JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Ramp Rogue said:
That is why only very junior people transfer. They don't want to lose their bidding seniority.
The result of the current seniority system is you have people spending an entire career in a job they really don't want to do anymore because they are punished for trying something new. 
At its core that is why I feel the current seniority systems is busted AANOTOK.
You will never convince me that the seniority system is an overall good for the majority of the employees. In the non-union world most pay is defacto by seniority anyway. The more time and expierence you have in the more you make. But you are not locked into a trade or classification or position for life. You can move within your department and try different jobs, you can move outside your department or even outside the company. Each time you do that you will usually be paid more and broaden your expiernece, skills and value. Union seniority prevents that growth and development. It locks people into positions for life. Your only choice is to stay or get out of the indistry completely, how is that to the employees benefit? It really is the old ball & chain.
And the majority of folks applying for union jobs knew that going in. I did, being from Texas I wasn't fond of getting paid based on seniority rather than work ethic. I wasn't a fan of a slug always being ahead of me getting the better days off, better hours etc...because he hired in a day before me, yet he constantly needs the union to protect his job. I still took the job and haven't left. 
I hired into fleet. wasn't forced, could have taken a different path. Mechanic, pilot, flight attendant etc...When I hired in the rules were set, I accepted them. To answer some folks questions who are out of the industry yet continue to whine how unfair it is, as stated, I hired in as fleet, if today I decide I want to try my hand at being a mechanic, I absolutely think I should go under every mechanic seniority wise when it comes to classification, yet when it comes to vacation bidding I should bid by DOH. That is the way it was when I hired in and that is the way it remains.
But one thing I can promise, when I retire, get fired or go to another industry, I will not be back on this board whining and complaining about how the job I voluntarily took screwed me, was unfair, is bad...I will move on in life! Some people just feel they need to be relevant!
And the majority of folks applying for union jobs knew that going in. I did, being from Texas I wasn't fond of getting paid based on seniority rather than work ethic. I wasn't a fan of a slug always being ahead of me getting the better days off, better hours etc...because he hired in a day before me, yet he constantly needs the union to protect his job. I still took the job and haven't left. 
I hired into fleet. wasn't forced, could have taken a different path. Mechanic, pilot, flight attendant etc...When I hired in the rules were set, I accepted them. To answer some folks questions who are out of the industry yet continue to whine how unfair it is, as stated, I hired in as fleet, if today I decide I want to try my hand at being a mechanic, I absolutely think I should go under every mechanic seniority wise when it comes to classification, yet when it comes to vacation bidding I should bid by DOH. That is the way it was when I hired in and that is the way it remains.
But one thing I can promise, when I retire, get fired or go to another industry, I will not be back on this board whining and complaining about how the job I voluntarily took screwed me, was unfair, is bad...I will move on in life! Some people just feel they need to be relevant!
that's pretty well put AANOTOK and pretty much the bottom line
You can move within your department and try different jobs, you can move outside your department or even outside the company. Each time you do that you will usually be paid more and broaden your expiernece, skills and value. Union seniority prevents that growth and development. It locks people into positions for life. Your only choice is to stay or get out of the indistry completely, how is that to the employees benefit? It really is the old ball & chain.
This guy gets it.
I did, being from Texas I wasn't fond of getting paid based on seniority rather than work ethic. I wasn't a fan of a slug always being ahead of me getting the better days off, better hours etc...because he hired in a day before me, yet he constantly needs the union to protect his job. I still took the job and haven't left. 
Are you trying to make MY case or YOURS?
I hired in as fleet, IF today I decide I want to try my hand at being a mechanic
If...... exactly but, most likely you wont, and that's the point.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It really doesn't matter. At the end of the day I really could not care less what you two think.
I don't need you to validate my opinion and I am not trying to win your approval.
Secondly, my opinion is my opinion and I don't look for confirmation. I have my opinion and belief and I really don't give a rats if anyone shares it.
You are not even going to acknowledge you copied me are you?
My apologies La for not responding to your question in regards to copying you. I actually thought you were joking. Let me answer this way. If you honestly think I copied whatever you whined about, you are a little more shallow than I thought, and secondly, if it concerns you so much that you were copied and repeatedly need to ask, then you also have insecurity issues.

I said I wasn't going allow you to drag me into a battle and I'm slipping. I will no longer reply to your babble, but what I will do is give you a green mark every time you comment. Hope this helps your pride.
My apologies La for not responding to your question in regards to copying you. I actually thought you were joking. Let me answer this way. If you honestly think I copied whatever you whined about, you are a little more shallow than I thought, and secondly, if it concerns you so much that you were copied and repeatedly need to ask, then you also have insecurity issues.

I said I wasn't going allow you to drag me into a battle and I'm slipping. I will no longer reply to your babble, but what I will do is give you a green mark every time you comment. Hope this helps your pride.
Hey it's OK if you copy me. You are obviously parroting me in an attempt to make yourself look more intelligent than you actually are.
Ramp Rogue said:
Why does CLP get $7.00 more per hour than Fleet?
The simple answer is because UA Clp was at 36.78 per hour.
The company agreed to take everyone to UA,s wages plus 1 percent. So the same thing was done for everyone. UA + 1%.
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