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Is that Dave as Austin Powers on thehub.?

I think it's a riot! And, some on here need to lighten up...talk about repressed.

What's next for Dave: Linda Richman? (For those who don't who/what Linda Richman is - it's a Mike Meyers character from his SNL days based on his Jewish mother-in-law.)

I can see it now - Coffee Tawk With Siegel

The paycuts - they were like buttah...Tawk amongst yourselves...

From a pilot who still has his job:

Saw the picture of Dave as Austin Powers. With thousands of employees displaced/elliminated, and with 1800 loyal pilots and their family's lives and careers permanently trashed, can someone (anyone?) please explain what is remotely funny or appropriate about this. I've never been more embarassed by this company than I am now after seeing this picture.
Pathetic. Before there were two shysters running U, now there's a buffoon. When in a position of leadership, you should never put yourself in a position where you are laughed at and not with.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/4/2002 11:32:26 PM Eris wrote: [BR][BR]From a pilot who still has his job:[BR][BR]Saw the picture of Dave as Austin Powers. With thousands of employees displaced/elliminated, and with 1800 loyal pilots and their family's lives and careers permanently trashed, can someone (anyone?) please explain what is remotely funny or appropriate about this. I've never been more embarassed by this company than I am now after seeing this picture.[BR]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][FONT face=System size=2]100 pct agree. Also from a CWA'er who still has a job. I could go either way, if cuts go deeper, i.e. stay or go, I'd survive and be fairly comfortable, but words like inappropriate and embarrassed don't begin to describe this immature, lack of couth, display of idiocy, considering so much bloodshed going on of dedicated people who have given in some cases 10, 15 or 20 plus years. Mr. Shag has gone way past the point of forgiveness on this one and I can only hope rumors of his departure after the NEW YEAR are true. Bart Simpson as the real CEO, in costume, would have earned more respect from me[/FONT].
I don't think we want to live in a world where the simple exsistence of hard-times and uncertainty are allowed to exstinguish humor. Keep some perspective folks...
Give me a break! At least it shows the guy is human, has a sense of humor, and isn't afraid to make himself look foolish to try to get people to smile in a very difficult time. I am convinced that Siegel could walk on water and part the Red Sea, and you folks would complain that he made the waves too high. A little levity in a trying situation never hurt anyone.
On 11/5/2002 10:34:46 AM UAL777flyer wrote:

Give me a break! At least it shows the guy is human, has a sense of humor, and isn't afraid to make himself look foolish to try to get people to smile in a very difficult time. I am convinced that Siegel could walk on water and part the Red Sea, and you folks would complain that he made the waves too high. A little levity in a trying situation never hurt anyone.

“Hey, everybody laughs about something. Now what they laugh at…that tells me a lot about them.â€￾

Eddie Murphy
On 11/5/2002 12:07:27 PM repeet wrote:

Ok, it's time to weigh in on this one.

I am thankful that Dave has a sense of humor.

I am thrilled that Dave is at ease enough to have fun, joke around, and cavort.

I am encouraged that Dave wanted to get out with the workforce, make them laugh, and encourage them.


Dave is at the helm and in command of a sinking wreck.

Pieces of wreckage are strewn about around us, and the blood of a few inconsolable employees, or family members, is awash around our ankles.

I would counsel extreme caution with frivolity


I'm glad that Dave can smile and run around like a '60s pimp when many of us are losing our jobs. Maybe he should have dressed like the grim reaper, THAT would have been funny. At least in a perverse, US Airways management kind of way. Maybe he could hand out layoff notices at the same time.

Or another idea, maybe he should have dressed like TwoFace from the old Batman comics. Flip a coin to decide your fate.

Guys, don't you get it. Dave isn't working to be labor friendly. Do you know what they are doing in Lake City, Florida right now? They have found a substantial amount of money to PAINT airplanes (at a contract company, none-the-less). Yep, make sure that our planes are pretty and finally match. However, that money SHOULD be used to keep employees on the payroll. Personally, as someone who is just waiting for the blade to fall this week, I find this insulting.
Ok, it's time to weigh in on this one.

