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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Yes it would be anti union. Just think how bad it would look for not only your Pilots and F/A's showing support, but how about an outside enity not even on your property----AMFA Mechanics from another airline...

AMFA talk has been dead. When the teamsters filed (just before AMFA was fixin to file with the correct amount of cards) that blocked AMFA for 1 or 2 years from filing. Then the teamsters pulled their filing as they were caught red handed with forgeries and they (teamsters) never had the correct number of cards it was simply a move to block AMFA from filing with the correct number of cards. Then the co. returned the verifies list of TWU members names and contacts to the NMB in a record 4 hours after the teamsters filed theirs, this was the final straw on AMFA getting blocked to file as AMFA could have filed to also submit as long as AA hasn't filed the list with the NMB, hence the record timing of any company ever in history to supply the NMB with said list in 4-6 hours. And this is where you get the part when I say collusion from AA, teamsters, TWU, IAM, asso., as well as a little from the NMB. This final move made a lot of guys walk away from trying to keep the cards current for more years to file later and that is what finally killed the AMFA drive at AA, they just gave up. The key to all this is look how far the TWU, IAM, asso., as well as AA will go to never allow AMFA to even file at AA, speaks volumes brother, VOLUMES.

AMFA is running out of oxygen VERY fast. It's gasping for air.
AMFA is running out of oxygen VERY fast. It's gasping for air.
That's because they outsource so much work at LUV . Weez did you know they only have a fraction of AMT's per airplane then we do. How could they sell themselves with that albatross Gee whiz golly...
You are probably the only LUS in ORD that wants to picket. Picket for what to lose medical and scope?. The TWU people would feel the same if they were in our shoes. You are looking like one of those anarchist dudes
I don't look at it that way. I believe we should fully participate in this merger with the end goal of a JCBA that enhances our contract. I think solidarity and action can move us closer, as opposed to standing down.
That said, I don't believe my opinion or any LUS opinion matters much regarding this since the picket was triggered by the TWU, like it or not, because we must necessarily show one union with support and solidarity with a unified front, and that's the exact sorta message we need to send to management. Anything less telegraphs to management that things are divided, chaotic, and a complete dichotomy within the 3 unions.

And if the IAM stands down, and negotiations stall, how much longer does the TWU support the Association if it means a big banana up their members asses over the past 5 years and countless more?

Warning Richard Trumka, Warning!
But if this asso. and company are going to try and run with both IAMPF, 401K, as well as still holding the frozen pension at AA it will be extremely hard to get the 401 co. match up near the top end. but I hope you guys really can.

The key will be Rosen/Samuleson. He will sign his life to the twu members, on whether this vehicle is appropriate. the rest of the negotiating twu committee will too. That's what he's/they'r paid to do, that's its called due diligence. There is enough info on this plan, that makes it circumspect this day and age. forcing anyone into it, well that's bs this day and age too. Heck even if I got everything I wanted from the contract with 401k match and the pension was the gravy, I would still vote it down out of principle. I don't want, this younger generation being stuck with my bill, this iampf is anti-labor as it gets.
And here we go folks, directly from the IAM Pension web site,
Please take the few minutes needed to read this page.


This exact same pitch is on it's way to all of the LAA peeps really soon...

“With a
defined benefit
plan, there is
no overhead for
the company.
costs them less
money to provide a better benefit. They don’t have the headaches of administering a plan and the members continue to participate in a secure defined benefit pension plan.”
that's what UPS thought. I'm sure there will be enough us go after everyone involved in this, mx is making a grave mistake on this picket without first unifying the iam mx.
That's because they outsource so much work at LUV . Weez did you know they only have a fraction of AMT's per airplane then we do. How could they sell themselves with that albatross Gee whiz golly...

Yes Al. I think they're down to like a half a mechanic per Aircraft now? About 600 Mechanics left. And they have never negotiated they're own CBA over there yet. About 17 years they've represented them and they got squat.
Brothers and Sisters,

I wanted to take a minute to address a few things in regards to the upcoming informational picket scheduled on Wednesday, July 26th, 2017.

The first thing I want everyone to understand, is that this picket isn't just being planned by Local 513. It's an equal and collaborative effort with all of the TWU Locals on the property here in DFW. Those Locals are 513, 567, and 591. Our Local, 513, has about 3900 members. Local 567 has over 500 mechanics here in DFW, with the bulk of them at the DWH hangar. Local 591 represents over 3800 line mechanics and Stores Clerks system-wide, and over 1100 of those are here in DFW.

The Presidents of these three Locals are all members of the Negotiating Committees for Fleet Service and Maintenance. The Negotiating Committee members have been sitting at the negotiating table for nearly two years, fighting to secure the very best contract they can for us. We've asked a lot of our negotiating team, and not once since they've sat down with the company have they asked us for anything. Now they've asked for the memberships' help, and what they're asking us to do doesn't require much effort on our part at all. They're simply asking us to show up on the picket line on July 26th as a show of solidarity. That's not much, considering all we've asked of them.

Further, we have contacted all the other Unions on the property, and received a swift response from the Pilots, Flight Attendants, and Passenger Service Agents that they will mobilize their memberships, and fully support us on the picket line.

