Regardless of whether or not information is cut and pasted from an internal company program is not the point. In computer language uppercase is shouting and Microsoft and WordPerfect both provide a change case function.
Meanwhile, I fully understand EBITDAR, UA’s bankruptcy financing requirements, and the financiers stringent requirements to be cumulative revenue and cash flow positive in October. After discussing this requirement with some Wall Street analysts, reviewing the dismal legacy carrier Q2 EPS reports so far, and listening to some conference calls, the fourth quarter is forecast to be weak for the entire industry. These reports coupled with UA having the industries worst yield RPM, according to the recent AVMARK analysis, increase my opinion UA could be in violation of DIP financing covenants this fall.
As I have said before, I do not believe UA will liquidate.
However, as I commented on before, the company was given a huge reprieve and was EBITDAR positive in the spring due to the IRS tax refund and $300 million bailout, but not necessarily a change to the business model. The question continues to be will the company be revenue and cash flow positive with a cumulative EBITDAR of $46 million since December 1 by the end of October?
Moreover, when will the airline announce its business plan (I believe it’s POR must be submitted to the court by December 6), obtain exit financing, submit its revised loan guarantee application, and find an investor? Also noteworthy, there are reports within ALPA R&I that the UA pilot pension plan may need further changes -- if true how will effect the company's reorganization when UA ALPA spokeswoman Scotty Calrk said this could cause a "meltdown" of the airline?
Iflyjetz, I agree with your comment of "whether or not UAL is cumulatively EBITDAR positive at this time is unknown" and I could be wrong, but I still believe UA may not meet its "DIP milestones" to meet the $46 million figure in October, which must be higher in November and December.
Meanwhile, last Friday the National News media began inquiring with analysts about another corporate transaction involving US and UA, which could occur in the near future. It seems that not a month goes by without another reliable source discussing the two airlines and usually where there’s smoke there is fire, however, will something occur this time? This report is focused on how can UA get exit financing. Apparently, there may be a third party investor willing to acquire RSA’s US investment and provide UA with additional exit financing, provided the two companies can integrate. Will it occur? I do not know. Is it being discussed in New York and around the country by key money players? Yes.
Best regards,