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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Hk lj
The pilot CBA is more restrictive and they need to get them domiciled wherever their seniority can hold now that the TWA fence is finally coming down.

If on 9/12/18 the company wants to contract out STL they will be able to do so subject to the CBA and current flight activity.

Weez used the uncovered sCO PCE work as justification for the IAM rushing into a joint agreement at UA, yet here he insists the company will be benevolent and not contract out five (5) of 17 stations below the CBA scope.

The company handed us profit sharing, 24% wage gains, and 2 confirmed passes. All without any negotiations outside of the one day they spent on it. They actually wanted to grandfather small stations and keep catering but has eliminated catering and will pull the grandfather clause if sito keeps playing politics. All according to superfly. And i think if they dont see movement then a couple twu stations may get whacked.
Which cities robbed? No we lost a few cities at the hand of that BK gun.

Again most of if not all I suspect will be reopen at a point in time after the JCBA is implemented.

I suspect AA will have one year would be my guess?
You are so far off. There will be some stations opening due to alex and sito making unlimited part time a reality along with lus health care. There is interesting things in the jcba that those who arent as affected with those concessions will look at, such as a one time opt out of the iampf. All according to superfly.
Its just not goin to be a career job anymore after 5 years. Think UPS.
High seniority peeps will cash in and grab the money...which will b good.
The pilot CBA is more restrictive and they need to get them domiciled wherever their seniority can hold now that the TWA fence is finally coming down.

If on 9/12/18 the company wants to contract out STL they will be able to do so subject to the CBA and current flight activity.

Weez used the uncovered sCO PCE work as justification for the IAM rushing into a joint agreement at UA, yet here he insists the company will be benevolent and not contract out five (5) of 17 stations below the CBA scope.

In 5 1/2 months, and no jcba then weez will be 100% incorrect on a few stations. Call it a hunch. With sitos election postponed until as late as next April, doesnt look good since sito put fleet on ice.
Speaking of DAT days (Day off at a time) What is the opinion on that?

From what I understand at other Airlines people can exchange their extra Holliday pay for essentially more vacation time.

If a group has 10 Holliday’s at Double Time those can be converted generating 2 more weeks off per year.

Depending on restrictions I’d personally love to have that option.
We have that option at SWA in our maintenance contract, I think ramp does too, not sure about them.
So will the guy your chatting with driver. Don’t let him kid ya.
That was my point Weazz everyone talks a good union game, but if there is a pile of cash people take it, then complain about it later.
You are so far off. There will be some stations opening due to alex and sito making unlimited part time a reality along with lus health care. There is interesting things in the jcba that those who arent as affected with those concessions will look at, such as a one time opt out of the iampf. All according to superfly.
Its just not goin to be a career job anymore after 5 years. Think UPS.
High seniority peeps will cash in and grab the money...which will b good.
UNLIMITED pt???? NO Way NO How!!! I don’t care what Jimmy Snuka said. PT cap is going to be a percentage of FT agents or like current IAM language, percentage of total.
As I showed in other posts that percentage calculation is a bit tricky. IAM currently has language of 40%Pt of Total employees. ( although I believe we are at roughly 32% currently). If we get language to get percentage of FT employees it can be a nice enhancement.
Tim/Josh referred to us all as "unintelligents" -- which is not even a word!

With that observation, along with the simple fact that we have all figured out the puppet poster(s) deception tactics...
It seems Forest Gump was correct... "Stupid is as Stupid does"! Anyone that has to use deception, and fear tactics for personal or political gain is certainly not suited for ANY leadership role anywhere!

Wait... I take that Back... Putin's Troll Farm would promote him to any position he wanted...
That was my point Weazz everyone talks a good union game, but if there is a pile of cash people take it, then complain about it later.

I think that happened to us at LAA back in 1995. A pile of cash was offered and people jumped on it. I just don’t have the same definition of what a decent pile of cash is compared to others.

Plus you should look at what the cash is buying and have a little pride not to sell the farm for it.
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UNLIMITED pt???? NO Way NO How!!! I don’t care what Jimmy Snuka said. PT cap is going to be a percentage of FT agents or like current IAM language, percentage of total.
As I showed in other posts that percentage calculation is a bit tricky. IAM currently has language of 40%Pt of Total employees. ( although I believe we are at roughly 32% currently). If we get language to get percentage of FT employees it can be a nice enhancement.

Hahaha love the jimmy Snuka reference I thought that too
UNLIMITED pt???? NO Way NO How!!! I don’t care what Jimmy Snuka said. PT cap is going to be a percentage of FT agents or like current IAM language, percentage of total.
As I showed in other posts that percentage calculation is a bit tricky. IAM currently has language of 40%Pt of Total employees. ( although I believe we are at roughly 32% currently). If we get language to get percentage of FT employees it can be a nice enhancement.

I couldn’t even begin to imagine any of the guys who represent me sending something back that had any type of language that could grow PT ranks to 100% even if it was over time selling out the future. Absolutely of course the entire notion is utterly ridiculous even if there was some kind of FT protection language or LOA. Completely ridiculous extreme fear mongering.

Besides even if a pile of money were offered to do it I don’t think the members are that greedy or stupid to buy it myself and I certainly would do whatever I could to make sure it goes down in flames.
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Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in—and alternately take control of—an individual. Some people describe this as an experience of possession. The person also experiences memory loss that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

DID is a disorder characterized by identity fragmentation rather than a proliferation of separate personalities. The disturbance is not due to the direct psychological effects of a substance or of a general medical condition. DID was called multiple personality disorder until 1994, when the name was changed to reflect a better understanding of the condition—namely, that it is characterized by a fragmentation, or splintering, of identity rather than by a proliferation, or growth, of separate identities. As this once rarely reported disorder has become more common, the diagnosis has become controversial.


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Chill out swamt. You’re getting a little paranoid on me here.

The reference was to Nelson, not you.
Oh Ok. Sorry bout that. I Have been talking with driver as of lately as he too became more sensible and level headed.
But your right, there are a many fellas just waiting for a contract just to have a contract, they will vote yes every single time. These are the ones constantly running to the company offices trying to get the co's side of the story first and believing it all.
Oh Ok. Sorry bout that. I Have been talking with driver as of lately as he too became more sensible and level headed.
But your right, there are a many fellas just waiting for a contract just to have a contract, they will vote yes every single time. These are the ones constantly running to the company offices trying to get the co's side of the story first and believing it all.

I wouldn’t say that driver suddenly became reasonable swamt. He saw that the Company (SWA) finally made a really dramatic move towards finishing and that should be recognized. Had that not happened I’m sure his position would be exactly the same as before if not maybe even worse.
Also weez, to add a little about your DAT question. Here at SWA we have the option prior to new year start but after we bid our annual bid locations and days off to trade in our holidays as floating holidays. This way we can add 9 F/H's along with the 2 F/H's and birthday F/H for a total of 12 total F/H's to use anytime we want. If we trade them in then we get the holiday off without pay, but we do get paid 8 hours on the day we take the F/H off. If we elect not to trade them we get the holiday off with pay for 8 hrs. or if we work O/T on a holiday off our regular scheduled shift at 1.5, and work holiday on our regular schedule shift it would be triple time. That's all the options we have for the F/H's. Hope that helps a little more.
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