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TransWorldONE Posted on Dec 17 2003, 08:08 PM
I think it would have been the final insult to the people and memory of TWA to have AA planes parked there.

Daedalus Posted on Dec 17 2003, 07:35 PM

How about the final insult to people and memory of AA who are being displaced by TWA people? To date, you TWA people have racked up, hmmm let me see.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...OH YEA, 32 months and 9 days of actual aa seniority!


Merry Christmas indeed!

I'll answer that one...We are survivors collectively or apart. We have balls and we never give up! The people that stayed with TWA till the end were the ones that loved the company, the fellow employees and the allure of working for a pioneer, we gave and complained as expected but were rewarded with something more than a dollar amount...knowing we tried and succeeded in keeping something incredibly special going longer than people thought we would.
We were the lowest paid hardest working people in the industry and that made/makes us special. Any more questions?

oh and btw, i am a furloughed f/a since Oct 31 2002
I suppose the folks at Eastern and PanAM could't shine your shoes, is that right?'

ANd you would have survived had not AA bought you, or any other airline for that matter?
Hopeful said:
I suppose the folks at Eastern and PanAM could't shine your shoes, is that right?'

ANd you would have survived had not AA bought you, or any other airline for that matter?
I have the utmost respect for the people of Eastern and PanAm...I respect hard work, not arrogance. After EA and PA stopped operation. Twa was the only airline that continued honoring thier employee/retiree passes...That is what airline community is about and AA has no understanding of this concept, its all about crushing the other guy.

As far as surviving who knows...i certainly can't answer that one. I just know we did through some tough times that would have crushed people with less...baalls.
😀 HEY HOPEFUL!!!! I still have "ALL" my Senority! All thirty+ years of it!!! Come and play in my back yard, we'll see who stays the longest! Signed, "Just another red headed step child!"
Hopeful asks :


Hmmn, wouldn't you just love to know?

I think TransWorldOne hit the nail right on the head with this one. HARD WORK, not ARROGANCE. We worked very hard over many years to save OUR company, to make OUR company work. TWA was not just a place we worked at, for most of us it was much much more, and always will be. Our blood isn't just red, its TWA red. If we had the same attitudes that many of your AAmerican friends seem to have, the doors would have closed 10 years ago - but they didn't, now did they?

TWA was ours, and you will never begin to mend any fences by continously asserting that we brought nothing to the table or had no right to anything but the unemployment line. No, its far easier to justify what you have done to us by using the same old untrue "you were bankrupt" line. The fact is, whatever the motives, American DID buy TWA.

Last I checked there were more than just a handful of TWA MD80s and 757s flying in AA silver. The employees that came with those airplanes should be the ones working them - in the cockpit, in the cabin, on the ground, and in the hangar. End of story. So next time you fly 701TW, 709TW, 954U, 902TW, etc, just remember the people whose jobs you have stolen.

Nevertheless, I wish you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS, and lets ALL hope for a better 2004.
Oh please! Check out the fleet numbers of AA's fleet.
The MD80's alone total 275!
I do believe that a lot of TWAers have lost work because AA decided to retire the entire F100 and remaining 727 fleet w/o replacements. Perhaps the 737 would have replaced the 727/F100 lift on a 1 for 1 basis had 911 not occured, however the new 737s have been shelved for now. Many TWA MD80s and 757s are filling the F100 void. Had AMR not acquired TWA, there's no doubt that 1000s of AAers would be gone. Think about how many pilots, f/a, and mechs supported the F100 fleet. I'm not sure, but wasn't there over 70 of these airplanes at the time of the acquisiton?
Hopeful said:
I suppose Ozcobber and MiAAmi are not affected by concessions!
Maybe you two are in management and did not "share in the pain."
Nope, F/A, 36 years with TWA, 2 with AA. Now working for $7:50 an hour.

Do you feel MY pain? 🙄

Then I don't understand your pain if you sympathize with this management and what they have done to us. You only get so much mileage out of the "lucky to have a job defense."

What makes you think I don't feel anyone's pain? Do you think I am not aware of how myself and my coworkers have been affected by these concessions?
This is the main beef with my posts. AA used the situation and OVERDID it with the concessions so they were able to politely rape us.

It's beyond me why anyone in your situation would expect this company to restore one thing they have taken from you. You may be a better person than me in terms of your outlook on the future. But you have seen many years of ups and downs in this industry. Has it gotten any better as far as you are concerned?
MCI transplant said:
😀 HEY HOPEFUL!!!! I still have "ALL" my Senority! All thirty+ years of it!!! Come and play in my back yard, we'll see who stays the longest! Signed, "Just another red headed step child!"

Are you employeed at STL, or MCI ??


The reason I asked if your stationed in MCI or STL, is those are the only stations you could keep your full seniority.

Having said that,

I'm quite sure that you "changed your underware OFTEN", while you were sweating it out, because the company you IDOLIZE was close to SHUTTING down MCI, and shrinking STL.

I bet at that time, you WOULD'NT have been "breaking" hopeful's stones with how much seniority you have !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bear, STL, or MCI don't matter! Either, or, I still have my Senority! And 25% at several other stations throughout a.a.'s system, which still puts me at, or near the top of the pack! I know the thought of it kills you, but such is life! As for "what if's", What if they would have shut down AFW? Or cut back TUL? They didn't! So what's your point? a.a./ TWU love to play games which have nothing to with Ecconomics, and everything to do with Politics!!! And please,don't say you don't know what I'm talking about! Signed, "Just another redheaded step child!"
You have "ALL" you seniority, MCITRANSPLANT, at STL and MCI only. I have you beat in both the 100% category and the 25% as well. No need for me to visit your backyard!
😛 Hopeful---- Well good for you! But I did say thirty years "PLUS"!!!! But let's not get into a hair spilting contest! But, in five years or so, it won't matter anyway! I just hope you can survive the added medical expence kicking in the first of the year! As for 100% only in STL, MCI, that's O.K. with me! I'm happy here! Merry Christmas anyway!

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