[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/5/2003 7

01 PM KCFlyer wrote:
[P][FONT size=2]So...maybe it's possible that JetBlues employees are paid better than you think? [BR][/FONT][BR]----------------[/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Based upon the JetBlue Airways web site job listings page ([A href="http://www.jetblue.com/workhere/ListJobs.asp"]http://www.jetblue.com/workhere/ListJobs.asp[/A]), it would appear that their flight crews are paid considerably below industry norm, Southwest included.[BR][BR]Listed below is the information applicable to the pilots and flight attendants. Keep in mind that flight crews are not paid based upon the standard forty hours workweek. They are paid only from the time that a flight is blocked out at the gate at a departure city and until it is blocked in at the arrival airport. Pilots, by federal regulations, are allowed to fly only 1,000 hours per year. Flight attendants usually fly similar number of hours and are also limited as to the number of hours which they are allowed to fly in twenty four hours and seven days periods. Even assuming that the projected average of flying time for a flight attendant is the same as a pilot's, their annual salary is barely $21,000; not exactly a living wage in the New York metropolitan area.[BR][BR][STRONG]Flight Attendants:[/STRONG][/P]
[BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"]
[P]Based at JFK or FLL. $20 per hour based on 70 hours worked per month. $30 per hour based on 70 + hours worked per month. [/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][FONT color=#6699cc]
[FONT color=#000000]Pilots:[/FONT][BR][BR]Salary/Benefits[/FONT][BR]The current pay system for First Officers is as follows:[/P]
[LI]$50.96 /hr with a minimum guarantee of 70 hours per month.
[LI]$76.44 / hr for all hours flown in excess of 70 hours in that month.
[LI]Estimated annual pay based on 81 hours (projected average) per month would be $52,896.48 (plus per diem of $1.80 / hr)
[LI]Training pay is based on $2500./month (lodging is provided [EM]at company cost [/EM]during initial training) [/LI][/UL]