Tinkerbell said:
Its cool dude
Just remember its the Members that voted YES on a Contract brought you by corrupted Manegment job seeking union officials.
In today's airline world
you are correct the union leaders at most carriers have been so corrupted by the system that the only way they seem to get a head for them selves is to jump into mgmt positions.
The heads of the industrial unions that 1AA speaks are for the most part un-touchable.
They get into office and find ways in which to get rich off the backs of the union labor they are sworn to fight for.
You are correct as well that AMFA is NOT the save all for us.
It is going to take a monumental movement by the mechanics to L
QQK back at what has happened to the career we all chose many yrs ago.
See what has been taken or bargained away for something else and fight for what should of been ours all along. Changing the way we think about our jobs and what the companies want and expect.
it's time for the NOW generation to think about the group and what it is going take to get the pride in our work/career/future back.
Unionism today is not what it used to be, we are in the IGM world, specially here at AA.
The USAirways guys need to realise that no matter what, the new AA is NOT going to LQQK out for their interest. It is going to take all of us, working together to change the culture of the NEW AA for the betterment of our class and craft.
So as we move forward toward one big bargaining unit, the only way we are going to be able to combat the company is to
stop the in fighting, join together as one.
Get rid of the
TWU and the
IAM start fresh, lets not let the two giant industrial unions who
we all really know, Don't give a crap about us. It's all about the dues. We have watched them both take from our pockets. We have watched the leaders of both of these unions get rich along with the others throughout the union Hierarchy.
IBT tried to tell us as well they were better but as we all did some home work of our own it was all just as much of a scam. They cost us a vote and time negotiating for a better way to provide for our families and our future.
AMFA's leaders don't make as much money as these big industrial leaders they also work side by side with the membership. Pay is more in line with the working man.
That may change a bit if they get big enough, but
if you read AMFA's constitution.
What you will find is that there is a better way of doing things that will effect
our class and craft.
So if you are really tired of the IAM/TWU scamming and want a change, then
sign a
card. Help yourself and the guy who turns a wrench next to you. Get involved in YOUR future. Plan to make a change that will bring back what we all have lost in the last 15-20 yrs. Pride-Respect-Honor-Value-Fun.
Remember how you felt about YOUR Job when you first started ?????
Do you want that back?????
SIGN A AMFA CARD TODAY, and get some one on you crew to do the same.
If you need cards sent to your station we can arrange that, if you are willing to get involved.
AMFA at AA 2014