We also have full support of all the Local Presidents around the system, as well as the support of ourInternational Leadership.

Finally, I understand everyone wants to know each and every detail in regards to the picket. Rest assured, you will be fully informed oneverything you need to know in advance. Every detail of this picket is strategically planned and well thought out, including when to release exact details.

Make no mistake, on July 26th a message will be sent. A large turnout shows that we're tired of workingunder a contract that was forced upon us in bankruptcy, and a small turnout shows that we're good with whatever we get, whenever we get it.

Once again, not one mention about our "Association" brothers and sisters. What a freaking farce. We were sold on "strength in numbers" with this scam, but in reality it does nothing more than allow the big boys of both unions to maintain their handsome salaries.
Checkmate, you win!

Get over it. The association is what it is. Hopefully we can deal with that after we get a JCBA. In the mean time our families deserve our best effort to do what we can to help this process along. July 26 is the chance to stand with your coworkers and vent that frustration. Walk the line and show some solidarity. It`s one step in the right direction. Come on down,PM me and I will buy you a beer afterwards.
Once again, not one mention about our "Association" brothers and sisters. What a freaking farce. We were sold on "strength in numbers" with this scam, but in reality it does nothing more than allow the big boys of both unions to maintain their handsome salaries.
Checkmate, you win!

Get over it. The association is what it is. Hopefully we can deal with that after we get a JCBA. In the mean time our families deserve our best effort to do what we can to help this process along. July 26 is the chance to stand with your coworkers and vent that frustration. Walk the line and show some solidarity. It`s one step in the right direction. Come on down,PM me and I will buy you a beer afterwards.[/QUOTE]


The long range DFW forecast for July 26 is 98 degrees are you guys humid down there? Better have EMTs standing by. Bob will you be participating?
So you're saying that UAL Ramp was better off remaining with the CBA that they were legally bound by and not the worked out better deal they were able to secure with Mr Munoz?

Sorry but not how I viewed it.
Never said that. The original CBA was negotiated and agreed to by Sito and Klemm correct? I remember a video shortly after of Sito patting everyone on the back and saying what a great CBA it was. Months later, luckily, they were able to open the contract back up and make some improvements to it. Well before it's amendable date. Hell the ink wasn't even dry on the first pos they agreed to. Now they are behind closed doors negotiating our future JCBA. Hopefully, lessons have been learned from mistakes made at UA. We'll see.
Never said that. The original CBA was negotiated and agreed to by Sito and Klemm correct? I remember a video shortly after of Sito patting everyone on the back and saying what a great CBA it was. Months later, luckily, they were able to open the contract back up and make some improvements to it. Well before it's amendable date. Hell the ink wasn't even dry on the first pos they agreed to. Now they are behind closed doors negotiating our future JCBA. Hopefully, lessons have been learned from mistakes made at UA. We'll see.

If I recall this now correctly and I'm not even sure anymore because I hate rehashing the old crud over and over and over. (Gets confusing)

Wasn't the agreement before either of the TA's (#1 voted down, #2 passed) a Bankruptcy agreement? As such (Again if I recall correctly) they had no Station protection for a whole slew of Stations? TA #1 less $$Payola$$ added Station protection "REJECTED"////// TA # 2 more $$Payola$$ less protection "THEY LOVED IT, PASSED"!!!!!!

Yes they DID sell that TA # 2. And Tim Nelson takes credit for it cause as he says "He stuffed a dime into "OUR" Pockets" As I recall TA #1 was the TA they needed but the GREED wouldn't let em take it?

There are no lessons to be learned in our case. A completely different set of circumstances here. And Sito and Klemm are not the sole deciders in that room anyway Brother. The big 4 in alphabetical order are Alex, Mike, Mike and Sito. And from there, your AGC's and our Presidents.
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Never said that. The original CBA was negotiated and agreed to by Sito and Klemm correct? I remember a video shortly after of Sito patting everyone on the back and saying what a great CBA it was. Months later, luckily, they were able to open the contract back up and make some improvements to it. Well before it's amendable date. Hell the ink wasn't even dry on the first pos they agreed to. Now they are behind closed doors negotiating our future JCBA. Hopefully, lessons have been learned from mistakes made at UA. We'll see.

And ograc I forgot to add. It was ultimately agreed to by those members at UAL. Too many people on Forums always want to let "Us" members off the hook and only point the fingers at Leaders.

The mirror sometimes gives an ugly reflection. (Mine too)

When can or should the Membership take blame on anything? If they don't "chose" to educate themselves is that also blame that needs to fall on those who do? Snake oil salesman or not it's still schmucks who buy the oil right?

And your last comment. Surprised? Oh no no no. They are absolutely going to do what you just said by a huge majority. They'll focus like an Eagle right in on that $$Money$$, period, absolutely and unequivocally without question.

sure members share blame but shouldn't we expect more from a high ranking union official than to shove a bad deal down our throats then be belittled when you dare to disagree
sure members share blame but shouldn't we expect more from a high ranking union official than to shove a bad deal down our throats then be belittled when you dare to disagree


And IAM 141 did not hard sell the CBA for LUS. So let's see what happens the next time?
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