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Joe Tiberi Lies

E-TRONS said:
Now you are acting FUBAR!!

If a real IAM bigshot comes to visit it doesn't count if he only sees the IAM committee members.
He was on the floor in the bays talking to anyone who approached him.

Like I said go ask Albert G, as Albert and Joe talked at length.
700UW said:
He was on the floor in the bays talking to anyone who approached him.

Like I said go ask Albert G, as Albert and Joe talked at length.
I guess I was absent that day.


Happy now????
Doesn't newbie joe mechanic's "form of response" to Cavalier's first response to this topic look very similar to another very frequent pro management poster?

Maybe just trying to stir things up a little more? Hmmmm!
E-TRONS said:
What goes on at the local level usually stays there. Maybe the AGC will hear about it but ultimately the grand lodge officials call the ball.
Im on the west coast and personally I’ve never met Joe Tiberi either but I have met Robert Roach Jr than again I’ve met Thomas Buffenbarger as well and isn’t Robert Roach Jr personally handling the talks (not negotiations) between the IAM and US Air?

Joe you come across as the type of person that bitches and complains about anything and everything that doesn’t suit your agenda but when it comes time to do anything about it you or should I say your type are the ones that stand behind the crowd letting others do the talking for you.

Do yourself a favor, if you don’t like what’s being done grow a set of huevos and do something about it.

I don’t like what’s going on at U but unlike you Im doing something about it. I went out and got a second job so the day they lay me off I’ve got something else to fall back on.
tug_slug said:
Maybe you should attend a union meeting and voice your opinion there instead of doing it behind computer monitor.
Maybe you should attend a union meeting and voice your opinion there instead of doing it behind computer monitor.
i have many ,many times there tug slug.
nobody asked the members their opinion or stance as to whether we want or don't want concessions at any local lodge meeting i've attended,in fact there are a growing number of mechanic and related who wonder just how IAM can take this stance without an active polling of the membership.
if they want to have the concession stand closed..well thats all well and fine...but i think the membership should decide not some guy in a suit in D.C.
or don't you care to have a voice in your future or decisions regarding your livelyhood? 🙂
Did ALPA poll its members?

Did the CWA poll its members?

The AFA did some polling and the members said no, but yet their MEC still voted to open the contract.

See you elect Union Representatives to make the decisions for you.

And you will have a voice one way or another when the company files BK because of their failures you will be able to vote yes or no on a last and final offer from the company.

I have to agree with tug, sounds like you are a management plant.

At my stations which I believe is the largest Mechanic and Related station the membership is a solid no to concessions.

See you dont realize the company wants to eliminate the mechanic position as much as possible.

They want to eliminate all utility.
They want to eliminate ALL heavy maintenance.
They want to eliminate all shops.
They want to eliminate plant maintenance.
They want to eliminate GSE.

They want to go down to less then 800 line mechanics and vendor everything and anything they can.

Go ahead and vote yourself out of a job.
700, could we please see the source of these claims you post that the company wants from the IAM?
no one i've talked to seems to have any inkling of what the company is demanding , but you seem to be well versed in the content.
thank you for your efforts.
The information was obtained from several sources.

The IAM, other unions and the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
joe mechanic said:
700, could we please see the source of these claims you post that the company wants from the IAM?
no one i've talked to seems to have any inkling of what the company is demanding , but you seem to be well versed in the content.
thank you for your efforts.
Guess you been living in a cave!

They want our JOBS, hear me, OUR LIVIHOODS.

They are trying to steal our airbus work.

You act like that isn't enough, and if you REALLY feel that isn't enough that I say you are NOT an IAM member.
mweiss said:
I doubt that anyone in Crystal City wants to fix airplanes. Just a thought. 😛
This is a NO SH---I---T! We as the IAM should just go away because they say so, just forget about the contracts both sides signed, just forget about the 40 plus years we did work on them.

What was the point in your stupid reply anyway beside throwing fuel on the fire oh Mr. wise one?
cavalier said:
This is a NO SH---I---T! We as the IAM should just go away because they say so, just forget about the contracts both sides signed, just forget about the 40 plus years we did work on them.

What was the point in your stupid reply anyway beside throwing fuel on the fire oh Mr. wise one?
What was the point in your stupid reply anyway beside throwing fuel on the fire oh Mr. wise one?
its weiss not wise... :lol: 😉 😛
guess they dump the boeings they can dump the headcount real quick and no one could do anything about it except moan,eh?
how many mech's they want?? 800...hmm.....
joe mechanic said:
700, could we please see the source of these claims you post that the company wants from the IAM?
no one i've talked to seems to have any inkling of what the company is demanding , but you seem to be well versed in the content.
thank you for your efforts.

YOu guys better hire an Independent financial anyalyst, as we did at AFA. HE gave us information that will better prepare us for negotiations. We WILL know when the company is lying to us. They know this now as well. The pension issue is 1 example.

It is bigger than you could possibly imagine that they want.

There not getting all they want, rest assured. We are getting our members prepared for a BK filing. Even if we don't file, at least the members are preparing themselves for the worst should we go in.

If the proposals are not ratifiable, then we will attempt again in BK. That IMO,
will be on a level playing field as no one want disgruntled workers if we can't create a reasonable balance in BK.

Everyone is at risk in BK, NOT JUST LABOR. The longer U stays in BK, the harder it is to exist and find the financing to do it. Also the managment starts to lose control of the operation, as other stakeholders start to control the assets.

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