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Jane Allen goes to UAL!

On 5/30/2003 3:45:05 PM eolesen wrote:

This is the second officer we''ve lost in a month. Cheer about how VP''s are being tossed off the side, but the last thing we should be doing right now is spending time (and money) bringing their replacements up to speed.


Actually, I would hardly call what happened to Jane Allen being "tossed off the side". More like "jumping off the Titanic". Only she has a lifeboat in the form of (apparently) an even better position at a competitor (granted that it''s a competitor that is also greatly struggling with many of the same issues that face AA).
Jane has been courted by UAL for several months - this has been in the works for quite some time and has nothing to do with Arpey cleaning house.
To LaBradford 22 - I''m sorry but I was not the one who wrote "I just want the discussion on the board to be based on facts rather than purely contrived rumors." That was buzzkill''s quote: A quote from someone who ironically chooses to ignore the glaring FACT that Jane Allen was part of the notorious 45 who requested the SEC delay the disclosure of the retention bonus/SERP until "AFTER the votes" on the tentative agreements. And this is not DECEIVING the employees !! Who are we kidding here? And so now I''m thinking maybe buzzkill''s not just DRINKING the KOOL AID - he''s POURING it !! Thanks but no thanks. Anyway Jane Allen is yesterday''s news. But remember, DON''T DRINK THE KOOL AID !!!
On 5/31/2003 2:44:00 AM pooksmom wrote:

To LaBradford 22 - I''m sorry but I was not the one who wrote "I just want the discussion on the board to be based on facts rather than purely contrived rumors."  That was buzzkill''s quote: A quote from someone who ironically chooses to ignore the glaring FACT that Jane Allen was part of the notorious 45 who requested  the SEC delay the disclosure of the retention bonus/SERP until "AFTER the votes" on the tentative agreements.  And this is not DECEIVING the employees !!  Who are we kidding here?  And so now I''m thinking maybe buzzkill''s not just DRINKING the KOOL AID - he''s POURING it !!  Thanks but no thanks.  Anyway Jane Allen is yesterday''s news.  But remember, DON''T DRINK THE KOOL AID !!!

What world of reality are you living in? Do you really think all 45 officers made a "request" to delay the filing? I have never denied that she was on the SERP list, but you choose to believe the SERP was new. She has been on the list for a long time, as it has been in existence since 1985. Second, your report is the only one I have seen where all 45 of the Officers requested a delay in the filing. But hey, your story is much more scandalous and fun than reality, so whatever makes you happy.

I don''t think you are drinking Kool Aid. Instead, it seems clear you are drinking something a little harder.
On 5/30/2003 4:27:51 PM LaBradford22 wrote:

Actually, I would hardly call what happened to Jane Allen being "tossed off the side". More like "jumping off the Titanic.


And onto what? The Andrea Doria?
Jane Allen was at the table for the company on the ''95 TWU contract. She was downright venomous.

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