I am thankful that Dave has a sense of humor.

I am thrilled that Dave is at ease enough to have fun, joke around, and cavort.

I am encouraged that Dave wanted to get out with the workforce, make them laugh, and encourage them.


Dave is at the helm and in command of a sinking wreck.

Pieces of wreckage are strewn about around us, and the blood of a few inconsolable employees, or family members, is awash around our ankles.

I would counsel extreme caution with frivolity
Would you prefer he simply throw in the towel and announce to the remaining workers that all is lost, let's dim the lights and everyone go home? Would an atmosphere reminiscent of Nazi Germany make everyone feel that Siegel is acting more like a true CEO?

Yes, times are very tough. Yes, it is extremely painful to see coworkers lose their jobs after years of faithful, dedicated service. Does it hurt to see years of hard work building up your airline wasted as it shrinks away to cut costs? Absolutely. There is no denying that. It hurts. But the hope is that it will amount to something. The hope is that all of this pain will be short-lived and US Airways will live to fight another day. How is Dave supposed to accomplish that if his workforce can't even manage a smile to break the tension? Is the man perfect? Of course he isn't. He's made some mistakes, as all of us do at times, especially senior executives charged with turning around a failing company. But he is trying to change the culture of your company. I'm quite sure his Austin Powers antics were not designed to rub salt in the wounds of those who were furloughed. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that if it were up to him, he'd have kept all those employees. But US Airways IS IN BANKRUPTCY. That means he has relinquished control over what is necessary to fix the company. He has no choice but to make deep, painful cuts in the hopes of having something left down the line to build upon and return the company to growth mode. That is what everyone should be striving for. Otherwise, what is the point? Why not just shut it down now, thank everyone for playing and have everyone move on with their lives? As bad as things seem at the moment, your company isn't dead yet. As long as you're still operating, you have hope. Quitting shouldn't be an option. Maybe that is the message Siegel was trying to convey: hang in there, we will get through this. Don't take the act at face value. Cut him some slack.
On 11/5/2002 10:41:12 AM geo1004 wrote:

I don't think we want to live in a world where the simple exsistence of hard-times and uncertainty are allowed to exstinguish humor. Keep some perspective folks...

“Humor is in the ear of the beholder.â€￾
On 11/5/2002 12:16:21 PM N513AU wrote:
Maybe he should have dressed like the grim reaper, THAT would have been funny. At least in a perverse, US Airways management kind of way. Maybe he could hand out layoff notices at the same time.

In keeping with the “perverse, US Airways management kind of way…â€￾

Jaba the Hutt is surrounded by bizarre, deformed minions whose greatest entertainment, after the practice of gluttony, is to watch a hideous beast devour hapless slaves and prisoners.

“They [u]doubt[/u] our sense of humor?!â€￾
[BR][FONT face=Courier New size=3]If Shag was so desperate to play dress up, he could have thought of a more tactful and appropriate for the times theme, such as THE TERMINATOR or some gladiator or warrior theme which would denote that US is [STRONG][FONT size=4]fighting[/FONT][/STRONG] back to stay alive, a theme that would inspire us to think we just might win this war against the recession. To dress up as an oddball Hollywood character (which truly never earned any humor or kudos from me nor of the actor who portrays him) will always be thought of as poor taste in my book..and it would seem others agree as well.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Courier New size=3]Doesn't a CEO have a PR person(i.e. a babysitter)?[/FONT]
You still have to do business and was 526 painted all ready or was it in the old livery? Leading edge has to repaint numerous or our airplanes because of warranty claims, and you still have to do business and maintain your planes.
Gee whiz -
Why get your panties in a wad over an Austin Powers costume? Heck, Herb did it, and aren't THEY successful? Hey, if you can't beat em' join em'. I think Dave is onto something here. Why not have a frequent Shag Program. Then again, if those on here would just shag once in awhile they wouldn't be so uptight. Lighten up....

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