It's official!

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Bob Owens said:
Yes and I said we need to demand a release upon rejection of the contract. The Union already had the Strike Vote in place.  That would have most likely landed us in a PEB and we probably would have had a deal before Christmas of 2011. The International refused to move forward probably because the mechanic group was the only one that stood to make gains in a PEB, the other TWU groups on the property didn't lag their peers like we did. Yes the company would have won the ability to outsource more OH, which they got anyway, and our headcount would likely be exactly where it is today. 
We were the first Union to reject a TA and not proceed with the process. I don't recall the NMB ever telling a Union that they would not be released after their members rejected a TA that came out of four years of negotiations and two years of NMB mediation. AA had around 20% of the market, that certainly qualifies as a Transportation emergency more so than in 1997 when the pilots were released and went on their 6 minute strike before going before a PEB.
I agree, we are better off non union rather then twu.
bigjets said:
Hopefully the APA and twu will learn. But of course the twu will have to wait until 2018 what a bunch of goofs running the twu
Wait a minute.  Are  you telling me that after Bob Owens has lectured us over and over that a 5 year contract is too long for the f/as, the TWU is already in a contract that is that long or longer?
jimntx said:
The arbitration is completed.  Results expected in early January.  The title of the article is misleading.  This is the arbitration that the NO voters (and the non-voters) wanted.
Jim, I really do wish you and all the F/A's the best of luck.  You never know with a third party ruling on the future.  I also hope you all come out better than going in but I don't see the full TA offer coming back.  Like the article said it would open the flood gates for all the other unions to use.  I will say one thing though, if LG fails to get the me-too clauses in, then more than likely you will then know that the pilots will have it, however, this could be the way to keep better peace thru the F/A's if they were to get it in and a way to get a little bit of money back.  Guess we will all know in Jan.  I too think 2 days was way too short for a binding arbitration panel to represent their sides...
Actually, I don't think it was too short.  I'm a firm believer in say what you have to say and then shut up--unlike WT.   If both sides made their best argument for their position in 2 days; so be it.  There is no possible way that the result will be as good as the TA was.  Under the negotiation protocols both sides stipulated to "market aggregate" value if the process went to arbitration.  The TA was worth a whole lot more than market aggregate.  The NO voters and the non-voters have shot themselves in the foot financially.  I nope it hurts a whole bunch.  (Bitter, party of one.  You're tables ready.  :lol:)
just say it - it was your dumb coworkers that have ruined your life.

Doesn't Texaco look good about right now?
I spoke with one of the jumpseat CEOs yesterday who lamely commented "Well, I voted NO because I figured it would pass anyway".  Oh well,
it was only 400 million over five years or aprox. $16,600.00 per f/a.
Look on the bright side...AA's labor costs will be lower than DL which will give AA a huge competitive advantage over the next 5 years...sigh
jimntx said:
Wait a minute.  Are  you telling me that after Bob Owens has lectured us over and over that a 5 year contract is too long for the f/as, the TWU is already in a contract that is that long or longer?
The funny thing is bob was on our negotiation team being a local president and all, and we have a 5 year contract, that remains lowest in the industry.

He's a mental giant, vote down the FA's TA because it's 5 years long and in 2 years delta might make more money.
I spoke with one of the jumpseat CEOs yesterday who lamely commented "Well, I voted NO because I figured it would pass anyway".  Oh well,
it was only 400 million over five years or aprox. $16,600.00 per f/a.
Look on the bright side...AA's labor costs will be lower than DL which will give AA a huge competitive advantage over the next 5 years...sigh
you do realize that revenue is part of the equation, too?
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Contract was stipulated to in less than half a day. EXACT same contract, except lower pay rates. In fact, the largest cut came from the top of scale F/A's. Over $3 less an hour. Step 12 was less than .40 less. The rest of the 1 1/2 day arbitration was over the me too's and when to start the pay raises. 3 whole items. Our mental giants who work with us decided we were over paid and didn't need it. MORONS!!!!
Glading wrote a letter to ask for a meeting to,discuss allowing for the full value of the ta one the arbitration is complete. This is what I predicted would happen......I believe Doug will agree and the no voters didn't get their way after all...the ta will stand.....just my opinion...let's wait and see.....
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Yet, at least half the F/A's would be happy, instead of the entire work group being pissed!
usfliboi said:
Glading wrote a letter to ask for a meeting to,discuss allowing for the full value of the ta one the arbitration is complete. This is what I predicted would happen......I believe Doug will agree and the no voters didn't get their way after all...the ta will stand.....just my opinion...let's wait and see.....
Well, as they say, "From your lips to God's ears."  However, I keep asking myself, if I were Doug Parker, and I offered a group of employees  $82 million/year and they said "no thank you," why would I give it to them later when they decided they might want it after all? 
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