JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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A mistake in my opinion, but we will see.

I 100% agree. Fa would have been my third choice. Nothing personal but I'd keep my head down with "True Leader" as your new first VP. Ugh.

Luckily Cozy has some friends in high places.
Nice post weez! I think the slow pace is from the US side not willing to give up any holidays, stations, and others.

clearly!!! one of the biggest problems with the ASSinines is that you have one group that represents 80% of the workforce being held hostage by a group that represents a tiny portion of the workforce. it's not the company! almost any TA that would be acceptable to the naative side would be considered concessionary to the lus side. and Doug has already said he's unwilling to give "cherry- picked" items. must be nice to go from a disaster like lus at $19 all the way up to $30+ per hour, with a good contract and 51% power over the much larger group. yep sounds like a TA is right around the corner..........NOT!!!!
So basically what you are saying here is that the TWU side would accept anything offered to them? And you are finding fault with the LUS side not willing to give up anything? With record profits, there's no valid reason why anything should be given up. I think that the majority of us would be happy just to get back what we've lost over the past 10 years. I'm glad that you're not sitting at the table on our behalf. On another note, both groups had plenty of time to get on the same page prior to heading into negotiations.
So basically what you are saying here is that the TWU side would accept anything offered to them? And you are finding fault with the LUS side not willing to give up anything? With record profits, there's no valid reason why anything should be given up. I think that the majority of us would be happy just to get back what we've lost over the past 10 years. I'm glad that you're not sitting at the table on our behalf. On another note, both groups had plenty of time to get on the same page prior to heading into negotiations.

With 12 people in the room negotiating there's no way to get all those people 100% on the same page. Too many people with too many different personalities and ideologies. As much as I despised the idea behind the "Roll Call" vote I think I've come to understand why it can become an important part of keeping the process moving. Plus I don't think they incorporated Roberts Rules of Order which is another method to moving the process along?

I really wish at this point in the process they could move down to 6 negotiators. But I'm sure the Politics unfortunately will prevent that from happening.
clearly!!! one of the biggest problems with the ASSinines is that you have one group that represents 80% of the workforce being held hostage by a group that represents a tiny portion of the workforce. it's not the company! almost any TA that would be acceptable to the naative side would be considered concessionary to the lus side. and Doug has already said he's unwilling to give "cherry- picked" items. must be nice to go from a disaster like lus at $19 all the way up to $30+ per hour, with a good contract and 51% power over the much larger group. yep sounds like a TA is right around the corner..........NOT!!!!

The only way we're going to know if you're correct and it's basically a hostage situation against the larger group is when we finally see a JCBA? If the language in that TA mostly mirrors an IAM philosophy on things then we'll know that our side was either strong armed or badgered into going along with a direction they didn't really agree with maybe out of final frustration to get this thing done?

If that's the case I may have to vote no simply because again the two sides really never learned to work together and the idea of the Association becomes a failure?

Another thing unfortunately to think about though is if they are sitting on opposite sides of the table. One side of 6 may be more resolute and unified for what they want or demand then the other side is? And I would have to suspect that's the IAM side because of the things I mentioned back in the thread?

So the question has to be if they already feel like they have so much do they give a flying rats A about the 80% (I think it's around 70% actually) of those of us who don't?

And what more can they secure also that will entice they're 30% of the total to vote yes to what is brought back to them?
he should've never been in there in first place. not the brightest bulb by any stretch

Do you know or have worked with Brian personally to be able to make that comment? Have you sat in on the negotiations to know how well lit his bulb actually is?
Between the company, the TWU, the IAM and the Association, there is plenty of blame to go around. Not one of those I mentioned can claim any innocence at this stage of the game. Right now, in my opinion, it's the perfect storm for a long drawn out process...

As for the Presidential results of 513, I do not know Fa very well, but it's my understanding he is a well educated guy and very likable. Does that translate over to negotiating and being able to run 513, we shall see. I'm willing to withhold judgement for a while. Oyer on the other hand was well versed and a members President. I would have liked a little more appearances by him, but I do think he was a union man. I'm tickled pink that Darrin Pierce did not get back in, he set this local back, way back! Hopefully he and Coker will go out to pasture now.
Between the company, the TWU, the IAM and the Association, there is plenty of blame to go around. Not one of those I mentioned can claim any innocence at this stage of the game. Right now, in my opinion, it's the perfect storm for a long drawn out process...

As for the Presidential results of 513, I do not know Fa very well, but it's my understanding he is a well educated guy and very likable. Does that translate over to negotiating and being able to run 513, we shall see. I'm willing to withhold judgement for a while. Oyer on the other hand was well versed and a members President. I would have liked a little more appearances by him, but I do think he was a union man. I'm tickled pink that Darrin Pierce did not get back in, he set this local back, way back! Hopefully he and Coker will go out to pasture now.

I really would like to see those guys directly in the room finish it up to the end all the way. But if there is any stonewalling or shenanigans going on purposely to make the process drag out as long as possible to hold on to things or someone just likes staying in Hotels and racking up those Hotel points, I'd then like to hope the Leaders have an end date where it comes down to enough is enough?

The average negotiations for most of the other groups was around 10 months. We're now at a year and there are still heavy items that haven't even been discussed yet.

There's a difference between the process being frustrating and it starting to get a little ridiculous. I can't stand when the company nickel and dimes us but at the same time I think I can afford to purchase my own work shoes. (And no I'm not saying that anyone is arguing work shoes, at least I hope not)
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