Jt8-217 Exhaust Cases


Aug 20, 2002
Hey CIO, could you explain why TWU represented mechanics are working on JT8-217 Exhaust Cases made in Korea?
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CIO, no answers? Could it be you have shopping at Wal-Mart?
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Still no reply from CIO. How many more foreign manufactured parts is the TWU working on?
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How do you get around not working on these foreign items?
Buck said:
How do you get around not working on these foreign items?
Well Buck after your, "I just have to make a statement" posting, you are finally asking the question you should have asked all along... how can we keep from working on foreign made products?

Maybe the Zebco example ought to give you an idea. Don't buy anything with that brandname, and maybe even restrict your shopping at businesses that carry those foreign products.

Of course it is much easier to blame the TWU, because the public wanted very cheap fishing reels for their kids and themselves.
j7915 said:
Well Buck after your, "I just have to make a statement" posting, you are finally asking the question you should have asked all along... how can we keep from working on foreign made products?

Maybe the Zebco example ought to give you an idea. Don't buy anything with that brandname, and maybe even restrict your shopping at businesses that carry those foreign products.

Of course it is much easier to blame the TWU, because the public wanted very cheap fishing reels for their kids and themselves.
Are you saying that the TWU did not have any language to prevent them from outsourcing all of the Zebco/TWU work??? Why wouldn't the TWU have this kind of language in their contract???

Furthermore I have not seen the prices of Zebco reels go down. Could it just be another case of corporate greed???
j7915 said:
Well Buck after your, "I just have to make a statement" posting, you are finally asking the question you should have asked all along... how can we keep from working on foreign made products?

Maybe the Zebco example ought to give you an idea. Don't buy anything with that brandname, and maybe even restrict your shopping at businesses that carry those foreign products.

Of course it is much easier to blame the TWU, because the public wanted very cheap fishing reels for their kids and themselves.
Now we know!

The public also wants "very cheap" airplane seating for "their kids and themselves".

Does this mean the TWU is not going to protect our jobs either, and then blame someone else like you do?

If you guys would hold your own union to the same standards you wish to hold AMFA, then we wouldn't be having this debate.
TWU informer said:
j7915 said:
Well Buck after your, "I just have to make a statement" posting, you are finally asking the question you should have asked all along... how can we keep from working on foreign made products?

Maybe the Zebco example ought to give you an idea. Don't buy anything with that brandname, and maybe even restrict your shopping at businesses that carry those foreign products.

Of course it is much easier to blame the TWU, because the public wanted very cheap fishing reels for their kids and themselves.
Now we know!

The public also wants "very cheap" airplane seating for "their kids and themselves".

Does this mean the TWU is not going to protect our jobs either, and then blame someone else like you do?

If you guys would hold your own union to the same standards you wish to hold AMFA, then we wouldn't be having this debate.
Maybe they will just continue to lower our wages until we are at par with third world wages. Then in order to survive we can take our kids out of school to work along side us for 16hrs a day. Then the TWU can get dues from them too and because the TWU will have even more members Sonny and his gang can increase their salaries even more!

Isnt unaccountable business/ company Unionism GREAT?
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j7915 said:
Well Buck after your, "I just have to make a statement" posting, you are finally asking the question you should have asked all along... how can we keep from working on foreign made products?

Maybe the Zebco example ought to give you an idea. Don't buy anything with that brandname, and maybe even restrict your shopping at businesses that carry those foreign products.

Of course it is much easier to blame the TWU, because the public wanted very cheap fishing reels for their kids and themselves.

You attack me for having my tires changed at other than the dealership. I ask a legitimate question about how we limit the work on and thereby limit the use of foreign products and you bring up Zebco where your type of unionism failed it's membership. I never mentioned the TWU in this post, it is you that opened the door again.

Now I ask you a question:

How many products do you have in your possession that are wholly manufactured in the United States?

