Is USAirways hostile takeover Of AA for Real?

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  • #16
She understands. She Just has a bone to grind with the curent management and will place everything prior to the merger on them even thought the US Airways she use to work for no longer exists.

I see, you are still around these boards, too. Hope you are well.

The USAirways of past is still current, as evidenced by the labor CONCESSIONARY contracts that ALL the workers are still under. I was there with Doug Parker and cronies in 2005. Theyall just came late in the game, but were taught, nonetheless, by the very same JERRY "UNION BUSTER" GLASS! He is there, past and present!
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  • #17
I guess at USAirways, labor having endured the pains of post 9/11, tens of thousands of job losses through base closures, displacements, two bankruptcies, 3 restructuring agreements in 8 years, career-changing concessions, pensions dumped, two mangemnt teams not from this planet, wars and fuel prices soaring, mutliple reworked, over done business plans, here you sit, at present day, not nearly in the break-even mode, after the $$billions of give backs, "free passes" from t wo bankruptcies getting rid of lease agreements and old leased a/c, etc, looking for an airline to partner with, USAirways still can't make it work!
Not even close to a merged/joint agreement with America West, who unfortunatley got tangled in the USArways web.

American unions need to focus on their own negotiations with THEIR managment. You guys have absolutely no idea what sub-human you guys are dealing with over there. Read the USAirways history between 2002 and current day. Look up our negotiations. It's on the wide web as we took our anger and frustrations to the press and media. This was the BEST leverage w had!

I remember quite well the hell. I am more dangerous out of USAirways than in. As a retiree, I live the consequences of those losses. As I had written, and I am sure you remember PITbull, I will NEVER forget. And I will talk about what happened to us at USAirways all my days, to those who will listen, and even those who won't.

USAiways f/as are once again trying to get a new contract agreement, after a failed T/A two months ago.

Nah, I think I'll stick around here and let American labor unions know that they really need to do their homework and research USAirways. After all, they broke the glass ceiling on maxing out the BK permitted by law, restructuring inside and outside of BK, and no matter how much $$ they got from labor to balance their books, they kept coming back and saying, " you know what, we just underestimated what was needed, and we need Millions more to stay viable and keep the doors open. All along, lining upper management pockets, and in every BK they asked the judge for Millions and milliions in "retentiion bonuses" to keep the "so-called" good help they have on board. At the same time freezing our pensions, and then motioning for termiantion.

And they got it!

Better the Devil you know, then the devil you don't know.

Process that.
Most likely on his dime given she came out of retirement on this subject. Not a peep about the recent f/a contract offer, but now using the old copy & paste to put the same message on various threads.....
Here's a link by Bill Swellbar, ECLAT Consulting firm.

He was at our table at AFA and helped us with our restructuring proposal for maagment in both bankrupcies. He's in the KNOW.

Elephant in the room, indeed:


William S. Swelbar is a Research Engineer in MIT’s International Center for Air Transportation, where he is affiliated with the Global Airline Industry Program and Airline Industry Consortium. Prior to accepting his research position at MIT, Bill was President and Managing Partner of Eclat Consulting, Inc., a firm he founded. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Hawaiian (Airlines) Holdings, Inc. Over the past 20 years, he has represented airlines, airports, investors, manufacturers, and labor groups in a consulting role. A significant amount of his career has been spent studying market behavior resulting from structural changes in the competitive environment, including mergers, alliances, new entrant carriers and new aircraft technology. Bill’s work has included competitive assessments, cost-benefit analyses, and other economic and financial advisory services in support of strategic planning, corporate communications and labor negotiations. He is also a much sought-after speaker and also has provided expert witness testimony before various tribunals and before the United States Congress regarding the economics of commercial air transport. Bill holds a Bachelor of Science degree with honors from Eastern Michigan University and an MBA from The George Washington University.

And now he is on the AA payroll.
Perhaps he dragged the Bull out of retirement with her
"Union Hat" in order to help his cause. Kind of ironic that she shows up at this point in the game....
Can we say "Exposed????
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  • #25
Disclose your relationship with Swelbar.

Immense respect.

Haven't seen him since those days, but as I read his commentary, He knows USAirways and our unions, specifically AFA. He knows all the players and knows the dynamics the personalities involved and the history.

The media doesn't know about the details, or the history and, therefore, can't write about all the scenerios and the motivation behind USAirways forcing American into their web. They can't write about the hidden agendas of these parties involved. But, we who have expereinced first hand, have sat in the front row, first seat, know very well, indeed.
And I suppose him being on the AA payroll has nothing to do with his biased opinions?
Come on, get real........
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  • #27
Disclose your relationship with Swelbar.

Hey Newbie,

For those of you on here on the managment's team, Swelbar would not be writing if he was on someone's payroll with any aformentioned players. He always felt so bad for us when we were at the table, and he tried to put everything in our contract in simple form so we could understand the cost analysis of everything. There were items we would not give up, like the "me too" and our scope language. Company wanted this but we went balls to the walls over it. History had proven that the pilots fair better in neotiations, so we kept the "me too", and still today. I am sure U managment will want this language from AFA, but they can go pound salt over a cliff.

Our leverage in BK was putting everything out there in the media. The media became our friend. Management hated that. We got the customer to care enough as they became privy to our plight at that time. I had two chairman preferred come to my office and discuss the issues, they felt so bad. They were the FFOCUS GROUP; chairman preferred customers with USAirways.

My point on these boards is more of a message of caution. I am passionate about labor, specifically those in this industry i shared for quarter of a century. It is important to maaintain the integrity of the profession, and protect one another at all times.

Its important for you to know all the players and the history so you can protect yourselves and your profession as much as possible during this bankrupt ride. American is the last of the hub legacies to go and use bankruptcy protection. And, USAirways thrusted theselves in that mix, because they can't use the BK system "free pass" to gut contracts and extract more from their labor groups any more. They took all the bk allowed by law. Now, they are going to attempt to go after American's free pass, and garner their cost savings from all of you, and inject it into USAirways. Don't be fooled by them. You are not safe.

It's like kicking a dog when their down, and hoping it dies.
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  • #28
And I suppose him being on the AA payroll has nothing to do with his biased opinions?
Come on, get real........

You say he's on the payroll, whose? And it what capacity? Please explain.
Perhaps he dragged the Bull out of retirement with her
"Union Hat" in order to help his cause. Kind of ironic that she shows up at this point in the game....
Can we say "Exposed????

In case you are keeping score, I already "exposed" you as twisting, lying and mud-slinging to further your cause to tell us how great an airline you work for. We all know the $#!7 that is in the jar and labeling it ROSES doesn't make it smell any better!!!
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