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Jane Allen!

Hackman said:
Yeah, we were glad to see her depart AA. She thinks her excrement smells like rose pedals. Typical of AA management. We have more if you need them. :down:

"The session went long, and a few minutes before 1:00pm I said I needed to break since I had been on my feet since 9:30am and needed to break to use the ladies room. I don't think everyone in the room heard the last part of my comment. Obviously, my choice of words was poor -- especially since I appreciate how long our flight attendants are on their feet when they are working. When I say I appreciate your hard work and the great job you are doing for our customer, I sincerely mean it."

Any upper airline management is inept. Period! The comment from this out of touch overpaid drone is the very epitome of what is running through corporate airlines mind set. "Poor me. My feet hurt." Hey lady, try getting into Hodini Position # 9 while working in the back end of an MD80 tail compartment while the APU is running. Or try working Flight Attendant's international flight with screaming passengers. The point here is that labor in the airlines come to work and do our jobs. We expect to be compensated for it. But management expects Golden Parachutes, stools and bottled water only to complain they are "tired"? No wonder upper management is hated throughout the industry.

By the way, UAL also got our Greg Hall. Thanks for taking him too. This guy ruins AA's inspection process and bails ship. It seems as if stupid people throughout the world have been breeding and their offspring are running airlines. 😉
...so executives are not allowed to go to the bathroom. Interesting.

As for Hall, I know some AA mechanics who liked him a great deal. For the record, they're not exactly people who side with mgmt on much of anything.
this is funny, from another board:

Hello, this is Jane Allen with an update to my update:

Looking over my recent remarks, regarding my having been on my feet for three hours and my comments to you after the uproar that remark made, has made me realize that my explanation fell a bit short.

When I said, "I needed to break since I had been on my feet since 9:30am and needed to break to use the ladies room." what I meant was that my bladder was full and I was about to pee in my panties. You can all imagine how embarrassing that would have been. I can tell you with all sincerity that I indeed ended up letting it go in the WC and pissed like a race horse. I'm sure that you all know what that is like.

When I signed on to the CC that evening (my username is 'eatshitanddieyoustupidf/as.com) and saw my words quoted.

Fortunately, I don't really give a flying f*ck what you all think, so I didn't lose any sleep over it.

What I meant to tell you all was that the party is over. You can either get with the program or go find a job at the nearest fast-food restaurant. That's about all your skills are worth. You know it and I know it. We at UAL management are just trying to bring your wages down to what they should have been in the first place. GET USED TO IT!...or GO AWAY!

There's plenty more like you just dying to be stewardesses. We've got them all on standby just waiting for all of you to walk.

That's all for today. Take care of yourselves and have a good weekend.

Jane Allen and Greg Hall are both good ridance at AA.As previously stated we have many more like them at AA if you would like to take them.
There doesn't seem to be any more Robert Crandalls or Herb Kehellers out in airline management.[Completely different styles but both were effective and cared about the LONG TERM condition of their respective airlines] Don Carty undone all the work that RC had accomplished in a few short years and SWA BOD'S had enough sense to get rid of James Parker very QUICKLY after he botched the F/A's contract negoiations.
The future for the airline employees does not look bright with the current management at the controls.
Ken MacTiernan said:
By the way, UAL also got our Greg Hall. Thanks for taking him too. This guy ruins AA's inspection process and bails ship. It seems as if stupid people throughout the world have been breeding and their offspring are running airlines. 😉


You know we were one VP short.
Can't run an airline with only 44 VP's U'Know......... 😛

flyhigh said:
...so executives are not allowed to go to the bathroom. Interesting.

As for Hall, I know some AA mechanics who liked him a great deal. For the record, they're not exactly people who side with mgmt on much of anything.

Management in today's airlines are, even though they try hard not to be, human and do require periodic breaks to relieve body waste. But in today's airline industry where management has gone out of their way to accuse labor of being the anchor towards profits and their attack on wage & benefits all the while having that nice Golden Parachute in reserve making a comment like jane allen did is to be expected to be taken at face value.

flyhigh, I too have met greg hall several years ago related to a SAN maintenance issue. He took a few minutes out of his schedule to meet with me and my Chairman. However, nothing was done about the matter. I also wrote to greg hall about his dream of reducing AA's maintenance program from being the best in the industry and turning it into a piece of crap. At one time ALL RON a/c that had maintenance people were inspected. With detailed inspections and fluid serviceing. Now we have a/c that do not have detailed inspections and we get caught in the morning with unnecessary delays or even cancellations. But greg hall saw fit to ruin our maintenance program and then go to UAL and ruin their program.

As far as I am concerned all airline management people are so full of human waste they would need something much longer than a quick break to use the facilities. 😉
UAL_TECH said:

You know we were one VP short.
Can't run an airline with only 44 VP's U'Know......... 😛


Actually I'm not sure we have any VP's anymore. Aren't they all SVP's?
Deleted by Moderator said:

This is a flight attendant rant!!! Let us enjoy this board to bash OUR "leaders" :huh: :lol:

Flight Attendant, AMT, Ramp, Pilot Rant! My post was simply to indicate that airline management is ALL our problem. It will take ALL of us to communicate and support each other. The days of when one union was getting hosed and others stood by and watch all the while saying, "Gee, did you see/hear what is going on at airline X? Glad that's not us." are over.

Lorenzo was stupid. He tried breaking labor's back at only two airlines. Today's management is attacking ALL airlines at once. Well, it is time we fought back. Communicating is the first step.

All topics are connected when it comes to airline threads on this and other BBs. The airlines are coming to a show down and I for one will not let my profession sit by and be slapped around like a redheaded step child. (No insult to any redheaded step children out there.)

After you are done bashing "your" leaders what do you plan on doing? :angry:
You guys still do not have Ron Cole and Joette Schmidt from America West!!!
What is the recent Hard-on that UAL has for AA management types? I work at WHQ, and there are literally a half-dozen new people in may area alone that are ex-AA. They still commute to DFW on weekends! Look at all the standbys on the 5pm ORD-DFW flight. When we get the "new faces" bulletin, christ it's like an AA reunion letter! I would love to know who is behind this DFW exodus.

And I cringe to think of the wages these guys are getting, to leave AA for UA in Ch 11 with the onset of a Chicago winter only weeks away. They must be offering them the moon! (for those that don't know, mid-level management jobs to outsiders offer significantly more money than internal UAL candidates, even with equal qualifications).
The Gopher said:
(for those that don't know, mid-level management jobs to outsiders offer significantly more money than internal UAL candidates, even with equal qualifications).
That should make you feel really good gopher. You management types stealing our givebacks. You sicken me.
spacewaitress said:
That should make you feel really good gopher. You management types stealing our givebacks. You sicken me.
I am a UAL insider, worked ramp thru college and now I am at WHQ. My point is I DON'T make what outsiders do. Why is an internal United candidate with an MBA worth less than the same guy from AA, NWA, or some other place? What sickens ME is that I am just as qualified, heck I know the company better, and I don't get the pay that the outsider does.

And it isn't stealing if you earn it. What a miserable existance, going through life thinking you are OWED something.

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