Kangaroo Court

My goodness CIO,
Do you mean to say that because of AMFA’s extensive negotiations experience that they just forgot to protect the base guys or did they simply not care to protect them? Which ever it is…..WHAT A SHOCKER! And of course, no matter which side you take it still means layoffs! Also, don’t look now but here comes NWA asking for 173.3 million in concessions and these layoffs are NOT included in that figure. Now on AMFA’s behalf, they have changed their “no concessions” position to “no UNWARRANTED concessions”, as stated by Jim Atkinson, the Pres. Of Local 33. I wonder if their supporters can see what’s coming?

I’m glad you agree S.C.(about the flag stuff) :up:
RV4 said:
jake said:
Dave (Mo),
Let me restate, I think it speaks volumes about AMFA?s integrity if they are supporting individuals that have taken an oath of loyalty to obtain a leadership position and have no intention of upholding that oath. It?s simply hypocrisy in its purest form. If you AMFA boys want to pursue a new union, have at it?just don?t be hypocrites in the process. It also says a lot about the kind of ?leaders? you have supporting your efforts when Mr. Toussaint WILL NOT SALUTE OUR FLAG and WILL NOT PLEDGE HIS ALLIEGENCE to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, the very country that gives him (and you) the freedom to be who you are. Furthermore, the mechanics and related of the TWU must choose to participate in order to make a difference in their Union. Changing unions simply will not change the participation level of the membership. That fact can be realized by looking at the unimpressive vote totals at NWA, United and SWA. By the way, if I come rally with you, will you leave our organization?
;) :up:
Ok Let me restate my position,

I believe it was Jim Little and the TWU who decided seperate locals and self determination was the answer for the line mechanic during the last AMFA drive.

If the TWU decides to charter a local and nearly 100% of that local supports AMFA, how does one obtain anything other than a TWU Officer who supports AMFA and yet, is elected by the membership to lead the "seperate local"?

Seems to me, the TWU got exactly what they created!

No spin, just plain facts.

Local 562 is overwhemingly an AMFA supporting Local as well as most other Locals besides Tulsa Local 514. If you remove Bob and Chuck, then hold another election, I will bet money that the TWU will get another AMFA supporting President and Treasurer? Any doubts?

My personal opinion...

Taking an oath of allegiance to the TWU while supporting AMFA does have some crediblity issues that arise. But if there is such strong support for AMFA at Local 562, I think they need elected representatives, and it seems an AMFA supporter is the best leader. I don't know how to get around the oath and elect the best leaders. Seems to me we should all sign cards, go AMFA and get better leadership across the board, including Tulsa Oklahoma!

Bottom line is the TWU chartered Local 562 knowing full well they were very supportive of AMFA, expecting anything less than exactly what has occurred is not only stupid, but foolish. The fact remains that 8 Airlines are now represented by AMFA, 80-90% of the AA Line Mechanics are AMFA supporters, 70-80% of AFW at AA supports AMFA, did it ever occur to you that the Tulsa Mechanic that is still blinded by the LIES generated by Local 514 might actually be the problem?


Despite our difference of opinions regarding TWU vs AMFA, you appear to be a good union man, and care deeply about the welfare of yourself, your family, and your co-workers. There is NO dispute that our union membership is deeply divided. The only way to reconcile is to have a Union Representation election. Given most TWU Officers view that an election would "destroy the TWU", they appear to know that AMFA will win the election, thus they are now attempting to prevent that election, which is nothing more than anti-American, and anti-Union in itself. Have you read the AMFA Constitution? Do you really believe in "strength in numbers"? Because the "NUMBERS" appear to be represented by AMFA. Why can't you just allow the membership to decide their own fate via an election, and if AMFA wins, put your efforts into running for Office under the most Democratic Constitution in Labor History?

You preach Solidarity.

Look up Solidarity in the Dictionary, the word is not a slogan, the word has both a definition and a meaning in the English Language.


Pronunciation: (sol"i-dar'i-tE),
?pl. -ties.
1. union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among union members.
2. community of feelings, purposes, etc.
3. community of responsibilities and interests.

The National Mediation Board determines Craft or Class based on "mutuality of interest" and has determined that you have NO mutual interest with Fleet Service, Stock Clerks, Bus Drivers, ect.

Thus if SOLIDARITY means "fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests", you should be able to see that you will have more SOLIDARITY in a UNION OF MECHANICS rather than a catch all, represent anybody who will pay dues union?

Or maybe you would care to explain in detail, how your interest and responsiblities are common to the Bus Driver, the Fleet Service Clerk, the Stock Clerk, the Dispatchers, the Railroad Workers, and ZEBCO Rod and Reel Makers?
Dave, sounds like you are getting very opportunistic, matter of fact I detect the fine clean tacticts that have been used by your favorite monsters, the communist, to gain office and power.

Just where are you going to get all that wonderful leadership from? Kind of like at DLH where they filed charges against members working OT? Their leadership up there could not tell the difference between, discourage and shall not. Feel free to do a clip 'n paste from the dictionary.

j7915 said:
Dave, sounds like you are getting very opportunistic, matter of fact I detect the fine clean tacticts that have been used by your favorite monsters, the communist, to gain office and power.

Just where are you going to get all that wonderful leadership from? Kind of like at DLH where they filed charges against members working OT? Their leadership up there could not tell the difference between, discourage and shall not. Feel free to do a clip 'n paste from the dictionary.

Yeah, that's right! In Tulsa, when talking with Local 514, dictionary definitions of words are meaningless, just like the United States Constitution and freedom of speech.

TWU Local 514 makes up their own rules and definitions of words. Too much Roy D. Mercer I would imagine.

The National Mediation Board determines Craft or Class based on "mutuality of interest" and has determined that you have NO mutual interest with Fleet Service, Stock Clerks, Bus Drivers, ect.

