CB and Prez may not know it but according to the news I got in August, there was a AIP and LUS health care was agreed to be given up. There really haven't been any executive negotiations with Fleet since August. Remember, our negotiation committee is a committee that sits in another building or down the hall and ins't part of the negotiation executive team. We have ZERO LUS Fleet in our negotiations as neither CB or Prez are as strong as GP and stood up. That's why GP is in there, he stood up for his people and they put him in. But we have only 2 mechanics for LUS fleet. So our committee only gets everything second hand. I'll get it quicker than they will. Believe me I always do. Thankfully, I blocked the last officer election vote because otherwise Sito would have already had a TA. But he isn't TAing anything now until after elections because of the LUS health care giveback.
Ok, that's all I have to say, weez can comment 20 more times in the next 6 pages on this board with all of his hate and IAM Pollyanna stuff as he wants his new gig.