So you are saying because the public wants, you will allow for concessions in your labor contract.?
j7915 said:
Don't buy anything with that brandname, and maybe even restrict your shopping at businesses that carry those foreign products.
Well that should put Walmart out of business, not necesarily a bad thing. ;)

I agree with your theory but the problem arises when your labor union negotiates Walmart wages or less, and expects us to buy high dollar USA products. Cars are one thing being that prices are similiar across the board, but clothing especially shoes/sneakers is crazy prices for USA products. The only way things will change is a tightening of trade. Not going to happen under either of the 2 political parties, the past 20 years have proved that, both parties are at fault.
How about this, why not follow the leader? Just send the maintenance to third party vendors or overseas? That way the argument goes away? Lets all follow the example amfa at NW has followed! 2/3rds of the checks outsourced and continuing. If you're out of work you can't see the label? Right?
Buck what percentage of work is manufactured overseas at boieng? I don't believe the TWU has anything to do with this part of the process!

I do see that we as Members are willing to work to keep members employed! And are working aggressively to continue to look for oppurtunities to work on aviation parts. And have a Great AFL-CIO to lobby politicians and companies to help stop the process.

When was the last time you looked at a part and made sure it was sent to a shop? After noticing the part was to go to an outside vendor? Are you working to insure your Fellow TWU brothers are staying employed?

Or are you the typical amfa wantabe and will ensure that you cause a problem so you can complain about it later? Do you make sure you assign work evenly or do you assign work to ensure your buddies stand around their tool boxes and do nothing?
Checking it Out said:
How about this, why not follow the leader? Just send the maintenance to third party vendors or overseas? That way the argument goes away? Lets all follow the example amfa at NW has followed! 2/3rds of the checks outsourced and continuing. If you're out of work you can't see the label? Right?
How about this.

Lets get language that keeps the work in house and be willing to strike to get it and enforce it.

As Ed Koziatek told me back in 2000, "You will never see the TWU strike at AA". Not for this, not for anything, its like not having a union at all, except for the fact that they take 2 hours pay per month.

The TWU has been in place for over 50 years yet despite twenty years of concessions they were not able to get us this. Local 562 proposed a more effective SCOPE clause in 2001 but Tulsa, Don Videtich and the International were successful at burying the proposal. The TWU put in system protection, to keep present employment, which would allow the company to farm out through attrition but the only time it was tested the TWU rolled the date back, removing that protection from thousands who thought they had it. So in other words it was useless. However since the TWU allowed in super low pay, many jobs remained in house because it was cheaper to do so, not because of any action by the union. Not only did the company lay off as they pleased but they also got back more in paycuts and benifits than any other airline in the Industry. Even non-union Delta did not take back as much as the TWU gave away.

If Delta tried to do what the TWU did more then likely they would end up with a unionized workforce. Thats because with a non-union workforce you only need 35% of those eligible to call for an election but if there is a union in place you need 50% plus all those with recall rights and who ever else they can throw in. So if you have a union in place like the TWU you are more at risk than you would be if you had no union.

Its time for us to get a union, not a company union. Its time for AMFA and the AGW!
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Buck what percentage of work is manufactured overseas at boieng? I don't believe the TWU has anything to do with this part of the process!

I have no idea what that percentage is.

I do see that we as Members are willing to work to keep members employed! And are working aggressively to continue to look for oppurtunities to work on aviation parts. And have a Great AFL-CIO to lobby politicians and companies to help stop the process.

No you see the membership willing to take concessions to pay for the work they are looking for.

When was the last time you looked at a part and made sure it was sent to a shop? After noticing the part was to go to an outside vendor? Are you working to insure your Fellow TWU brothers are staying employed?

I work with many parts everyday. No I do not work on the RO committee so I do not check ever part for its repair source. NO I am working everyday to ensure that my fellow union members gain the proper representation by rid ourselves of the TWU.

Or are you the typical amfa wantabe and will ensure that you cause a problem so you can complain about it later? Do you make sure you assign work evenly or do you assign work to ensure your buddies stand around their tool boxes and do nothing?

It is and has been the TWU that has been the problem causing entity. With twenty years of concessionary contracts and multi-tier wage scales and farming our work out in the same facility that top paid mechanics are working in. Oh I assign work evenly and the crews that I have the opportunity to work with work. It has nothing to do with AMFA or the TWU in their case. No the members who work with me are not officers at Local 514, they work.

I would like to make a friendly suggestion.

Please research ISpell

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