May God above be with all the employees of this once, and still (although shrunk) company.
Here's the break down for me.
Before 21% paycut $459/week
After Paycut $364/week
Unemployment based on last four quarters minus highest and lowest $310/week (approx 2/3 of what I made per week)
.35 to a mile for wear and tear on vehicle and gas $84/week (and that is being generous)
According to my calculations that equates to making money on unemployment. This does not include higher premiums for benefits, no shift differentials, vacation, sick, etc. I certainly do not intend to be on unemployment and am currently on a fast track to getting a job that will not only utilize my educational background, but immediately give me a $10,000 raise from what I am making now. (with the potential for advancement) I don't put limits on myself and believe no one else should do it either. Everyone has the capability to accomplish their dreams regardless of age, sex, ethnic background etc. That being said, everyone at U should be preparing for a future that does not involve U. You just have to put your mind to it and believe in yourself.
I won't say that I am not emotional about the whole mess, because I am. Injustices anger me and I feel I have a moral obligation to put an end to them. I have been married for almost ten years and this will be the first Christmas that I will have to "encourage" my young children to wish for something other than the toys they really want. My husband and I had a long discussion not too long ago that weighed the pros and cons of being laid off or striking versus remaining at work. We both came to the conclusion that the first two options are better than the last.
Many people don't look at the "grand scheme" of things and some are so afraid of what tomorrow may bring that they don't want to look beyond today. Yes, to a certain degree we must live for today, but for those of us who have young children looking to what "may be" holds more weight than today. You see, we are the deciding force in the aviation "grand scheme". What happens today will effect tomorrow for thousands of other airline employees. People have said what happens at U has no effect on other airline employees, but ultimately it does and sooner or later it will effect those even at the LCCs. Look beyond us and see what is happening at UA, DL, and others. Pensions, benefits, pay are being raped everywhere. The question is ............... are you willing to sacrifice? Are you willing to believe in yourself and say I am worth more, I am better than this, and I believe in myself? These are questions each of us are facing and must answer for ourselves.
Regardless of what you decide, may you feel confident in your decision. I cannot change it, nor can anyone else.