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Jetblue To Pit?

USA320Pilot said:

With all due respect, you're another person whose anger shows through your posts. You're sentiment is not representative of the rank-and-file US Airways employee. Nonetheless, when would now be a good time to get past your bitterness and move on? Life is too short...

Meanwhile, to help you get educated and for more information on recent US Airways and United's M&A activity click here.

By the way, how are your personal emails now?

Best regards,

I guess they stopped because you finally got it into your thick skull that I wasn't going to give you my I.D. I also pointed out on this board that you were the one PM'ing the crap out of me wanting my I.D.

As for the rest, its spin on your part.

And why do you think I work at U?
USA320Pilot said:
The new US Airways business plan is attractive to people who are willing to provide the combined airline with significant liquidity. I believe it's important to note the ransaction is expected to be financed with approximately $1.5 billion of new capital from:

-- $350 million of committed new equity plus a planned rights offering

-- More than $675 million from partners and suppliers

-- $250 million or more from aircraft-related financings and/or sales

-- Expected release of $200-300 million in cash reserves




Ummmm, how much of this revenue is from paying customers ???

Voodoo economics.
HA HA HA.. See how much you read.. If you took the time to actually read what people write instead of your usual blather you would know I am not a furloughed mechanic from US Airways.. Nice try though.

US Airways in the combined form is in no way able to compete with Southwest or Jetblue.

See I read your posts.. Your adjusted seat cost with the new carrier excluding fuel is in the area of 8 cents a seat mile.. Excluding fuel!!! Why even include that statement?? You have to pay for fuel just like everyone else..

Southwest CASM including fuel is what, 7.4 and JetBlue is 6.7. So what.. Thats your statement.. How do you expect to compete against that? Your adjusted cost not including fuel is above their costs..

Just because someone wishes to throw good money at a chance investment does make it a great investment.. Its a huge risk, they know it.. Thats why no one group is willing to throw in the big coin.. You have a group all willing to risk a little with most backing up their investment with Routes, Aircraft or remaining assets.

No group has come to AmericaWest and said "Hey, here's a billion, we trust you because you have a great idea"..

If anyone on this board is smug its you.. The vast majority of people here have a distinct distaste for you.. You thrive on it. Read your own posts.. Master of the cut and post and never never never do you ever admit you are wrong about anything.

To this day you still will not admit you were wrong about the UAL merger.. As a matter of fact after the merger was shot down you did not appear on the board for months.. Hiding like the little MSA you are.

Now back on topic. You are very correct about the delivery schedule of the E190.. They come in rapid fashion starting next year.. And they are earmarked for all the little pockets of profit US Airways has on the east coast.. Thats the plan.. PIT is just the start.. CLT will be very soon.. Shuttle will also be attacked. Take that to the bank..

As for being furloughed.. You couldn't be more wrong..

USA320Pilot said:
JetBlue has a lot of Airbus and EMB-190 aircraft on order and these aircraft will continue to be deployed throughout the new US Airways system. So what. US Airways, America West, or any other carrier can not run from the competition and must compete.

In regard to Justaumechanic I believe he is a furloughed mechanic who is very angry and bitter, which makes his nonsensical comments and sentiment somewhat understanding.

The new US Airways business plan is attractive to people who are willing to provide the combined airline with significant liquidity. I believe it's important to note the ransaction is expected to be financed with approximately $1.5 billion of new capital from:

-- $350 million of committed new equity plus a planned rights offering

-- More than $675 million from partners and suppliers

-- $250 million or more from aircraft-related financings and/or sales

-- Expected release of $200-300 million in cash reserves

The combination would form one of the industry’s most financially stable airlines with $10 billion in annual revenues, approximately $2 billion in total cash and among the lowest debt levels of all major airlines.

The new airline is expected to have one of the most efficient work groups in the industry. Once the anticipated annual cost savings and revenue synergies of over $600 million are implemented, the new airline will be positioned for profitability at oil prices above $50 per barrel.


The new airline is expected to have one of the most efficient work groups in the industry. Once the anticipated annual cost savings and revenue synergies of over $600 million are implemented, the new airline will be positioned for profitability at oil prices above $50 per barrel.

Paying your employees poverty wages dosen't equate to being efficient! It should read the new airline is expected to have the lowest wage rates in the industry! Guys at Jetblue, and Southwest go the extra mile because the feel they are appreciated by management, and want to contribute to their companies success. For years U's employees would do anything to help their company as well, and the sacrifice's made proved that, what has management done to share this burden? They just keep telling more lies!! Good luck to those that remain, hopefully Doug Parker is more honorable than Bruce Lakefield! Until the culture changes and that has to start at the top this combined airline will be a total failure regardless of how much monies are invested.
Hey, maybe JetBlue will make PIT a hub for them before Southwest does! 🙄 IMO, USAirways STILL GREATLY surpasses any other carrier flying into PIT, nobody else will be able to match the amount of service or destinations! 😛
USA320Pilot said:
JetBlue won't fly to Pittsburgh soon

See Story


read between the lines sir....
"Unfortunately, the possibility of JetBlue coming here has received too much (media) coverage," he said. "An airline will not tell other airlines or let out when they intend to enter a market."
A320pilot will become E190 Captain

See Story


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