Thus if SOLIDARITY means "fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests", you should be able to see that you will have more SOLIDARITY in a UNION OF MECHANICS rather than a catch all, represent anybody who will pay dues union?
Or maybe you would care to explain in detail, how your interest and responsiblities are common to the Bus Driver, the Fleet Service Clerk, the Stock Clerk, the Dispatchers, the Railroad Workers, and ZEBCO Rod and Reel Makers?

If this is the case why is the McCormick/Sheham group working at monopolizing the Mechanics-Fleetservice workers-Flight Attendants into one Organization?

Catch all= sub-contracting to AMFA-AGW-PFAA!

Who most often shows up to speak at the organizer meetings?
Checking it Out said:
If this is the case why is the McCormick/Sheham group working at monopolizing the Mechanics-Fleetservice workers-Flight Attendants into one Organization?

Who most often shows up to speak at the organizer meetings?
McCormick and Seham, are not unions. How many times must this pointed out before it sinks into your thick skull?

We have speakers that can best give details against the lies you tell.

We are having another refute the TWU lies rally soon, you should attend again.
RV$ wrote;

McCormick and Seham, are not unions. How many times must this pointed out before it sinks into your thick skull?

We have speakers that can best give details against the lies you tell.

Your right they are not Union, That is my point!

Qoute from a member attending the meetings;

Heard lots of lies today from the amfa clowns in CLT Seham. MAG, and Delle himself. Seham said that----

This is the point, They are at the meetings more often than not!

Check out the Truth; Concerned Aviation Technicians
Checking it Out said:
RV$ wrote;

McCormick and Seham, are not unions. How many times must this pointed out before it sinks into your thick skull?

We have speakers that can best give details against the lies you tell.

Your right they are not Union, That is my point!

Qoute from a member attending the meetings;

Heard lots of lies today from the amfa clowns in CLT Seham. MAG, and Delle himself. Seham said that----

This is the point, They are at the meetings more often than not!

Check out the Truth; Concerned Aviation Technicians

Is Art Luby, ECLAT, Frasier and Frasier, David Rosen, Sandford Dennison, ect.... UNION? And didn't you bring some of these folks to the last AMFA meeting in Tulsa?


Those BUS HEADLIGHTS LIGHTS sure are bright aren't they?
Catch all= sub-contracting to AMFA-AGW-PFAA!


Why is it that in your diatribe you never mentioned these other groups before?

Any time a work group attempts to take an independant course from the AFL-CIO you attempt to find fault. Are you paid by the AFL-CIO?
twuer said:
Looks like your boys are comin' around Dave! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:
Yep, looks like a TWU coward to me alright. Thanks for ferroting out the weak for us.

Coming around to what? Concessions for Jobs Salesmen?

Congratulations, you gained integrity and honesty on your team? Or did you?
Paul McCormick | Mark Rasco | Don Videtich Page 1 | Don Videtich Page 2 | Gary Peterson | Todd Woodward

Go to www.TWUATD.org and read the Letters!!!!
just a few items that need to be corrected.

1. I am a member of 562, since Chuck and Bob have been in office I have not witnessed or even heard a rumor that they were supporting AMFA in any way shape or form.

2. Local 100 has its own agenda, they hate Sonny Hall and any opportunity they have to put a stick in his eye they will.

3. Local 562 is being audited, but not for any misappropiation or misuse of funds. I personally think it is pay back for being vocal and out spoken on issues. So much for freedom of speech.

4. Neither Chuck or Bob have violated their oaths of office.

5. You folks who have soooo much time on your hands to just sit here and harangue each other should find something more usefull to do with your time. Go do some charity work or something.
Checking it Out said:
Jim Martin I believe you were not at the convention. If you were you would at least tell the truth!

Is Roger from Local 100 the same one who ran against Sonny Hall during the last Convention?

If so you need to understand his beliefs and than you will understand the Individual!

The Question was simple, If you have any Morals, You would not be violating the TWU Constitution and resign your position if you were!

Well I was at the TWU Convention. And I can tell you about how it was run. It was as Democratic as the old Soviet Union elections. Votes were done by voice in a room of over 300 delegates with alternates mixed with delegates and people standing in the back as observers.

Before you tell us about Rojers beliefs how about telling us in detail how you plan to turn around the twenty year decline airline workers have seen. Or, does it not affect you? Are you on the Internationals payroll recieving a six figure income while telling your members to accept the most concessionary contract in history?

The Internationals performance during Local 100s battle with the MTA was just as disgraceful as with our agreement. The International did not support their own Local because they were afraid of a strike. A strike would have likely resulted in the members dues being used to pay a fine. Imagine that! Dues being used to defend the members interests and right to strike instead of for office space in one of the most expensive areas in the world, new cars for International members, generous pensions and other perks.

When Rojer came into Local 100 it was bankrupt and demoralized, it is now a major force in the Labor movement in NYC. It drew thousands to its rallys during contract negotiations and other causes. If there is any hope for our Union it lies in Local 100 and their ability to oust the geriatric regime that sits back collecting their inflated salaries as the members they represent continue to slide downwards.

As far as violating the Constitution what does Article II state?

Was your object to keep the Internationals Treasury intact? The Treasury that provides six figure incomes, generous pensions and other perks for appointed reps that could not get re-elected and would have no chance in hell of ever earning such figures outside of the International. Tell me how you reconcile lower wages, more hours worked and less benifits to the stated purpose of the Union as outined in Article II?

Jobs? It does not say anything about that in Title II or any other Article but I'm sure that you will try to fix that the next Convention. If we are to buy into the concept of lower wages to create more jobs are we not promoting the same philosophy as RTW, Conservative, Corporate or other organizations that are considered "anti-union"?

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