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MCI transplant said:
Bear, STL, or MCI don't matter! Either, or, I still have my Senority! And 25% at several other stations throughout a.a.'s system, which still puts me at, or near the top of the pack! I know the thought of it kills you, but such is life! As for "what if's", What if they would have shut down AFW? Or cut back TUL? They didn't! So what's your point? a.a./ TWU love to play games which have nothing to with Ecconomics, and everything to do with Politics!!! And please,don't say you don't know what I'm talking about! Signed, "Just another redheaded step child!"
IF you were a long time regular, on this discussion board, you would have known that I strongly campaigned for TWA folks to get a fair shot at occ. sen.


ASK ANY OF THE "REAL REGULARS" on here !!!!!!!!!!!

"MCI TRANSPLANT, HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW" ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Bears, Don't you think retirement would be better for you health? You are the biggest malcontent on this board. Since AA is screwing you sooooooo bad, why don't you "shove 'em back", and see if we can make it without you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See I learned something from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bear the biggest malcontent? You obviously havn't read many of "Hopeful's" posts! Its gotta take maximum willpower for Hopeful to walk by an open window in a tall building! His negativity is off the charts!!
😉 Bear----If I confused you with Hopeful, I do apoligize! Sometimes it's hard for me to keep track of the players without a score card! It seems you have a new fan here in AAmech! I do feel he has you both identified! Signed, " Just another redheaded step child!"
AH yes.. the 2004 Medical premium increase! Pretty soon, we'll be paying the 80% and the company 20%.

Together, you 2 clowns could,nt hold a candle to HOPEFUL, when it comes to being
a "stand up guy" !!!!!!!!!!!

AAmech, in your case, your in love with the TWU(seless), so "I REST MY CASE"

MCI TRANSPLANT, I'd love to see how you'd be received should you ever wind up in JFK.


MCI TRANSPLANT, "How's your KC Chiefs doin' ????

GO NE PATRIOTS (best record in the AFC) :up: :up: :up:
Again, being realistic should not be confused with negativity or pessimism for that matter. I've been in this business for quite sometime, way before derugulation. It's one thing to disagree with me! But to actually think I would be suicidal over being raped by American Airlines and the beloved TWU is assinine.
For those of you who have been around in this business and have witnessed the once great airlines (TWA included) disappear, I'll just say this: AA's ranks are full of employees from those great airlines who were being optimistic when they joined AA. All they, and we included, have to look forward to is what the company will seek to take from us next. Of course I hope I'm wrong.

My money is on the PENSION!


Thanks for your support in this forum. Best wishes to you and yours!

"A good friend will bail you out of jail...
But your BEST friend will be the one sitting next to you."
Hopeful said:
All they, and we included, have to look forward to is what the company will seek to take from us next. Of course I hope I'm wrong.

My money is on the PENSION!

I think your right about this one. And whats scary is the amount of younger employees who would WILLINGLY give it up. A lot of these youger guys have NO IDEA what a company paid pension plan is. All they talk about is a matched 401kplan which the company would walk thru fire to give us if they could get out of funding our pension.

BTW: A friend is someone who helps you move.
Your BEST friend is someone who helps you move a body!
Never mistake my contempt for that bozo run amfa with love for our present union TWU. I've had more than my fair share of problems with them and I'm very open to alternatives. But I think the frying pan is preferable to the fire right now! BTW, amfa has already agreed to give up the pension at Alaska Airlines. So much for them as a solution to our problems.
🙁 Bear! Now you've gone and hurt my feelings! Comparing me to Hopeful! Now that's not nice! As for JFK, I was invited once! Turned it down! One of the best chooses I've ever made! Came here instead! I've talked to ex-TWA mechanics from JFK, that are now here! I'll be diplomatic and just say they were treated like SH#@T!!!! Enough said about that! AAmech has one thing right! The young'uns don't know the valve of a good retirement! The IAM agreed to a Penson freeze! Lasted 12 years! I really hate to say it but AAmech is also right on with this so called Union business! As for the Cheifs! I don't want to talk about it!!!!!!! :angry:
MCI transplant said:
🙁 Bear! Now you've gone and hurt my feelings! Comparing me to Hopeful! Now that's not nice! As for JFK, I was invited once! Turned it down! One of the best chooses I've ever made! Came here instead! I've talked to ex-TWA mechanics from JFK, that are now here! I'll be diplomatic and just say they were treated like SH#@T!!!! Enough said about that! AAmech has one thing right! The young'uns don't know the valve of a good retirement! The IAM agreed to a Penson freeze! Lasted 12 years! I really hate to say it but AAmech is also right on with this so called Union business! As for the Cheifs! I don't want to talk about it!!!!!!! :angry:
MCITRANSPLANT: Of course "the young'uns don't know the VALVE of a good retirement." Who would?
But seriously, You're right, and they think theyre going to be in their 20's and 30's forever and defy the aging process. What scares me is that if the company were to offer full pay restoration in return for altering the pension plan, I fear they would fall for it hook line and sinker!
Dear Hopeful, 🙄

Maybe if you had an opportunity to fly with one of us (TWAers) you would know why my co workers are so special! And furthermore QUIT? What do you mean? Everyone of us is on the street!
Obviously, you are not a very compassionate person. I will light a candle for you as well. Best of luck to you!
MCI transplant said:
🙁 Bear! Now you've gone and hurt my feelings! Comparing me to Hopeful! Now that's not nice! As for JFK, I was invited once! Turned it down! One of the best chooses I've ever made! Came here instead! I've talked to ex-TWA mechanics from JFK, that are now here! I'll be diplomatic and just say they were treated like SH#@T!!!! Enough said about that! AAmech has one thing right! The young'uns don't know the valve of a good retirement! The IAM agreed to a Penson freeze! Lasted 12 years! I really hate to say it but AAmech is also right on with this so called Union business! As for the Cheifs! I don't want to talk about it!!!!!!! :angry:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
