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Just a Test of Honesty

Apr 11, 2006
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This is just a test statement I wrote to the amfanuts.com website. The website administrator claims they don’t delete my posts.

First the blue boy comments:

Get a life, we post your crap all the time. Just because you have no answers don't blame it on censorship. The only way a post gets deleted here is if it's illegal or has a copy write. If you're getting deleted then make sure you provide links to copy written material.
We don't agree with what you stand for but this isn't the-mechanic (where OUR posts would of NEVER been posted!) I ask my brothers and sisters who tried to post on their AMFA Bulletin Board if Dennis Sanderson allowed them to post anything other than pro AMFA comments?
We rest our case!

This is my reply:

Well none of my post you deleted had illegal or copy written material. So why would you delete my posts? I think you are afraid your minions will see through your deceit. A very good indication of a liar is when they follow up another lie with an excuse. The-mechanic web site has no bearing on our conversation, but then you use it to justify your actions of deleting my post. Why not identify yourself if you are so devout in your beliefs? I would be willing to bet you will never identify yourself. Over and over your words prove you are nothing but a coward.


Union Member on Strike
In my honest opinion.....

There are only a few that comment on that message board and the messages are all the same.

They have blasted Dennis for his lack of postings of all opinions on his mechanics website, yet they do the same thing.

As far as your posts getting deleted, maybe they do have a problem with the site itself...(don't forget it is scab controlled) I get a frontpage error that says contact site webmaster...who knows...

Its not worth reading that site let alone responding to anything that is posted there.

Here is an old link discussing amfanuts, maybe you'll find something there:
In my honest opinion.....

There are only a few that comment on that message board and the messages are all the same.

They have blasted Dennis for his lack of postings of all opinions on his mechanics website, yet they do the same thing.

As far as your posts getting deleted, maybe they do have a problem with the site itself...(don't forget it is scab controlled) I get a frontpage error that says contact site webmaster...who knows...

Its not worth reading that site let alone responding to anything that is posted there.

Here is an old link discussing amfanuts, maybe you'll find something there:

On the site I moderate I usually let people slide, saying whatever they want (why not, this moderator was chastised for calling some flight attendants fat wrinkled dinosaurs, some pilots using a plane as an extension of their manhood, ect.).
My point is if you want to say something, say it- just remember that other people are reading your thoughts. I wouldn't think about deleting other people's posts unless it had someone's real NAME, PHONE number, Senority number, ect. ect. ect.

People have gotten fired for posting their names and detailing how they called in sick, ect.

One and only time I banned someone was when someone started an "F-U" fight. 😛h34r:

On a flight attendant site they were complaining how pfaawatch.com banned them for ???? :lol:

I think people should be entitled to say whatever they want. It makes these websites more fun. Some sites don't like... fights..... and stuff....
On the site I moderate I usually let people slide, saying whatever they want (why not, this moderator was chastised for calling some flight attendants fat wrinkled dinosaurs, some pilots using a plane as an extension of their manhood, ect.).
My point is if you want to say something, say it- just remember that other people are reading your thoughts. I wouldn't think about deleting other people's posts unless it had someone's real NAME, PHONE number, Senority number, ect. ect. ect.

People have gotten fired for posting their names and detailing how they called in sick, ect.

One and only time I banned someone was when someone started an "F-U" fight. 😛h34r:

On a flight attendant site they were complaining how pfaawatch.com banned them for ???? :lol:

I think people should be entitled to say whatever they want. It makes these websites more fun. Some sites don't like... fights..... and stuff....
both you and DEA have consistantly posted well stated, honest and often humorous posts. I am sure all of us on both sides of this debate appreciate the bit of light you bring to this forum. Best of luck to you and yours in all your endeavors.
both you and DEA have consistantly posted well stated, honest and often humorous posts. I am sure all of us on both sides of this debate appreciate the bit of light you bring to this forum. Best of luck to you and yours in all your endeavors.
endeavors? You're making me sound like some freak that is making a career out of posting the most posts on line or something.... 😛h34r:
Just going to add one more post to prove my point and I will let the matter rest.

