Here's your Association update...
March 31, 2017
Executive level negotiations took place in Washington, DC this week. Chief negotiators for the TWU-IAM Associations met with negotiators from American Airlines to advance our discussions in efforts toward concluding our contract discussions. All negotiating committee members were fully briefed on the sessions and continue to be involved with input and ongoing language development.
While overall economic issues remain to be covered in future bargaining sessions, several important sticking points were discussed. The discussions between the parties were positive and, at this first Executive level of talks, serious consideration was given to resolution of those issues. We are awaiting the content of the discussions to be put to language that we are hopeful represents agreements and leads to more significant forward movement.
The next scheduled negotiations are set for the week of April 17th. The parties are coordinating schedules for sessions after that week.
There is one source of official communications regarding these negotiations – that is those issued jointly by the TWU and IAM through this Association. Disregard all other rumors and treat the company’s road shows as entertaining events the company pays you to watch. Negotiations only occur at the bargaining table, not in the breakrooms.
Keep your solidarity. It is the power we will use to achieve the industry-best contracts we strive for.