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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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I still want the IAMPF but ONLY if it's the same deal as UAL ramp has. IAMPF and 3% match.

What YOU want or don't want I couldn't care less even in the slightest at all, period.
In simple terms, if you want the United retirement contribution from the company then that would be a 9% contribution rate for you, with 6% going into the IAMPF and up to another 3% going into your 401k. Thus, you want your 401k reduced from 5.5%, right?

The complete cost to the company would be about $6,000+ a year, as 9% is a decent, or at least, increased company contribution.

BTW, not sure why you always bully or take things personal.
WeAAsles said:
Because I want to. When I don't want to, I won't. Do you have a problem with that?
What, you gonna try and stuff me in a locker next?

C'mon man. 🙄

I just find it ironic-and a little absurd-that you spend so much time posting about how little you care about someone/something. You keep saying it, but your actions say otherwise...
Tim Nelson said:
In simple terms, if you want the United retirement contribution from the company then that would be a 9% contribution rate for you, with 6% going into the IAMPF and up to another 3% going into your 401k. Thus, you want your 401k reduced from 5.5%, right? I think you picked up where 700 left off at and I hope you are getting similar money because it makes no logical sense for anyone that is smart to want to cut 401k funds and place into the IAMPF disaster, and you KNOW it is a complete disaster.The complete cost to the company would be about $6,000+ a year, as 9% is a decent, or at least, increased company contribution.BTW, not sure why you always bully or take things personal.

It's not a complete disaster as you continue to try and portray it. But no it certainly is not perfect either and could have some problems in the future. That DOL settlement was a good thing though IMO. It puts a lot more scrutiny on them so they won't pull any more shady chit. Which they absolutely did pull some shady chit.

The company so far for all groups except pilots only get a 5.5% match. FA's will join that next year. So I don't see them increasing that contribution? But they "might" agree to do the UAL deal?

With a possible 28% raise I don't think it is a big deal if I divert 2.5% of that raise into my 401 to make up for the loss there if the UAL deal came through.

Since you say that you only work 20 hours per week, have to work till 70 years old and live in a Studio in Chicago. I don't think you're the best example for anyone to take any financial advice from. You're so desperate to get this done and get to the money that I think you must be a complete financial disaster.

First go to work you schmuck.
Kev3188 said:
What, you gonna try and stuff me in a locker next?
C'mon man. 🙄
I just find it ironic-and a little absurd-that you spend so much time posting about how little you care about someone/something. You keep saying it, but your actions say otherwise...
Just keeping him under heel once in awhile when I see maybe people "might" be listening to him. Can't let people like that gain a toehold or you got a guy like Trump running for Prez and fools believing him. Ugh.
WeAAsles said:
It's not a complete disaster as you continue to try and portray it. But no it certainly is not perfect either and could have some problems in the future. That DOL settlement was a good thing though IMO. It puts a lot more scrutiny on them so they won't pull any more shady chit. Which they absolutely did pull some shady chit.

The company so far for all groups except pilots only get a 5.5% match. FA's will join that next year. So I don't see them increasing that contribution? But they "might" agree to do the UAL deal?

With a possible 28% raise I don't think it is a big deal if I divert 2.5% of that raise into my 401 to make up for the loss there if the UAL deal came through.

Since you say that you only work 20 hours per week, have to work till 70 years old and live in a Studio in Chicago. I don't think you're the best example for anyone to take any financial advice from. You're so desperate to get this done and get to the money that I think you must be a complete financial disaster.

First go to work you schmuck.
What's wrong with studios? I'd be all over that or a 1BR if I was single...
Kev3188 said:
What's wrong with studios? I'd be all over that or a 1BR if I was single...
Best way to remain permanently single. I'm wondering if Tim has a waterbed and a Lava lamp too?
WeAAsles said:
It's not a complete disaster as you continue to try and portray it. But no it certainly is not perfect either and could have some problems in the future. That DOL settlement was a good thing though IMO. It puts a lot more scrutiny on them so they won't pull any more shady chit. Which they absolutely did pull some shady chit.

The company so far for all groups except pilots only get a 5.5% match. FA's will join that next year. So I don't see them increasing that contribution? But they "might" agree to do the UAL deal?

With a possible 28% raise I don't think it is a big deal if I divert 2.5% of that raise into my 401 to make up for the loss there if the UAL deal came through.

Since you say that you only work 20 hours per week, have to work till 70 years old and live in a Studio in Chicago. I don't think you're the best example for anyone to take any financial advice from. You're so desperate to get this done and get to the money that I think you must be a complete financial disaster.

