topDawg said:
Why do people like you think American wasn't going to toss that contract out in bankruptcy? Management 101, get labor to sign a big work rule cutting contract right before bankruptcy with a big raise.....then go bankrupt....toss the big rase and cut work rules even deeper. You guys have the best scope in the industry and the only reason why is the majority of your peers were smart enough to watch what every other carrier had done and wasn't dumb enough to fall for the same trick. Very clear you play checkers bigjets and management plays chess.
but what do I know, I only have a MBA in management.......
and you are damn right I work to protect the craft and class. If the I got mine people like you would get the hell out of the way it would make it so much easier for people who do care about the majority of the industry to do better.
but people like you work with management everyday to beat down the craft and class.
you really need to get over the Tulsa vs line thing. Management is playing you like a fool every single time you cry over it.
divide the work group, let them in-fight then go after a contract. That way the workers cut their own throats and the company just sits back and counts the money. Management 101.
Why i think management wouldn't throw out contract, because management didn't throw out the MCT contract, and management came after pension and retiree pension, when they could have come after more, like taking our pay down to USair pay levels.
As far as TULE is concerned, management did the management 101 deal, where they created contracts that would appease the most amount of voters, that being TULE which just happens to be in a cheap place to live, and where weekends and holidays off are the most important thing for them, as they are good family men, where family is more important then industry leading pay and working a 24/7 operation. They gave all that up for NOTHING in return.
I seriously doubt you have an MBA in anything especially business. If that were the case, then you would know that expecting to get industry leading pay, no outsourcing, retiree medical, pension, from contract negotiations two years into the worst economic downturn since the great depression, while AA's competitors got those concessions from their employees. If you got an MBA in business, I can see why you are an aircraft mechanic.