Union Member on Strike (UMOS)-If you are willing to debate issues about Amfa without personal attacks or smokescreens, why not begin? I would first like to ask you why Amfa allowed 38% farm out language in their contract with NWA. Doesn’t the loss of nearly 6,000 jobs before the strike prove that Amfa was wrong to let this happen? Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Personal attacks, now that is funny, especially when you take a look at the first page of this web site. Smoke screens, now that is the amfanators specialty. I have never seen more things taken out of context and exaggerated about AMFA then what is posted to this site. As to your question about the 38% farm out language in the previous NWA/AMFA contract. I have never agreed with it and did not vote yes on that piece of crap contract. I have heard remarks to as why they thought they needed to have it, but have no proof to back up what was said. Did that language cost jobs? YES. How the membership could be so stupid to vote in such a contract is beyond me. I personally don’t feel that mistake made by the NWA membership, defines AMFA. That would be like blaming the IAM for all the lost jobs at Eastern, because the membership voted to go on strike. Who would you blame for all the lost jobs at USAir, and United? Also who is the blame for the millions of dollars employees lost in the failed ESOP programs? Do we blame the IAM? They negotiated those deals. Does it define what the IAM is? I say no on all counts as the true culprit is the corporate greed of the various companies. I believe the union leaderships in most cases try to do things to the best of their abilities and not purposely make changes in contracts to hurt their respective members. People posting here seem to imply that AMFA is the sole reason for our current situation. The only true mistake I have seen made by any union would be of the IAM. The IAM leadership at NWA told their membership it was OK to do AMFA strike work. How they could justify this action is unknown, but it is the greatest sin any union member could commit.

Union Member on Strike
:cop: Its official…
Test complete…

The other website is obviously bias, as your comments are pretty unbiased. Amfanuts are one sided and/or blind sided! As I stated earlier…it is not worth posting on that web site let alone reading their inane/insane opinions.
Just going to add one more post to prove my point and I will let the matter rest.

Union Member on Strike (UMOS)-If you are willing to debate issues about Amfa without personal attacks or smokescreens, why not begin? I would first like to ask you why Amfa allowed 38% farm out language in their contract with NWA. Doesn’t the loss of nearly 6,000 jobs before the strike prove that Amfa was wrong to let this happen? Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Personal attacks, now that is funny, especially when you take a look at the first page of this web site. Smoke screens, now that is the amfanators specialty. I have never seen more things taken out of context and exaggerated about AMFA then what is posted to this site. As to your question about the 38% farm out language in the previous NWA/AMFA contract. I have never agreed with it and did not vote yes on that piece of crap contract. I have heard remarks to as why they thought they needed to have it, but have no proof to back up what was said. Did that language cost jobs? YES. How the membership could be so stupid to vote in such a contract is beyond me. I personally don’t feel that mistake made by the NWA membership, defines AMFA. That would be like blaming the IAM for all the lost jobs at Eastern, because the membership voted to go on strike. Who would you blame for all the lost jobs at USAir, and United? Also who is the blame for the millions of dollars employees lost in the failed ESOP programs? Do we blame the IAM? They negotiated those deals. Does it define what the IAM is? I say no on all counts as the true culprit is the corporate greed of the various companies. I believe the union leaderships in most cases try to do things to the best of their abilities and not purposely make changes in contracts to hurt their respective members. People posting here seem to imply that AMFA is the sole reason for our current situation. The only true mistake I have seen made by any union would be of the IAM. The IAM leadership at NWA told their membership it was OK to do AMFA strike work. How they could justify this action is unknown, but it is the greatest sin any union member could commit.

Union Member on Strike
I definetly agree with you on the last 5 lines of the statement. The IAM at USAIR actually slep with the old mgmt regime and over 25 cities with over 600 employees lost their jobs as well as pay and benes. As for NWA I believe that AMFA did the right thing and they went on strike which is still on going. furthermore I believe NWA should not have hired those scabs. There is no excuse as to why mgmt cant take a severe cut in pay and benesthe exact same way as employees. but it is also very wrong of the iam to perform struck work, which to me makes them scabs as well. as for the current situation at NWA, it is mgmt fault just like at the old US, Delta, and United. Had they kept up with rival low cost carriers then they may not have been in the position they were in. I believe that all 9/11 did was just propel the problems a lot faster than anticipated. US pulled out of markets and allowed SWA to move in fast.. BWI and the west coast are prime examples of old US mgmt failures alone.