On 11/2/2002 3:30:16 PM airknocker wrote:
A character more appropriate would be Nero, fiddling as U slowly shrinks. Here in PIT cardiac and emotional problems have led to doctor visits, ambulance rides away from the hangar and a few suicides. Yuk it up gang, lets see what "Mojo" Dave has next for us.
If you are really that emotionally strung out, being on these boards is the worst place for you with the rumor, innuendo, and venom. Suicide is a tragic event, and should not be made light of. That being said, anyone that has gone to the extreme of taking their own lives almost assuredly has issues other than a job loss. This comes from someone on the front firing line right now. Even though I am on the firing line, I find Dave's get up hysterical. It is about time a CEO shows a sense of humor. Read anything on job loss, and the first thing they address is staying positive. I got this job, I can get another. My first choice is to stay here, but somehow I will come through this, maybe working more hours at a job I do not enjoy as much, but maybe making more at a job I love. Those that keep their wits about them are the ones that ineveitably bounce back first.