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Is that Dave as Austin Powers on thehub.?

[P][BR]CS - PRO:[BR][BR]I have been on the street since January and its been a long time since I've laughed that hard. LIGHTEN UP. [/P]
[P](Thanks for the laugh Dave)[/P]
So...the CEO of a major corporation that is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and in danger of liquidation, has TIME to show up at work--dressed as a character in a movie--and joke around. I do not know, but call me sceptical??? Should we really lighten up? Think about it!
Yeah autofixer,I thought about it. LIGHTEN UP. This is a job. Not a life. Kelleher used to do stuff like this all the time. No one likes what is happening but humor is a way of coping. I for one appreciate a bit of clowning around. If I lose my job, I'll get another one. So will you. So will everyone else. We are not any different than any other employee. We took our chance with this company and will reap the rewards or failures. People lose jobs all the time. Relax. Bottom line is simple. We survive or we don't. One way or the other things will work out. Fear is foolish.
mrplanes...WELL SAID!!

To the rest...don't be so serious, lifes to short!
Look, furloughs are inevitable given US Airways situation. Everyone knows that by now. Give Siegel some credit for trying to raise the morale of those still employed. US Airways is still fighting for its' survival and he is trying to cheer up the troops. Every now and then, it's a great idea to allow some humor to break the tension to give everyone a laugh. That doesn't mean his eye is off the ball. I think it just means that he cares. Otherwise, why would he humiliate himself? Granted, to some it may appear inappropriate and tasteless given the recent layoffs. But when you consider US Airways situation, no matter when he does it, it's going to appear that way to some. Have some levity, folks. Allow yourselves a laugh after the tough times you've been through and steel yourselves for the tough road ahead. After all, in this business, if we don't allow ourselves to laugh once in awhile, they'd have to carry us all away in straightjackets.
I frankly loved the Austin Powers get-up! Brought back memories of PSA for me! Let's remember Austin's mission is to banish Dr Evil. And perhaps signals a much needed new corporate image. Yah, baby!

Bad taste would have been if he showed up as the Wolfman. And possibly hazzardous to his health as well.

A character more appropriate would be Nero, fiddling as U slowly shrinks. Here in PIT cardiac and emotional problems have led to doctor visits, ambulance rides away from the hangar and a few suicides. Yuk it up gang, lets see what Mojo Dave has next for us.
Maybe next Halloween he can dress as the CHURCH LADY.. could it be...[FONT size=5]SATAN[/FONT]??
Maybe this is a real indication that the culture is finally going to start changing around here? We can only hope!!

That my friend is what the people of Troy said, after they had been laid siege for ten years, and when the Greeks had apparently sailed away, leaving the beautiful Trojan Horse as a token of piece.

When they of Troy awoke from their drunken party of celebration, if they had not been killed, they were slaves.
mrplanes, I am just stoking the fires. None of this is reality...if any of us had a life we would not be here. In my own perverse way, I try to balance what I see on these boards. If someone is drinking the koolaid, I hammer them. If someone is anti-pilot or anti-mechanic, I just try to point out how silly that is. If someone thinks it is ok for the CEO of a major corportation that is in Ch 11 to dress up like a television figure, I just point out how insane that is. I by no means am all knowing, I am just opionated...just the way I was raised. If I don't make a mistake every 15 minutes, look out; I am fixing to make a doosy!
So, I wonder what the shareholders or the ATSB thought about Daves getup? It is obvious the U employee groups are easily manipulated; (refer to recent votes{I voted NO}) so it should be no surprise that some are impreased by Dave's actions. Never, ever let your emotions form your opinions. It IS all about perception and reality. (I do find this fun! If you are not learning every day, you might as well lay down and die!)
On 11/2/2002 3:30:16 PM airknocker wrote:

A character more appropriate would be Nero, fiddling as U slowly shrinks. Here in PIT cardiac and emotional problems have led to doctor visits, ambulance rides away from the hangar and a few suicides. Yuk it up gang, lets see what "Mojo" Dave has next for us.

If you are really that emotionally strung out, being on these boards is the worst place for you with the rumor, innuendo, and venom. Suicide is a tragic event, and should not be made light of. That being said, anyone that has gone to the extreme of taking their own lives almost assuredly has issues other than a job loss. This comes from someone on the front firing line right now. Even though I am on the firing line, I find Dave's get up hysterical. It is about time a CEO shows a sense of humor. Read anything on job loss, and the first thing they address is staying positive. I got this job, I can get another. My first choice is to stay here, but somehow I will come through this, maybe working more hours at a job I do not enjoy as much, but maybe making more at a job I love. Those that keep their wits about them are the ones that ineveitably bounce back first.
On 11/3/2002 12:24:40 AM autofixer wrote:

So, I wonder what the shareholders or the ATSB thought about Daves getup? It is obvious the U employee groups are easily manipulated; (refer to recent votes{I voted NO}) so it should be no surprise that some are impreased by Dave's actions. Never, ever let your emotions form your opinions. It IS all about perception and reality. (I do find this fun! If you are not learning every day, you might as well lay down and die!)

I doubt the shareholders care much, they are basically wiped out anyway. They are, or should be, more ticked with Wolf and Gangwal proudly proclaiming, There is no Plan B. Am I the only one wondering why there has not been a flurry of lawsuits or why the SEC hasn't been making a fuss about this? As for the ATSB, they gave conditional approval, as long as the Company delivers the plan they gave the ATSB, I don't really think they care one way or other.

Additionally, I voted yes and do not feel either manipulated or easily impressed. I didn't like it, but felt I needed to do my share to help. It has now probably led me to the street, but once again, I will handle it like the professional I am. Maybe one day there will be a job to come back if I so desire.

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