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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Just so you are totally informed. The LUS folks have 2 dates. One is your Date of Hire, the other, used for vacation/shift bidding is classification seniority. Anybody hired prior to 1997 has Classification seniority. Anybody hired after 1997 has D.O.H. As well do the AW employees, they have D.O.H. I am a firm believer in D.O.H. into the class/craft. So I actually agree with AANOTOK here. Your date for vacation/shift bid should be when you started working as a FSC.

We bid our shift with Occupational seniority (the day we started as a FSC). We bid our vacation with our Company (DOH) seniority.
Just so you are totally informed. The LUS folks have 2 dates. One is your Date of Hire, the other, used for vacation/shift bidding is classification seniority. Anybody hired prior to 1997 has Classification seniority. Anybody hired after 1997 has D.O.H. As well do the AW employees, they have D.O.H. I am a firm believer in D.O.H. into the class/craft. So I actually agree with AANOTOK here. Your date for vacation/shift bid should be when you started working as a FSC.

i believe you were the one who told me that lus PTers only accumulated half the seniority of time they were on payroll (prior to 1997, it sounds like). if so, that's an obvious horse-trade between the twu-iam, prior to forming an association.

i don't disagree with aanotok in regards to intra-aa twu seniority policy. that's how it was/is. it's quirky with different title groups, but you had no other choice, but, to accept it.

when you move outside of aa and now incorporate iam lus into one blended seniority with twu laa...you see the nonsense where some laa guys were not allowed to accumulate the same method(s) of seniority that some lus fscs have accumulated - and the same holds true for lus PTers in comparison to laa former or career PTers.

i remember one guy bid out of turn by nearly 1 1/2 years for nearly 2 years...jumped some 300 FTers because the local here confused his company/occupational time...and was only discovered when someone snitched on him. how many others are like that? maybe this guy is a transfer in? sick leave? maybe he was on military leave? who knows??

you may find some who are sympathetic...maybe even more who will argue with you. the bottom line is that this issue will get beat down by the majority, because they only care about themselves and are happy (overtly or covertly) that you bid behind them.
I converted the FINAL seniority list to a Excel file and sorted it into cities.

As a side note, the only changes that were made are the ones that were hired on the same day, and the tie breaker rules were applied.


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I converted the FINAL seniority list to a Excel file and sorted it into cities.

As a side note, the only changes that were made are the ones that were hired on the same day, and the tie breaker rules were applied.

Thanks for the list Bob....They show over 100 LUS Fleet Service at DFW, but they only work two gates. I don't recall them working any where else but gates C37&C39?
Seniority Integration isn't about Company Seniority. It is about Occupational Seniority.

Vacation bidding will be covered by the JCBA, not Javits.

Are you implying that it will in fact go by LAA contract rules for the differences of cat and DOH seniority? I was under the impression that Javits was brought in as a 3rd party arbitrator to make the final decision? At least that is how the union put it out there. I still remember the postings about it from the AA'ers stating they cannot believe this asso would throw it so quickly into a 3rd parties hands for a final decision. Are you absolutely sure it will be by cat (you guys call it occupational seniority). This is going to hurt the LUS guys as they go by DOH. We will all see when it all comes out. I believe you will experience some changes from what you are used to, but we will see.
I converted the FINAL seniority list to a Excel file and sorted it into cities.

As a side note, the only changes that were made are the ones that were hired on the same day, and the tie breaker rules were applied.

Why didn't the asso. do this for all the members? Or why not the NC at the table? I find it odd that a regular member had to convert it all for you guys to get a better picture. You would think the asso. would have taken care of this for the membership.
Are you implying that it will in fact go by LAA contract rules for the differences of cat and DOH seniority? I was under the impression that Javits was brought in as a 3rd party arbitrator to make the final decision? At least that is how the union put it out there. I still remember the postings about it from the AA'ers stating they cannot believe this asso would throw it so quickly into a 3rd parties hands for a final decision. Are you absolutely sure it will be by cat (you guys call it occupational seniority). This is going to hurt the LUS guys as they go by DOH. We will all see when it all comes out. I believe you will experience some changes from what you are used to, but we will see.
All he was asked to do was compile a combined seniority list of both carriers. The list will be used once a JCBA is reached. But HOW classification seniority will be made still has to be negotiated.
Thanks for the list Bob....They show over 100 LUS Fleet Service at DFW, but they only work two gates. I don't recall them working any where else but gates C37&C39?
I am a bit confused also. I know most folks at DFW, but haven't heard of alot of them. Having said that, part of the DFW lists is Central Load Planning as well as ramp.
All he was asked to do was compile a combined seniority list of both carriers. The list will be used once a JCBA is reached. But HOW classification seniority will be made still has to be negotiated.
Thx for the clarification. This is what I was trying to explain to NYer. So classification seniority will still have to be negotiated? Wasn't it the classification seniority that Javits was brought in to decide? Because of the 2 different ways the two airline did classification seniority? Last question, will the classification seniority still need to be negotiated, or, the decision released from Javits? Big difference in the two because if it still needs to be negotiated then I foresee longer delays ahead.
Why didn't the asso. do this for all the members? Or why not the NC at the table? I find it odd that a regular member had to convert it all for you guys to get a better picture. You would think the asso. would have taken care of this for the membership.
Why would you think that, ie, that the Association truly gives a S? BTW, you are NOT a member of the Association and have no rights under its constitution. So they can get away with not caring or giving a damn and I don't know of any paid Union Bosses who stand up against this mindlessness.
Are you implying that it will in fact go by LAA contract rules for the differences of cat and DOH seniority? I was under the impression that Javits was brought in as a 3rd party arbitrator to make the final decision? At least that is how the union put it out there. I still remember the postings about it from the AA'ers stating they cannot believe this asso would throw it so quickly into a 3rd parties hands for a final decision. Are you absolutely sure it will be by cat (you guys call it occupational seniority). This is going to hurt the LUS guys as they go by DOH. We will all see when it all comes out. I believe you will experience some changes from what you are used to, but we will see.

Javits makes no contractual decision. Simply, Javits used the current seniority to create a Master Seniority List.

How bidding evolves is a matter of the JCBA negotiations.

It seems many people believe Javits is changing things, which he isn't. He just blended two lists into one. Everyone continues to carry the seniority they currently hold in all their current categories. (Occupational, Classification, Pay, Date of Hire, ect., remains the same and continue to exist unless modified via the JCBA)

How and which seniority is used for bidding, vacations and transfers will be up to the Negotiating Committee. Not Javits.
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