We gave AA concessions when they didn't need them. The SRP concession upset the balance of the whole industry. Outside of BK UAL, US and other carriers had no way to get the concessions that AA had in place without even the threat of bankruptcy, and AA was the number 1 carrier in the industry at the time. How could they expect a mechanic making $35/hr in their shops to accept $20/hr like we paid our OSMs? Not gonna happen, so they went BK and outsourced it in order to try and line up their total costs for maint with those at AA. Then before the ink was dry on their concessions in BK we agreed to an understated undervalued 25% in compensation cuts without even going into Bankruptcy. That sent US back into BK and the UAL creditors committee rejected the TA where they went with a 14% paycut and left most of the benefits and workrules intact. Both of those groups exited two rounds of BK with more vacation, and more Holidays at higher rates than we did before we even went into BK. we gave away everything to save the pension and overhaul, now they are both gone and we still didn't get back the stuff we gave to keep it, stuff our peers never gave up.
Sure it would be great to legislate protections in place that would prohibit outsourcing, even though non-union workers would benefit from those changes as well. But really, what has the Union done to push for those changes? I have seen where they told us to support workers in Wisconsin and Ohio, where they asked us to Lobby for card check, lobby against stricter duty time limits for mechanics, and even lobby so AA would not have to fund the pension despite the fact that our concessions more than paid for any contributions they should have made. As a result our pension was underfunded even though we gave them the money by working an extra week for free and 5 Holidays at straight time and the remaining five for time and a half instead of doubletime and a half.
We have known about those FARS for decades but the effort to change them have been superficial at best. Up until Bankruptcy and SRPs most unions relied on contracts to keep the work in house or at least in the US. In fact United, UPS and SWA all have limits on what can be outsourced overseas, we don't. You claim that inconsistent standards are the problem, yet you supported all the concessions at AA that have established standards inconsistent with the rest of the domestic Industry long before foreign maintenance became an issue, when we agreed to give up receive and dispatch and let Fleet do it, we changed the standards, when we agreed to let Fleet do Deicing, we changed the standards, when we agreed to pay for our own LTD, we changed the standards, when we agreed to contribute to our medical we changed the standards, when we agreed to let AA staff the shops with SRPs, we changed the standards, when we agreed to have one week less vacation than pretty much everyone else in any industry, we changed the standards, when we agreed to have only five sick days we changed the standards, when we agreed to give up Holidays, we changed the standards, when we agreed to training on straight time off shift we changed the standards, when we agreed to no doubletime we changed the standards. Your peers that you mentioned in Canada, Europe, and Australia have all those things and they face the same threats we do with foreign outsourcing and inconsistent standards, which as you pointed out are higher than ours, even most of our peers here in the US have them? US is a low cost competitor to mechanics in Europe and we are a low cost competitor of our peers among legacy carriers. Who doesn't have higher standards than we do? Probably those who you speak of in El Salvador, and you chose not to fight for any of it, to give it away willingly and then sit back and blame the FARs that existed long before outsourcing became the issue it is now. You need to clear your head and look in the mirror, then you will see where the problem lies.
You have come here and accused me of always putting blame elsewhere, well isn't that what you are doing? You are asking the government to do the job of protecting airline mechanics, a job the Unions used to do and still collect dues to do. If we can get them to do it great but has there really been a sincere effort to do that? At least I always Voted NO against giving everything away and lowering standards, I didn't vote YES then complain and blame the FARs or Bankruptcy.
If you aren't willing to fight for anything why would you expect politicians to do it for you? At the end of the day it all boils down to the fact that you voted to allow it.