Strike was never on the table as these were not sect 6, that he had wrong, and so did you. Absent the NPA the company could have sat it out till 2018. But they would have to keep two separate operations.
Five more years and No Profit sharing? I would have voted no as well. Where were you in the 90s? You are still worried about the sky falling, you obviously have zero tolerance for risk, and you are in the wrong industry. --The you'd be in arbitration losing pay AND profit sharing. Hey, but at least you showed them by voting no, right. You sent them a clear message. Good for you. =/
Sometimes the two in the bush is worth taking a shot at, especially with some of the points he did get right such as four carriers having 90% of the market, and its a huge market.
AA could soon be a $50 billion year company with less employees earning lower wages than when it was a $20 billion a year company. I think we should expect more, and not add years to what they were able to steal in Bankruptcy. At the very least we should get Profit Sharing. --Let's vote no on whatever, so we can go get the profit sharing, (which by the way you wailed against during the pre-BK debates because the airlines was obviously hiding money to prevent paying it out profit sharing from 2003 to 2012).