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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Point? I do not have the info as to when the EC was first mentioned, but I’ve always been under the impression that the NC do almost all of the The work and when the agreement is getting near the end then the higher ups get involved. I’m relatively certain that you are not suggesting that Sito and Alex should have been negotiating the articles of voluntary furlough, limited duty, training, etc. With that said, according to all of the updates that were put out by the association.. all groups were still working on a number of articles into the fall. (not including the scope and finances) it was then that the EC got involved. By the way, my fly says that the EC is involved in all groups talks with the company. ( fleet, mx, stores, etc) So it is misleading to suggest that the EC is dragging their feet and has been solely involved on behalf of fleet.

And according to the last update it seems pretty clear that while the process was ongoing to clean up all the TA’d language and put things into place the Executive committee would continue dialogue with the company on the Comprehensive proposal that was submitted to them that includes SCOPE and all final economic pieces.

And according to the last update it seems pretty clear that while the process was ongoing to clean up all the TA’d language and put things into place the Executive committee would continue dialogue with the company on the Comprehensive proposal that was submitted to them that includes SCOPE and all final economic pieces.

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This is just my interpretation.. but continue dialogue means to me, having discussions but not necessarily meeting face to face.
Also I can’t see the TWU just standing by while their members have less holidays, vacation, overtime and higher insurance for several more years vs what the IAM members would be working under.

It would be total labor chaos and would effect the operation.

So thats leverage the Association still has.
I was not aware of the 2 flights a day language.
Thanks for the info.
Unfortunately for them, that was not the only concession. I feel for them.

The other concessions for them were CARS (Customer Assistance Representatives) and the BSO (Baggage Service Operations) positions.

LAA side no longer had BSO and CARS brought in house the former hated “Red Coat” positions.

LUS side took the hits but the raises and other incendiaries were so dramatic that the TA passed by 72% as I recall off the top of my head.
First of all they needed the deals with the pilots and the flight attendants done before ramp and maintenance as that’s how it always works in mergers.


Flight Attendants and the company have not finish completing their JCBA
First of all they needed the deals with the pilots and the flight attendants done before ramp and maintenance as that’s how it always works in mergers.

Then the company can utilize the planes and hubs to be more efficient.

Second ramp and maintenance are always last before the company right sizes the operations.

There is no requirement in JCBA talks or in the RLA to force a vote on a last best offer. That’s only in a Section 6 or Section 1113 C negotiations and process.

I seriously doubt the company wants two separate Section 6 talks for the IAM and TWU, that would be six sets of negotiations going on.

They can’t settle the JCBA between three groups, six groups would be nearly impossible as the same people for the company would be needed in all the talks. So that would take substantial time and then jump right back into JCBA talks again.

I can’t see that happening.

Section 6 would take place with Association, not separately with IAM and TWU.
Dvlhog....you can disagree on the post regarding the start of negotiations but that post is accurate. The info is out there to check.
IAM/TWU met at Winpisinger starting in July of 2015
Proposal to company in DFW first week of Dec 2015
First session for fleet with company 2nd week of Jan 2016
EC involved fall of 2017. Those are facts.
This is just my interpretation.. but continue dialogue means to me, having discussions but not necessarily meeting face to face.

Well if the Company is drafting a full Comprehensive response to our proposals (All Association Groups) it may actually not even make sense to meet face to face until they can gauge if the responses would be accepted for a deal or not IMO.
And now you do, so your post was ridiculas.
Go back and look. There were numerous articles being addressed throughout the spring and summer of 2017 that the EC was not involved in. As ridiculous as you may think, the EC was not negotiating those articles ( and the like) previously mentioned.
Also I can’t see the TWU just standing by while their members have less holidays, vacation, overtime and higher insurance for several more years vs what the IAM members would be working under.

It would be total labor chaos and would effect the operation.

So thats leverage the Association still has.

It hasn't so far, it's been several years since the merger.
Hey weez, congrats on trying to save this thread. It is beneficial for everyone to have these threads and share all info. On our end things seem to be moving forward, and some little birdies are expecting a possible T/A by end of the next sessions. I am not one of those birds, I think the co. will pull one of their tactics and yank something back yet again that was previously agreed to. Below I leave with you the latest meeting set by the mediator not asking but telling both sides to be prepared to stay late every night for the week. I was wondering if the upper upper management has not put out the word to get it done. The longer week and longer days set up by the mediator is encouraging, but I still expect more games being played by the co. as usual...

NMB Meeting Notice to Resume Mediation with Southwest Airlines
March 15, 2018 -- Mediator Cathy McCann will continue mediation conferences with AMFA and Southwest Airlines in Dallas, TX on April 9-10, 2018.
Download: 20180315_Mtg_Notice_for_NMB_Case_A-13790_SWA_ AMFA.pdf

Thank you swamt. And thank you for your civility the last few weeks on our AA threads. It hasn’t gone unnoticed by me and I’d really like to see that continue.

I’ve been impressed and encouraged by the recent movement in your group and have been reading your thread.

Seriously thumbs up and good luck that you soon have a deal.
Well if the Company is drafting a full Comprehensive response to our proposals (All Association Groups) it may actually not even make sense to meet face to face until they can gauge if the responses would be accepted for a deal or not IMO.
My guess is that the company will respond to all groups in the same time frame. If accepted, then all groups will be on same schedule for TA and ratification. If not accepted...back into the rooms they go.
CWA/IBT had two mainline a day scope any thing more it was CWA/IBT work. Now 35 a week. Huge concession to give up that language

Vast concessionaire contact for LUS agent’s
What you aren't recognizing John John is that the previous CWA contract only covered 35% of the total (Work ONLY associated with LUS).

The reality is that the new CWA contract expanded scope to now include all work at each station that was LAA. I'm not a proponent of your contract, as I understand what you are otherwise saying but, in our case, we have 2 contracts already and if they lower the scope threshold to 12 flights, it will actually bring in more work even though the LUS threshold is 7 flights per week, presuming things are 'snapshotted' and grandfathered. The big concession for CWA/IBT was the health care and giving up LUS baggage service. But all of that said, Sito and the IAM are willing to give up LUS health, part time rules, for more dues. Our negotiations is in fact only conditioned on MX signing a deal.

To be sure, I am no doubt more of a hardliner than anyone on this board that has expressed an opinion on the LUS contract as I see no reason in the world to give up LUS health care. It ought to be a 'deal breaker'. But as we have seen with Mr Baskett and Brother Weez, they both say that LUS health care should not be off the table if they can barter an exchange. I don't want to barter anything whatsoever with LUS health care. No reason to.
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