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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Yes but you can,t prove chit plus you’re in an election so why should we believe you over anyone else?
CR-- You are correct! This election-- and all future elections for that matter, will be solely decided upon by the MAJORITY of the membership... this is called 'democracy'! Certain posters have the legal right to smear, discredit, and politically demean the CBU and it's leadership...

We are all witnessing the very same thing in today's national political environment. It is up to the individual voters (members) to hopefully see through the smokescreen.

Remember... a lot of $$ is at stake... YOUR money!

Choose your candidates wisely...
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As you were last year as well, lol.

And another reason why RUSH was my favorite band in my life bar none.

Dude... Rush rules the brain along with Floyd...

... Iggy fills the ambiguous VOID!

(We are all passengers)
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The time people spend chasing him asking for his team’s quals is time they can’t mount their own campaign. To me he seems to be playing 141 like a fiddle.
regarding 141. That District Challenger slate is going to smoke the Klemm team in June.
The Challenger team at DL141 has far more qualifications than Klemm or the other management shills.

More importantly, 34 District 141 members rose up and stood against Weezel and others trying to steal our IAM Health care. Now, with a June election, it would be political suicide for the anti unionist in there now to give up our health care as they did with District 19 just last month. So sad.
Kev if you think this guy who just wants to make a mockery of the whole thing should be able to run for International President like he is, maybe you shouldn’t ever be back in the Union yourself either.
I think you’re missing my point(s).

No I’m tired of playing your game. Where you always write in aloof terms when it comes to Nelson. Either you write (straight out) what you think about all this, what I think is pure garbage or I’m going to think what I think.

And your hatred for DL141 and by de facto everyone who holds a leadership position in that number is irrational and counterproductive. It defeats the purpose of what you claim you want back.
Kev would you like Tim to come on Your organizing Group Page and start writing this chit? How about maybe bringing him to your cities and he can say these things directly to your coworkers?

SILENCE IS COMPLICITY Kev. It means you condone the behavior.

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It’s not a game, and I’m not aloof. Not sure why you’re so upset.

The very core of organized labor is worker empowerment. Part of that is involvement. Like I said over on FB, we always say, “if you don’t like something, work to change it.” You can’t be surprised (or mad) when someone actually does.

But my original point here stands; the more time people spend chasing Tim, is that much less they can be campaigning. From what I see, the incumbents are trying to “bracket” him, and a lot of people are pissed that he’s not playing along.

This is all politics 101.

P.S. Whether you or I love him or hate him is irrelevant in this context. We don’t get to vote, anyway. Take a step back and see it for what it is.
It’s not a game, and I’m not aloof. Not sure why you’re so upset.

The very core of organized labor is worker empowerment. Part of that is involvement. Like I said over on FB, we always say, “if you don’t like something, work to change it.” You can’t be surprised (or mad) when someone actually does.

But my original point here stands; the more time people spend chasing Tim, is that much less they can be campaigning. From what I see, the incumbents are trying to “bracket” him, and a lot of people are pissed that he’s not playing along.

This is all politics 101.

P.S. Whether you or I love him or hate him is irrelevant in this context. We don’t get to vote, anyway. Take a step back and see it for what it is.

I don’t see one single solitary incumbent spending even a single iota of time wasting on Nelson. If you can show me where you are reading that I’d appreciate it?

And why I’m upset is because this guy “might” (I’d like to doubt it) have an effect on my group if ANYONE in Negotiations is actually acting on any concerns over his never ending BS.

How would you feel if you thought “maybe” he was keeping you from your goal of filing for an election, preventing the success of that election or worse keeping down your family’s financial comfort?

So since I’m not an incumbent, a Politician, or directly connected in any way. I’ll do the “bracketing” then and face the consequences of his hollow threats.
Great. Have at it.

As a TWU/IAM Association Member I reserve the right to campaign for or against anyone in either Union and I will exercise my right to do so.

(Give this one to the DOL Tim)
It’s not a game, and I’m not aloof. Not sure why you’re so upset.

The very core of organized labor is worker empowerment. Part of that is involvement. Like I said over on FB, we always say, “if you don’t like something, work to change it.” You can’t be surprised (or mad) when someone actually does.

But my original point here stands; the more time people spend chasing Tim, is that much less they can be campaigning. From what I see, the incumbents are trying to “bracket” him, and a lot of people are pissed that he’s not playing along.

This is all politics 101.

P.S. Whether you or I love him or hate him is irrelevant in this context. We don’t get to vote, anyway. Take a step back and see it for what it is.

Good points.
Shhhhhhhhhhh. What's the kiddie up to? Those der next in line boys aint gotz no sense!

BTW Kev, we will win BSC by the end of the year, double up on the Delta flight attendants and Airbus Alabama, and I think we can win the Delta ramp after we root out all of the corporate greed. Locals will get a helluva lot more money as we change the per capita % and give Locals a bigger piece of the pie. Having online classes allows all members to be educated, and not just the few kiss arses.

At any rate, democracy is exciting, rewarding, and after we win, we will clean up the corporate greed by slashing salaries immediately, eliminating all of the lavish hotels, paid booze, first class flying. Bring in electronic voting and delivering the head of the union to the masses. The flying monkeys around here will feel differently after we toss a bucket of water on the pension bandit at the top.

You have no interest in democracy! Your actions against those who dont agree with you are evidence enough of that.
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