jimntx said:
Get your numbers in order. You don't have different points of view. You have A different point of view. Profit sharing is the end all and the be all of your existence. We get it. Give it a rest.
And, the majority of the NO votes had nothing to do with profit sharing. They got their mis-information from Facebook--such as, the lie that LG gets A5 travel for life regardless.
Well you obviously you dont get it and have a problem with comprehension, my biggest issue, which I've repeated over and over again, which you choose not to adress because its inconvienient to your position is the term of the contract. 5 more years. FIVE YEARS WITH ZERO ABILITY TO CAPITALIZE ON AA"S PROFITS!!!! YOU ARE MAKING THE SAME MISTAKE THAT MANY OF US MADE IN THE MID 90's WHEN WE AGREED TO LONG TERM CONCESSIONARY DEALS AS THIS COUNTRY AND INDUSTRY ENTERRED ITS GREATEST EXPANSION EVER AND WE WERE LOCKED OUT OF MAKING GAINS (OR REGAINING SOME OF WHAT WE LOST).
There do you have it now? I doubt it. I'm not a big fan of Profit Sharing and I dont think the Union should agree to place any dollar value on it. I'm not an advocate of having my compensation determined by how the guys in HQ screw things up. Its an incentive plan not a part if the inherant value of our labor. Its an extra. Basically it should be put before the company that the Union will advise its members against participation in any program not covered in the contract that could increase effeciency or the profitability in the company unless there is profit sharing. Unfortunately your Union chose to bend over for Parker and his response was,,,,,.
You guys locked yourself into a long term deal which is bad, the fact that you also locked yourselves out of Profit Sharing makes it even worse.
I believe you asked earlier when has AA ever been consistantly profitable, I ask you when was the last time you saw AA pay dividends? In my 28 years I have seen many profitable years, and all of them were post deregulation, but this is the only time I recall dividends being paid.
We are entering a new phase for the industry, not perpetual billion dollar profits but much like other mature industries a period of stabilization, minimal competition, minimal expansion, the industry has become an oligopoly. Due to its high reliance on labor they will find a way to hide the money by the time 2019 arrives. Maybe toilets seat will go from $1000 to $3000, landing fees from $4500 to $45000 but they will find a way to move the money into places where labor isnt much of a factor.
Your five year deal just wiped out the opportunity to try and restore what the job once was as far as Compensation. Come 2020 Airlines will be sitting in front of PEBs even more frequently than the Rails.