The furlough pay issue is more important than what you seem to think. And it will change the job as we know it. Please read:
Did John Ward know why Furlough Pay was originally negotiated INTO union contracts?
Did he know that it was negotiated INTO contracts to prevent the instability of revolving door furloughs? Does he know what will happen TO US without it?
Furlough pay historically prevented furloughs every fall and winter. It did no good for the company to furlough for Sept to Nov, Jan thru March. WITH furlough pay F/A's did not live in fear as much for their jobs being 'seasonal' ones. Now, if this passes, that will become the norm.
When furlough pay is gone, we will be living a revolving door furlough fear month by month. They could find ourselves furloughed every Sept, recalled for Thanksgiving and X-mas traffic, refurloughed for Jan thru March, recalled just before spring break and required to fly the summer. How do we get jobs for the few months in between? WE will live scattered, and unstable lives over and above what this industry already imposes on the willing.
Yes, furlough pay was negotiated INTO contracts for a reason. Give it up and you'll never get it back.
And, the company didn't even ask for APFA to give up the furlough pay. John Ward offered it to them
On 4/3/2003 7

30 AM FA Mikey wrote:
Furlough pay doesn't add up to much. If this is what you were counting on to survive. You would have been very dissapointed. Less than 2 years service would get one half months pay. Less than 3 years service gets one months pay. Less than 4 years service gets one and a half months pay. Over 4 years would have gotten two full months pay. All will be taxed as capital gains.
Vote No and we go to BK they still dont have to give furlough pay. Under the Emergency provision. Go ahead and look it up.