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Happy, Healthy holidays for you, and your's

United "WE" stand, divided we fall !!!!!!!!!!!
(But NOBODY knows that better(on this board) than you !!!!!!!!!!!



happy holidays to "EVERYONE" !!!!!!!!!!

What do you mean everyone of you are on the street? MCI and STL are still running. I see plenty of ex TWA mechanics at JFK. Are you sure EVERYONE of you are on the street. I have compassion, but would prefer not to hear from the ex TWAers that are at JFK how they deserve full seniority day in and day out! It's a done deal. I've been told to move on per this issue. How about extending that advice to those TWAers as well.
Hopeful said:

What do you mean everyone of you are on the street? MCI and STL are still running. I see plenty of ex TWA mechanics at JFK. Are you sure EVERYONE of you are on the street. I have compassion, but would prefer not to hear from the ex TWAers that are at JFK how they deserve full seniority day in and day out! It's a done deal. I've been told to move on per this issue. How about extending that advice to those TWAers as well.
Hopeful realize that the APFA stuck all the TWA FA's with Date of Acquisition seniority and ALL were laid off in July of 2003. The only ex-TWAer's working still for AA are Pilots, Mechanics, Ramp and related, some reservationist and customer service agents, and a few scattered around Management. MissINTL more than likely is a FA.
🙄 Merry Christmas AAmech!!! And to all, Happy Holidays, from my family to yours!!!
Yes, that is correct I was a TWA flight attendant and we are ALL on the street. There are only a handful of our pilots left as well as agents. My dear friend who was an agent for 33 years just hung on to part time in STL.

I have been blessed to fly all over the world and fly with the very best co workers! That is something that AA cannot take from me.

Hopeful, I mean you no harm but, until you have walked in our shoes please quit putting TWA down. You have no idea what it is like to have lost a job you love. I use to tell my pax that I was so lucky to have a job I loved going to. Also, when you are raising two chidren by yourself as well as taking care of your only parent left-it is a little hard to swallow AA taking MY job.

Merry Christmas to all.
Well; first of all a Happy New Year to all, AAers and TWALLCers alike.

A building does not make an airline; it's the workers.

At JFK; Local 501 TWU, continues to drive a wedge between the two said groups. Since I arrived I haven't noticed continueously that Management has done little to allay these feelings of labor segregation among two working groups.

The fact that 501, is in court to try to undo Kasher's ruling does not help the situation.

As we are in the heat of the Holiday rush, there is a visible shortage of personnel
on the Ramp, with management members actually working, offloading flights. Ground equipment breakdowns, and supply shortages are rampant.

The recent milllion-dollar drug ring bust involving ten FSCs at JFK, dead bodies in wheel-well, are security issues that the Local, along with said operational issues should be challenging, not rehashing the senority issue again and again.

Let's move on.

Happy 2004 :up:
AAquila said:
Well; first of all a Happy New Year to all, AAers and TWALLCers alike.

A building does not make an airline; it's the workers.

At JFK; Local 501 TWU, continues to drive a wedge between the two said groups. Since I arrived I haven't noticed continueously that Management has done little to allay these feelings of labor segregation among two working groups.

The fact that 501, is in court to try to undo Kasher's ruling does not help the situation.

As we are in the heat of the Holiday rush, there is a visible shortage of personnel
on the Ramp, with management members actually working, offloading flights. Ground equipment breakdowns, and supply shortages are rampant.

The recent milllion-dollar drug ring bust involving ten FSCs at JFK, dead bodies in wheel-well, are security issues that the Local, along with said operational issues should be challenging, not rehashing the senority issue again and again.

Let's move on.

Happy 2004 :up:
As a TWU(seless) member,

"ANY person who finds themselves working "with" a SUPERVISOR, in the performance of any(union) ramp function, who DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY WALK OFF THE JOB(and to cover his/her butt)goes home SICK, "IS A FOOL" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pure and Simple !!

Hey guys how is the AGW drive going over there?

AAquilla and NHBB we are all AA now.

AAquilla forget 501. Chiafallo is Sonny's lapdog. He wants an International job and he will sell any and all of you out to get it, whether nAAtive or LLC.

Ask him what happened at the COPE Convention where they missed an appointment to speak in your behalf to Senator Schumer. It seems they were too hung over to do union business. Tell him I said so. I was there. The night before, as we were all retiring for the night your reps, with Mike in the lead were walking out the door smoking stogies like big shots to go out on the town.

There is nothing wrong with having a good time, I'll tip a few myself, but to go all the way down to DC, on the members dime, then go out and get yourself smashed and miss out on a face to face meeting to talk to a Senator about your issues is a disgrace. Then from what I've heard they voted themselves a RAISE!

At the same COPE Conference I got into a debate about the Concessions. The International called and was spreadiung the word about how the company was "in really bad shape" and they were going to be demanding concessions. The first words out of the 501 reps was "well we got to give them whatever they need , we have to save the company". I had my disagreements with your old regime, and I like Al Gil, plenty of heart and soul, but as for Chiafallo I have to ask myself "What were you guys thinking?"
Bob Owens said:
Hey guys how is the AGW drive going over there?

AAquilla and NHBB we are all AA now.

AAquilla forget 501. Chiafallo is Sonny's lapdog. He wants an International job and he will sell any and all of you out to get it, whether nAAtive or LLC.

Ask him what happened at the COPE Convention where they missed an appointment to speak in your behalf to Senator Schumer. It seems they were too hung over to do union business. Tell him I said so. I was there. The night before, as we were all retiring for the night your reps, with Mike in the lead were walking out the door smoking stogies like big shots to go out on the town.

There is nothing wrong with having a good time, I'll tip a few myself, but to go all the way down to DC, on the members dime, then go out and get yourself smashed and miss out on a face to face meeting to talk to a Senator about your issues is a disgrace. Then from what I've heard they voted themselves a RAISE!

At the same COPE Conference I got into a debate about the Concessions. The International called and was spreadiung the word about how the company was "in really bad shape" and they were going to be demanding concessions. The first words out of the 501 reps was "well we got to give them whatever they need , we have to save the company". I had my disagreements with your old regime, and I like Al Gil, plenty of heart and soul, but as for Chiafallo I have to ask myself "What were you guys thinking?"
Previous 501 president John "B" saw all this HORRIBLE *HIT coming, and wisely retired.

He gave Sonny and the "lemmings" in the international "NIGHTMARES" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy do I miss him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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