Tim Nelson
To be sure, the iam pension is a chit bag. Anyone from lus who supports it either has a grand lodge pension already or has chit for brains.Read it again. I didn't say the protest was about the Medical.
You can disagree, but the TWU protested to get a contract. The point of view from the TWU side is that we want more of just about everything. I believe the IAM medical won't survive, but I don't want to rush them towards a deal just because I believe that loss is inevitable. So most were protesting from the perspective that we need to reach higher levels in Holidays, VC, SK and other things while the IAM already has some of those.
To us, moving towards a deal would help us to get some of the financials we've been lacking, for them it would be rushing towards fighting to keep their medical and pension. If you're them, why rush that process? We wouldn't.
Today, we may be on the same page but it's because we know have tangible items to lose (as opposed to rumors) so we can fight the common cause.
And yes, strength in numbers but we, the Members, needed to be better informed and educated on the issues each side faced so we could have come together knowing what the challenges would be. That didn't happen so there is little understanding what the other side faces and how the TA may or may not affect them.
It just sucks all the way around. I support the company stance on this pension 100%