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This is not the place to discuss working by the book in a public form.
ata36bg said:

Since you are acting as LavMan’s spokesman I’ll address this to you. You missed the entire point. Threatening to do your work “by the bookâ€￾ is another reason for management to look elsewhere for people to perform that work. Why should they pay people to do things by the book only when they are mad at the company? Shouldn’t they be allowed to expect this level of professionalism all the time? By saying that you are going to do things by the book implies that you have not been doing so in the past.

And in the future please don’t lecture me on professional ethics “my friend.â€￾
Your statement reminds me of that movie where the bad guy always said MY FREIND right before he stabbed you to death. lol

I do see your point and it is well taken. Maybe working by the book is the wrong term, maybe it should be called work safe program which simply means you check and recheck everything. Get an E.A. BEFORE performing the work and not sign off on an E.A. number some engineer gave you before the actual paper work is produced. Look up repairs and double check impossible to find part numbers before performing the work, check and recheck all S/N's. You get the point and no one is stating you are no professional, but working extra safe does slow down the process of work flow and that is the whole idea. This is what it takes to get this hard headed management's attention!

Outstanding!!! This is exactly what our crew did during the last contract talks prior to 9/11. Just by doing things the “companyâ€￾ way crippled our productivity. By not trying to circumvent the "system" in place and letting the “systemâ€￾ work as it was designed by management was enough of a problem that both the IAM and the company asked us to stop.
PineyBob said:
I know you have your knickers in a twist LavMan but can you inform this board of ANY Crimes that ANY executive senior or otherwise at US Airways has been convicted of? Or for that matter indicted? As of right now, they may or may not be liars, They are not criminals or thieves as they have not been convicted of any wrong doing.
I would expect a man of you sneekiness (remember what you did at your company) to know that YOU DON'T have to be caught OR convicted to be quilty. They ARE LIARS and they ARE thieves. If you think that are not you either are delusional or really aren't paying attention.
PineyBob said:
I can't help but notice that when I or others present facts or opinions that you can not easily refute with a cut & paste you resort to name calling and homophobic attacks!
Are you getting your jollies with the "homophobic" thing? Are you getting a bit curious? It's okay.....

I have read NOTHING implying ANYTHING concerning homophobia. If you think that the comment about Chris holding Dave's hand is homophobia we can sit down and discuss what homosexuality really is.
Twicebaked said:
I have read NOTHING implying ANYTHING concerning homophobia.
Pineybob is talking about comments that were deleted. Lets get back on the topic.
cavalier and lavman, I am a mechanic and every time you work on an a/c it should be by the book. if what your talking about is a work slowdown, then thats against the law. You have to do every job by the book. If not then when an a/c crashes it's your butt that could end up in jail or being sued for the mistake. If the company did pressure the mechanics to do things that weren't by the book all the mechanic wold have to do is call the FAA and report it. To say your not doing it by the book now is unethical and you shouldn't even be working on airplanes. Obviously lavman by your name on here you must just service lavs.
bassin said:
To say your not doing it by the book now is unethical and you shouldn't even be working on airplanes. Obviously lavman by your name on here you must just service lavs.
Can you read sir? It is not only doing it by the book but being extra safe, EXTRA safe. Triple checking just to be sure that our passengers are safe with our product. I not only am a mechanic I also work with the engineers and fix the mechanics fubar's. You take the high road all you want and break your ### for these people running this airline, the same people who want your job! They are laughing with glee reading divisive posts. An indignant attitude will not feed your family. WAKE UP! They are right out on the front lines telling you as much. LOOK at flyonthewall aka DAVE S and see where he stands and what he is about. They want your head after making empty promises of votes for 2 concessions telling us that means we keep our scope, our work, all the while spewing falsehoods, causing dissension among the ranks and for one purpose only, to get very rich very fast while we hit the streets. The fact that 9/11 occurred and the economy hit the breaks only helped them in their slaughter of labor. So go ahead and take the high and mighty high road and give it your all for these folks who have no interest in you or your family. Go to work everyday and bust your ### for the deceivers who see all union members as socialist and look upon us as a vile entity in society that must be rid of. They want it all for themselves, to live as kings, and if we let them take it, shame on us!
Utility: The work of a utilityman shall include cleaning, washing, and polishing the interior and exterior of airplanes, airplane parts, ramp equipment, hangars, shops, locker rooms and washrooms. Utilityman may also be required to perform cabin service such as placing and arranging in aircraft, magazines, newspapers, flight kits and other passenger conviences.
as a mechanic my self I follow the maint manual and all company procdures, this airline will hang us all out to dry if something happens to a a/c as in the following incidents recently and you wont see lav man in any meetings with the faa and the ntsb if something happens to a aircraft as he only carts the blue stew around and talks about the IAM the UTILITY NEED TO STOP RIDING THE BACKS OF THE MECHANICS
Jetmech once again you show your ignorance, you do not have to have an A&P license to get an LOI from the FAA and have to meet with them, get fined or imprisoned.

