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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Kinda took your advice, Kev. At Whataburger I asked for extra onions, extra lettuce, and a extra tomato between the two pieces of meat.
Thought you'd ha
Kinda took your advice, Kev. At Whataburger I asked for extra onions, extra lettuce, and a extra tomato between the two pieces of meat.
AANOTOK have you ran into Bob yet or have you seen his work,that being smoldering substations and sparking electrical closets?
Things are look’ing up around here .i have the pissant brothers on ignore along with a couple of their cousins and Al is back.

Tim is the Sybil of aviation forums

Yes Al has returned and once again the girls are dancing in the Sunlight.

Thought you'd ha

AANOTOK have you ran into Bob yet or have you seen his work,that being smoldering substations and sparking electrical closets?
No AL, I haven't. I don't get out much.
Who pays for the Grand Lodge pension?

Why can’t the membership get the same pension as the Grand Lodge?

That's a great question and one that all should be addressing to this asso. You see the guys that nego your contract have a totally different pension than you regular members. Why is that? Their pensions are untouchable----why is that?? They do not have to live with the same pension reductions you guys have too---why is that???

What a joke of union “leaders” you all have...

His name is “Stephen Johnson”


Hey at least they are fighting for scope. You really do need to get behind the NC and fully support any fight for scope language...
That's a great question and one that all should be addressing to this asso. You see the guys that nego your contract have a totally different pension than you regular members. Why is that? Their pensions are untouchable----why is that?? They do not have to live with the same pension reductions you guys have too---why is that???

Hey at least they are fighting for scope. You really do need to get behind the NC and fully support any fight for scope language...

Agreed on both points but they could at least spell his name properly. With all the “clout” and resources the IAM puts into their communications department you’d think they would get the names right or know enough to look at his public bio online or in a press release. Your grassroots AMFA would never put something like that out and you guys run lean as a grassroots member driven and member run organization.

The union just announced that the company offer was a "take it or leave it".

See you guys in september. No pay raise this year.
Ours did the same to us so we said no. It didn't mean nothing. It sounds like a false bark to me.

Where do you read “Take it or leave it” in here?

March 26, 2018

Brothers and Sisters,

The TWU/IAM Association seeks to protect your jobs and the WORK you do. Without protecting your work, your job is at risk; and without a job, every other benefit in a contract is meaningless.

Steve Johnsen and American are proposing FAKE SCOPE. In their most recent and insulting offer, Steve and company want to outsource at least 5,000 (a whopping 17 percent) Association jobs, across all classifications. This is not our number, it’s theirs, and it’s wholly unacceptable.

American Airlines should be ashamed of their cowardly attempt to bypass the negotiating committee by trying to fool us into believing how great their “take it or leave it” scope/job protection, medical insurance, wages and retirement security proposals are.

Without the 30,000 dedicated, hardworking Association members, there is no American Airlines,there are no profits that enrich the top executives and there is definitely no Steve Johnsen. If Steve Johnsen and American’s corporate leadership want abargain, they should go shop at Walmart, not at the doorstep of the TWU-IAM Association.


Your Association Negotiating Committee
Did you not read it dummy? It's even quoted in para 3. Here allow me to help you:

American Airlines should be ashamed of their cowardly attempt to bypass the negotiating committee by trying to fool us into believing how great their “take it or leave it” scope/job protection, medical insurance, wages and retirement security proposals are.


I think its telling to see how many LUS folks are commenting. Suddenly they want to join the fight.
It is telling isn't it. Now that it affects them too they start to speak up. While all along before they were whisper quiet while being told, "don't worry guys we'll keep everything we got". This is gonna get interesting going forward.
Agreed on both points but they could at least spell his name properly. With all the “clout” and resources the IAM puts into their communications department you’d think they would get the names right or know enough to look at his public bio online or in a press release. Your grassroots AMFA would never put something like that out and you guys run lean as a grassroots member driven and member run organization.


Wow you seem to be getting yourself in a serious wad about this guy’s name?

So what about the guys name. Who cares. Is he someone important?
Agreed on both points but they could at least spell his name properly. With all the “clout” and resources the IAM puts into their communications department you’d think they would get the names right or know enough to look at his public bio online or in a press release. Your grassroots AMFA would never put something like that out and you guys run lean as a grassroots member driven and member run organization.

Chit 3,900 members thats no bigger than an average Christmas list
That’s why it’s imperative to stand with mx they can affect “numbers” more than fleet can ever hope to
The entire group and groups need to fully stand with each other and fully support the NC or scope will be dismantled.

reading comprehension
101 yes sir.


It's lunch time and I can't decide!
LOL. I would hit the in and out over whataburger any day.
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