First go to work you schmuck.
I never said i have to work till im 70, and i am financially independent from work right now if i so choose. I dont have a studio but i really wouldnt mind one, i dont sink money into cars and houses, but rather building things for my kids and grandkids.
And i love to invest in other properties and also like to take about 10-20 vacations a year, and i actually love my job at the airport with my peeps. Otherwise, im a workout freak and play hard. Ive been extremely blessed by our Creator.
That said, we must move on from your interest in my finances and living conditions.
The iampf deal is a disaster. Just because lehive gave his own spin on it doesnt mean you should parrot it. As a participant, it is shameful that lehive and the iam would pop corks over the deal due to the dol letting them down easy. I didnt hear an apology. Since martinez signed the deal and admitted fault, where is his apology? That means something to me.
Also, you are 100% wrong, the plan itself is a disaster...period. true, it isnt perfect, but it is also a disaster. In fact you have never established how it isnt a disaster.
Weasel -1
Kev3188 said:
What's wrong with studios? I'd be all over that or a 1BR if I was single...
When I first started I remember the older guys saying i'll be out at 55. Most stayed well past that. Life has a way of throwing you a curve sometimes. besides if retirement means driving your wife to garage sales or playing Quick Draw all day I'd rather work
Worldport said:
When I first started I remember the older guys saying i'll be out at 55. Most stayed well past that. Life has a way of throwing you a curve sometimes. besides if retirement means driving your wife to garage sales or playing Quick Draw all day I'd rather work
The Bingo Parlors are alive and Kicking..."BINGO"
The Bingo Parlors are alive and Kicking..."BINGO"
Those women driving out of the  Church Bingo parking lots are a menace 
Tim Nelson said:
I never said i have to work till im 70, and i am financially independent from work right now if i so choose. I dont have a studio but i really wouldnt mind one, i dont sink money into cars and houses, but rather building things for my kids and grandkids.
And i love to invest in other properties and also like to take about 10-20 vacations a year, and i actually love my job at the airport with my peeps. Otherwise, im a workout freak and play hard. Ive been extremely blessed by our Creator.
That said, we must move on from your interest in my finances and living conditions.
The iampf deal is a disaster. Just because lehive gave his own spin on it doesnt mean you should parrot it. As a participant, it is shameful that lehive and the iam would pop corks over the deal due to the dol letting them down easy. I didnt hear an apology. Since martinez signed the deal and admitted fault, where is his apology? That means something to me.
Also, you are 100% wrong, the plan itself is a disaster...period. true, it isnt perfect, but it is also a disaster. In fact you have never established how it isnt a disaster.
Weasel -1
Alright your first part with your Bio I don't buy for a second, but anyway.

The TWU Negotiators, Leaders, Lawyers and Business experts don't give a hairs wit what YOU think. You're not even a microcosm of a blip in their radar. But I have gotten a few calls from people asking about you. They think you're nuts and get a kick out of you especially from our back and fourths on here.

You'll never get the same reaction from the TWU that you've gotten over the years with the IAM.

WeAAsles said:
It's not a complete disaster as you continue to try and portray it. But no it certainly is not perfect either and could have some problems in the future. That DOL settlement was a good thing though IMO. It puts a lot more scrutiny on them so they won't pull any more shady chit. Which they absolutely did pull some shady chit.

The company so far for all groups except pilots only get a 5.5% match. FA's will join that next year. So I don't see them increasing that contribution? But they "might" agree to do the UAL deal?

With a possible 28% raise I don't think it is a big deal if I divert 2.5% of that raise into my 401 to make up for the loss there if the UAL deal came through.

Since you say that you only work 20 hours per week, have to work till 70 years old and live in a Studio in Chicago. I don't think you're the best example for anyone to take any financial advice from. You're so desperate to get this done and get to the money that I think you must be a complete financial disaster.

First go to work you schmuck.

It is a total disaster! Take off your blinders and see its future, the DOL ruling means nothing!
You could have the best team running the plan and still will be a disaster, its only future is
based on employees working in growing industries. Even though the airline business is growing, the
use of outsourcing in all job areas the plan has members kills the plan. The PBGC has washed its
hands of all multi-company pension plans and the TWU is failing its members by even considering
it. I will not vote for any agreement that has the IAMPF as an option.
chilokie1 said:
It is a total disaster! Take off your blinders and see its future, the DOL ruling means nothing!
You could have the best team running the plan and still will be a disaster, its only future is
based on employees working in growing industries. Even though the airline business is growing, the
use of outsourcing in all job areas the plan has members kills the plan. The PBGC has washed its
hands of all multi-company pension plans and the TWU is failing its members by even considering
it. I will not vote for any agreement that has the IAMPF as an option.
It's easy for you to say these things because under your philosophy Unions are dying. So if they die so would the Union pension funds as well. I guess we also have a different Political view as well. I think Unions are going to make a comeback and one day "RTW" will be found unconstitutional.

Anyway I've said it before and I'll say it again. "I" want it. But I want at least to be able to make the choice or without a choice "I" want the UAL ramp deal. If I get into the IAMPF it's just going to be a 5th leg on my stool. I'm not even going to need the money it pays out to me, but I'll find some use for it I'm sure.

In a perfect World though I'd get my DBP back. But that's not happening.

Oh and you'll vote no even if the IAMPF is offered to you as a "CHOICE" individually? I thought you guys were pissed that you didn't get a choice the last time? That comment just continues to get in my head more and more for how absolutely weird it is.

"Hey you're getting $100.00 per hour" "I don't care, I smell the IAMPF in my neighborhood" Oops I also threw out the baby with the bath water.

Alright your first part with your Bio I don't buy for a second, but anyway.

The TWU Negotiators, Leaders, Lawyers and Business experts don't give a hairs wit what YOU think. You're not even a microcosm of a blip in their radar. But I have gotten a few calls from people asking about you. They think you're nuts and get a kick out of you especially from our back and fourths on here.

You'll never get the same reaction from the TWU that you've gotten over the years with the IAM.

The lawyers, experts, etc are concerned about $$$ and ripping off more hard working blue collar workers by sucking them into an absolute money pit. No doubt they dn't care about me or anyone else who doesn't support and enhance their $$$ and the IAMPF. That's the story.
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