And I don't see any mechanics signing off the mandated security checks which you can be fined, imprisoned and fired for if not done properly.

All the work utility does was given to us by mechanics who did not want to do it anymore, you out number any group in the mechanic and related class and craft and you and your fellow mechanics are the ones who voted and ratified the contracts which gave the work to us.

Does it take an A&P to sew carpeting and seat covers?

Does it take an A&P to park and push airplanes?

And why does an A&P at Timco or EADS make anywhere from $12-$16 an hour?

I believe a mechanic is skilled labor and should make more then the industry prevailing wage. But with elitist attitude you have you will never ever improve your wages until you act like a professional. As long as MROs are paying McDonalds wages the Airlines will hold that over your head.

And you need to stop stealing their union dues if you don't want to represent them.
Thank you, PitBull, and exactly so.

In the words of the late Sam Kinnison, "it's not about the cash, is it, honey?"

Regarding the worn-out and transparent coat tail rhetoric, fleet was not under contract until 1999. You mean everything was peachy-keen for mechs until then? If so, why did you strike in 92? As the payscales in that contract resulted in our being paid the average of our competitors, we were not overpaid; thus the company did NOT have to subsidize us out of your paycheck. As a matter of fact, parity, which the mechs considered a CONCESSION, resulted in a raise for the ramp. This would indicate, pre-contract, the ramp was subsidizing mechs. I'd guess some folks think that's ok.

Critical analytical skills, as opposed to uninformed emotional blather: what a concept.

Moreover, it is my understanding that D141 (lowlife ramp scum) floated a loan to D141M (high and mighty mechs) to tide them over a rough patch. Looks like there might be something to the trade union concept. If diversification is such a good investment idea, perhaps that principle can be applied to union organization. That is, if the mech side has a tough time, the rampers, woodworkers, and tire makers are there to provide the union with economic stability. All for one; one for all?

And the biggest point of all.

Mgmt 101 is divide and conqueor. Now would be the time to set differences aside and bear down on mgmt.
LavMan said:
All the work utility does was given to us by mechanics who did not want to do it anymore, you out number any group in the mechanic and related class and craft and you and your fellow mechanics are the ones who voted and ratified the contracts which gave the work to us.

And why does an A&P at Timco or EADS make anywhere from $12-$16 an hour?
It was the union who proposed the any iam member language. And ONCE AGAIN you are being UNTRUTHFUL. There are laid off experienced A&P technicians at timco in GSO starting at over $22 bucks an hour. And by the way there is an abudance of work there since they are doing ALOT OF UNITED HEAVY MAINTENANCE on their 777's. None of which is being done in SFO. Given away by the IAM. Another industry leading contract!! 😱
diogenes said:
Mgmt 101 is divide and conqueor. Now would be the time to set differences aside and bear down on mgmt.
EXACTLY and why flyonthewall comes in here on these boards and stirs the pot hoping to keep us divided so he can flank labor.